Wednesday, August 14, 2019


Today's Horoscope

People don't like being told what to do. The stars appreciate the irony in a horoscope about that subject, but that's life.
Many times, people really mean well, but just because someone wants to talk about their problems, it doesn't mean they are looking for you to tell them how to run their life. A lot of the time, you're probably not even doing that, but people are conditioned to hear it that way because so many people do exactly that to them, so keep that in mind. If someone reacts that way to you even when you're not telling them how they should be doing things, most likely it means you don't handle it well most of the other times.
Very few people will ever ask you for advice if you're the least bit judgmental or dismissive. They won't want to discuss important things with you if you're going to make them feel stupid or foolish. You need to realize how much of the world makes them feel that way already. People want to be spoken to, not spoken at.
It's a big deal whenever anyone talks to you about the things that are bothering them, the things that they are frustrated with or afraid of. In a way, it's kind of an honor that someone would trust you and need you that much.
If you keep making them feel bad when they do, you won't have to worry about receiving that honor in the future. Learn to listen, learn to suggest without being controlling, learn to make the journey with them, learn to be someone people cherish in their lives rather than someone they have to stifle themselves around.

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