Today's Horoscope
All signs:
The stars want to remind you that it all starts with you. You need to respect yourself. You need to fix the things in yourself that need fixing. You need to demand that the people in your life treat you the way you should be treated. You need make an effort to understand how your government works and how the actions of corporations and institutions affect you and the world around you. You need to ask the hard questions, of yourself, the people in your life, and of every politician, religious leader, news media outlet, spokesman, celebrity, every single thing in your life. You need to face the truth, even when it means you might lose that battle. You'll be armed that much better for the war.
You need to be informed, you need to be rational and realistic, you need to see the world around you and discern truth from fiction. You need to at peace with yourself, and have confidence in what you know to be right, and you can only know what it right by examination and reexamination. There are no shortcuts.
The stars know that all that stuff isn't easy, but in doing it, you are training yourself to think and react better, and it gets easier. You're never going to be happy or content or successful in your relationships or work or just sitting at home reading a book if you haven't achieved those things inside at your core.
The stars also know that most people live their whole lives never really understanding the most basic things about themselves and the universe. They just assume that torment and misery and bad breaks are just the way life goes. They tell themselves that no one is really happy, and the game is rigged. They will come up with a million reasons and excuses why they should never try or care or worry. They can deny and blame and pout.
It all starts with you, and if you're not careful, it can all go bad and you won't even see it.
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