Friday, August 2, 2019


Today's Horoscope

Sometimes, working really hard at something is actually detrimental. Working hard and working smart are two very different things. In fact, sometimes what you're telling yourself is fixing a problem is actually a diversion or escape from the real problem.
Life is a minefield, and your brain is often working against you, which is why you need to be ever vigilant. When you think you're working on yourself, but what you're doing has you spinning your wheels and falling back into bad habits over and over, you're deluding yourself. When you think you're helping someone else, but they aren't getting better and you're more afraid of them getting mad and leaving than you are of them not getting better, you're just enabling.
When you find yourself worrying more about hurting people's feelings than your own health and safety, you're running from your problems, not addressing them.
Real solutions take real work, and real work results in real progress. If you're not moving forward, you're not doing it right. If you're not capable of doing it on your own, ask for help. Every moment you spend doing it wrong is a moment you'll never get back.
So look closely at your life and what you're putting your energies into. Then learn to work smart.

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