Friday, April 8, 2016


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Today you will do your best to ignore reality. We do it all the time, perhaps because subconsciously we don't want to know the truth, or be bothered dealing with it. So we pretend we don't notice, or that we heard it wrong, and we deny what we know to be true.
So many times after a tragedy, we wring our hands and bemoan the fact that we had no warning anything was wrong, but that's a lie we tell ourselves. Part of us knows it's a lie, and we spend the rest of our lives blaming ourselves, but we find a way to ignore that too and wonder why our lives are filled with anxiety and guilt.
We can't afford to keep doing it. We can't gloss over important shit we see happening with our families, friends, and especially our children. Many parents simply look away when it comes to their kids, because they can't accept that they might be picked on, depressed, drinking or doing drugs, sexually active, capable of violence or being abused. So they look the other way so they don't have to face it, and then wonder why their children grow up to be such damaged people. Or worse yet, don't get to grow up at all.
People ignore things that their partners are doing or going through, and then they are surprised when they leave. They skip over important issues with their friends, then get upset when they don't call any more. Many people fill their lives with drama, and many probably do that to drown out the real issues going on in their lives. They get so wrapped up in manufactured problems and they skip right over the real ones. Or perhaps the drama comes into play because there is real stuff going on, but they can't bring themselves to face it so they make up false problems because no one is seeing the real ones. We need to speak up, loud and clear, when we are need help, but we can't always do that. That's why the rest of us have to pay close attention.
There's always that proverbial “cry for help”, and it's usually not as obviousl as it should be. You have to watch for it, and you have to react to it when it comes. Sometimes there is a very small window.
People even ignore shit that's going on in their own heads. They ignore their own problems and insecurities and live in frustration because they are never satisfied, and usually they end up taking that out on others.
All of this because we are too fearful or too lazy to face the truth. You can't just ignore the elephant in the room. You have to look at whatever it is in the eyes and stare it down. You owe it to the people you love and to yourself. You have to summon up your courage and take care of it now, because it will only get worse. We are all capable of it. We convince ourselves that it's too hard or too painful, but we don't give ourselves enough credit. We must have resolve, and we must have the fortitude to see it through.

And if you don't, your friends and lovers and children will wind up damaged or dead, and you will live in torment knowing that you could have done something about it.

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