Today's Horoscope
The stars want to point out again that while they try to share their wisdom with you, they are not mental health care professionals. They are not deluded or flippant enough to think that they can help anyone overcome their problems with a few paragraphs here and there. They merely offer their experiences and support in an effort to let people know that they are not alone, and remind them that there is hope and love and kindness in the world.
If you are suffering with any kind of mental health issues or disorders, please know that the stars realize what a burden that can be, and that a few words here and there is not going to cure anything. They also want you to know that you are not alone either. So many of us deal with them as well, a fair amount of us undiagnosed.
There is still a stigma attached to mental illness, and that is so sad, especially when so many of us suffer with it. There are many who deny its impact or existence in some cases, because it is easier to pretend it doesn't exist than to face the fact that might be subject to it as well.
The stars implore you to get help if you need it. Don't be afraid or embarrassed. Don't invalidate your own feelings or issues. Don't live some sort of half life, scared and isolated, alone with your problems.
Now, the problem with that is, it's not always as simple as just "getting help." Many people do not have the resources or insurance to get the help they need, and that is an abomination in the world we live in. It is a reality, though. There are still ways to get help, but it takes some effort and research, something that might certainly be beyond you right now if you are depressed or traumatized or in crisis. If you know someone who is suffering, perhaps you can help them with that. Maybe you can take some time and make some calls and do some of the heavy lifting for them.
If you do, be careful not to make it seem like a chore, or make them feel like a burden or belittle their issues. So many people mean well, but they say or do things that make the people they are trying to help feel worse. When you are dealing with a lot of these mental health issues, you often feel like you are dragging the people around you down with you. It makes you not want to even talk about it, because you don't want people worrying or pitying you. So just help them, have patience, and do what you can. In some cases, you might be the only lifeline these people have, so take that responsibility seriously.
It doesn't stop there, though. Once someone is getting help, it usually involves reliving traumatic events and self examination and hard truths. It is exhausting, and when people wonder why people don't just "get help", it's because it's often a daunting and terrifying process. Again, learn to be supportive and not come off as judgmental or dismissive or put upon.
The stars want to point out that many people view others with mental health issues as weak or damaged, but that's just plain wrong. We are all damaged, the damage starts soon after we are born. Mental illness is not simply damage, it is a condition or sickness that is inflicted on someone, not a choice or a weakness. Some of the strongest people in the world are people suffering from these illnesses and disorders. The amount of courage and willpower it takes to simply get out of bed and face the world every day is more than many of us could handle. It takes strength and resolve.
So while the stars little ramblings are not meant to counsel or address any serious illness or disorders, they want you to know that they care about you, they support you, and they love you just the same. You're not alone, not at all. There are people who love you and want to help, and there are people suffering with the same things you are. None of us are ever truly alone.
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