Wednesday, October 24, 2018


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that people have issues. All of them. Those issues are going to dictate their behavior, towards you, towards themselves, towards to world.
You might find as you go through your life that people will come into it, and they might think you're great. They might respect you, or be amazed by you, or love you.
Then one day, their issues take ahold, and the things they loved about you become the things they resent. You are still the same person you were, but all those things they thought were so great about you now drive them crazy.
People constantly look for heroes, they crave people that they can look up to, they want to part of something bigger. They often want people that they respect more than themselves, because they are under the delusion that they are so terribly flawed. Then it suddenly gets overwhelming for them. The doubts and insecurities set in, and they look to tear you down. They don't want their heroes to be better than them, because it magnifies their faults. So yesterday's top box office star is today's overrated has-been.
The same thing can happen on a smaller scale. Now, instead of being someone they admire or love, you only remind them of what they feel they aren't. They put you on a pedestal, then they knock you off. Meanwhile, you are the exact same person you were when they met you. You scratch your head and wonder why the person you love is now someone who resents you and tries to tear you down every chance they get, looking for flaws and imperfections wherever they can.
This is one of those situations where the stars are at a loss at what exactly to tell you. People just have issues, and the only way you're going to find out what they are is to jump in the pool and check the water. Unfortunately, you're going to get hurt in the process. A lot.
All you can do is learn how to deal with the pain better and to try to spot the warning signs that people show you. We all have issues, but there are plenty of people with issues that won't make their issues your problem, and that's who you should look for, in your friends and lovers. Someone more complete, someone reasonably satisfied with who they are and what they have, someone who knows themselves and doesn't need heroes to make them happy. Because if most people are putting you up on that pedestal, they have to knock you back off soon enough, just so they can live with themselves and the choices they made.

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