Monday, October 30, 2017


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want you to know that all the people you admire and look up to have to deal with a lot of the same things you do.  Misfortune, cruel treatment from people they know and people they don’t, heartache, self-doubt and self-hatred, worries over things they can’t control and cursing themselves when they let the things they can control get away from them, all the inner turmoil and insecurities that go with living.  
The difference is that they don’t let it show and they don’t let it stop them.
The world is scary, cruel and fickle and random.  We are all living in it, and yes, some people definitely start out with privilege and advantage, but we all start out with our own set of gifts.  Everyday you see people rise above their disadvantages by utilizing the advantages they recognize in themselves.  Sometimes we are so worried about what others have that we forget the things we possess.  
Many of the reasons we admire or respect people is because they rose above their station, or made it out of poverty or an otherwise bad situation.  They did that using the gifts they had and the drive to gain new knowledge to better themselves.  They took chances, they sacrificed, they believed in themselves when no one else did.  
You have that same ability and your own destiny to create.
The stars want you to know that many times the biggest obstacles we face in life are ourselves. They are not here to tell you that your struggles aren't real, they aren't going to tell you to just get over it. They are going to tell you to come out swinging, and see how far your sheer force of will can get you.
In case no one in your life tells you this, you are capable of great things if you want it. You might be surrounded by people telling you there's no use trying. You might be born into a society and economic situation that set you way back at the starting line. You are probably full of the same doubts and fears that plague everyone but true sociopaths.

But the stars want to tell you unequivocally that you have all the potential in the world. Nothing is easy, but it wasn't easy for those people you admire either. Go be someone that others look up to.

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