Friday, October 13, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars know that other people can exasperate you at times. They know that the world sometimes seems like it's full of people sent to make your life harder. They know that the rest of the human race can sometimes seem obtuse and incapable of understanding even the simplest logic.
They know that others seem hell bent on doing the wrong thing or taking the worst option.
But the stars want you to remember that everyone is just out there trying to survive and figure it all out themselves. They all have their own set of problems and obstacles, their own damaged psyche twisted and warped by malicious and well meaning people alike.
So give them a break now and then. The stars want you to remember that more often than not , you're the fly in the ointment from their vantage point as well.
We are all of us fellow travelers, weaving our way through the senseless pain and mediocrity of life, trying to navigate with a faulty map and a refracted view of the heavens. 

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