Monday, October 9, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want everyone to take a break. They look around and see so many people getting so worked up about everything. Yes, these are crazy times, and yes everyone is contentious and on the attack. If not on the attack, they are defensive and ready to retaliate if they think you are going to disagree with them.
Do you recall how people always claimed that the powers that be want us divided? That they wanted us at each other's throats so they could distract us and pass whatever legislation they want and raid the coffers? Most of the people involved in all this squabbling are saying it too.
The stars want to point out, what do you think is happening right now? If you know that's their game, why are you all playing your part so well?
The stars see so many people that are exhausted, frightened, exasperated, and angry. They see irrational fears taking over. They see pessimism and negativity dominating their attitudes.
So they want everyone to take a deep breath and relax. They want to point out that most of the problems we are facing are the same ones we've been facing for a long, long time. There's just a new boss in charge, and he's not very formidable at all. He's just good at pushing buttons. He's not a master legislator. He's not adept at insidious power plays. He's just a run of the mill instigator and bully, and like all bullies, if you refuse to react to him, he will have no power.
So relax, reset, and stop doing your enemies work for them. Stop reacting in the exact way they want you to act. Stop focusing on the negative and concentrate on the positive. Enjoy your life, and take care to nurture your heart and your soul, because at times you are really going to need them. Don't let your enemies dictate your feelings. Don't give them control over your actions.
The stars have seen it all. They have watched genocides and civilizations fall. They have seen injustice and murder and torture. They have seen war and famine and disease ravage the globe.
And in the end, they have seen good people and level headed thinking win out over evil and greed. Every time. If they hadn't, mankind would have been done millennia ago.
So take it easy and be ready when you are needed, and in the meantime, just relax and get back to being you.
Because the world is going to need you. 

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