Tuesday, April 26, 2016


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
Today you will find yourself going through the motions.  Sadly, unless you’re very lucky or very easily amused, that’s what most of life encompasses.  That doesn’t mean it’s bad, or not worth living, it just means that a lot of the things you do aren’t very fulfilling, or inspire you or ignite any passion within you.  
Many things in your life conform to a schedule, be it daily, monthly or yearly.  You eat the same three meals everyday, you pay the same bills every month, you pay your taxes every year, you hide a corpse every time you murder again.  Okay, maybe the last one doesn’t apply to everyone. Mostly just Scorpios.  
The point is, a lot of things we do in life, we just do, and they don’t bring us any great reward, they don’t make for some wonderful moment or grand adventure.  Not just things like going to the grocery store or the post office a few times a week either.  Your job is more often than not like that too, again, unless you’re really lucky.  You show up, make the best of it and try not to watch the clock and get done what needs to get done. Many social obligations are like that too.  Show your face, make nice for awhile, then get back home so you can put on comfortable clothes and try to forget about the next thing you have to do.    
Even things like taking care of your family can seem rote and tiresome.  Having children had its rewards, but a lot of it is just repetition, over and over.  Home ownership, pets, exercise, even sex can often just lapse into routine.  That’s just the way life is, like it or not.
Then there are a lot of people that feel that way about things in life that many other people don’t.  We call them introverts, or they may suffer from depression, or they might just be more well thought out than you and they demand more.  For introverts and deep thinkers, life might be a little less fun, but that’s usually okay.  The stars applaud them for the most part, they look for the truth, even though it sometimes hobbles them.  For people with depression, it’s much worse, and the stars weep for them.  Don’t suffer needlessly if that’s you, get help if you at all can.  
For any of us though, the stars want to offer some advice.  Don’t let the fact that life is full of routine and duty and uninspiring minutiae make you think that life is all misery.  Most people don’t need to be told this, but some of us need to remind ourselves of it daily.  We can quickly get to a point where we assume there is nothing out there for us and we cut ourselves off.  We stop looking for the good and just say “why bother?”  Then the only motion in our lives is backwards.  Don’t always focus on the boring, try to see the joyous, the intriguing, and the things you are curious about.  
Find the things you like, that bring you fulfillment, and grab them by the throat and never let go.  Don’t stop to think about whether you’re good enough at something, or smart enough to understand.  If you like it, keep doing it until you are, or until you grasp it.  Then you have something that is you, that you inhabit and it lives within you and brings you joy.
Then share it.  Run it up the flagpole and see who salutes.  You will find that there are others that share your passions and interests, and now instead of your life being full of people that don’t seem to get it, you have access to people that see things the way you do.

When that happens, you will find that you actually want to do things, not just pretend and shamble along.  You won’t be going through the motions, you will be in motion, moving in a positive direction, upward and onward, towards the stars.

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