Today’s Horoscope
All Signs:
The stars want you to know that how much you sleep is a good indicator of what’s going on with your life.
These days it seems like everyone has trouble sleeping. There are medical conditions and physical reasons that people have trouble sleeping, but more often than not, that’s not the case. Anxiety and worry is usually the main culprit, and most of us just resign ourselves to some sleepless nights.
The thing is, if things are keeping you up at night, you have the same options you have in any other area of life. You can start to work to change the things that are worrying you. You can fix the things that are broken in your life, so they don’t keep you up at night.
If fixing them isn’t an option because they are things that are out of your control, then you need to learn to stop wasting time and energy on things you can’t do anything about. Worrying about things is often your brain trying to control the uncontrollable, and figuring out what things you can and can’t control is often the first step to a happier life.
The more messed up your sleeping patterns, the more messed up your mind and body are. Lack of sleep can mess with your body rhythms, your immune system, all kinds of things. Once that starts happening, you can get into a cycle where your health gets worse and makes it harder to sleep which makes your health get worse, and so on. Wild swings in your sleeping patterns are also signs of some mental illnesses. Bipolar, schizophrenia, paranoia, many times people afflicted with these ailments have serious problems when it comes to sleeping. Some don’t sleep for days because they are manic, and actually feel energized and wide awake, and it can result in a psychotic break eventually. On the other end of the spectrum, people suffering from depression can sleep all the time. Too little or too much sleep can be a problem.
Most people are just victims of anxiety and worry, though. There are many ways to help you fall asleep. Things like music or white noise, meditation, breathing exercises, or simply getting into a routine that helps you prepare for sleep. Sometimes it’s something in your diet that can keep you awake. There is always something new to try, and many resources to check.
But the stars are not sleep therapists. The thing the stars want you to be aware of is that if worries and fears are keeping you up at night, something in your life or the way you look at the world might be out of whack. If you’re sleeping too much or too little, there might be an underlying problem. Your mind and body are always doing what they are doing for a reason, and it’s always best to listen to them and figure out what that reason is.
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