Thursday, August 15, 2019


Today's Horoscope

In an effort to lift your spirits and inspire you or give you hope, people will tell you all kinds of improbable and fanciful things. They will tell you that you should live your life in ways that just don't seem practical.
They will tell you to dance like no one is watching, to take time to see all the beauty and wonder in the world. They will tell you to look for the positive, and to forgive and let go of your pain instead of clinging to it. They say to nurture and turn the other cheek, to control your ego and take the time to meditate or pray or for self care. They talk about how we should make kindness a priority, and not obsess over responsibilities and day to day life. They tell you to follow your dreams.
They tell you all kinds of things that we scoff at, and call meaningless or insulting or impractical. We wave it off as some pie in the sky dream, as worn out platitudes and catch phrases, that are out of touch with the realities of living in the world today. We feel like it is pointing out things that are unrealistic and unattainable in an effort to trick us into thinking we have a choice.
The stars think that is kind of sad.
Sure, life can be hard at times, but most of the time for most people, it isn’t. You need to be practical and grounded, that is true. You need to be responsible, you need to be realistic, you need to do some things you really don’t feel like doing. That’s a part of your life you have to balance against the rest.
Other people, and your own brain, will tell you can’t just live your life without fear and anxiety and on your own terms. You can’t spend all your time thinking positive and caring about people. You can’t just overcome your circumstances and your compulsions, you can’t tailor your life around the things that make you happy and fulfil you, and you can’t make your dreams come true.
The stars answer to that is: what’s stopping you from doing just that?

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