Friday, August 2, 2019


Today's Horoscope

The stars want to tell you that you might have already found what you're looking for. We spend so much time telling ourselves that we are missing out, or that we need more, or that we're not doing the things we should be doing, we lose track of what we want in the first place.
A lot of the time, the things we berate ourselves for not achieving are things that might just not be important to us. We might be confusing what we want to be with what society wants us to be, or our parents, or friends, or just our own dissatisfied minds.
If some of the things we think are so important really matter that much to us, we would try harder to get them. That's not to say we shouldn't work to improve and better ourselves, but it's important to figure out what we feel that we need in the first place. Are we working to satisfy ourselves, or someone else? Are we striving to be someone we want to be, or what we think is expected of us?
You just might find that in some cases, you already have what you need. Don't chase other people's dreams, chase your own.

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