Monday, October 30, 2017


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want to remind you that social media is not always real life.
True, you can interact and bond with people there.  You can find people that might become your best friends, or even your spouse. You can meet allies, you can talk to people you would never have the chance to meet in the real world.  
You also have to keep in mind that you are seeing what they choose to present. You are seeing a portion of them, not the whole.  That is why we end up getting in trouble sometimes, we can’t fully conceive of this new way of knowing someone.
We can also meet people that we decide we hate.  People who in an instant we deem horrible and not worth the time to talk to. We rage at them and call them names and block them and question their humanity, usually based on a single comment.
On Facebook, we see one specific part of each other.  We have to keep in mind that when we get into a discussion with people on social media, we are arguing about one thing.  We are both seeing one opposing belief without seeing anything else that person is about.  
How many times have you been let down when some celebrity or artist is found to have some viewpoint that goes completely against what you believe?  Meanwhile up until that moment, you loved them or their music or acting or whatever.  Because you didn’t really know them.   You knew about a few things that you felt you had in common.  
We are this way with some of our friends, too.  We have people in our lives that fit in one area, but not in another.  No one has everything in common with every one of their friends.  We have different people to fill different needs.
Keep in mind that you could find something to disagree on with anyone.  The people closest to you get into arguments with you all the time.  It you just came across them on Facebook, you could vehemently disagree with Gandhi on one subject while siding with Hitler on another.  You wouldn’t know a thing about them besides one point of view on one narrow issues.

So the stars want to tell you that except in extreme cases, don’t just write everyone off at the drop of a hat. You could be throwing a lot of good away with one bad trait, and that’s not going to help anybody.

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