Wednesday, November 30, 2016


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want to remind you that if you’ve ever been the victim of physical or sexual violence that it is not your fault.  
Unless you were trying to inflict grievous harm on someone else in some extreme case, there is no excuse for it.  It doesn’t matter if you lied or cheated or stole.  It doesn’t matter if you were drunk or dressed provocatively or in the wrong place at the wrong time.  It doesn’t matter if your opinion is different or if you made someone feel foolish or uncomfortable.  It doesn’t matter at all.  Nothing excuses another person hitting or belittling or taking advantage of or raping anyone.  Not just women, anyone.  
Violence is pretty much everywhere these days, and people have just come to take it as a part of life.  This is unacceptable.  
People hit their kids and teach them that violence is the answer to life’s problems.  People see action stars and super heroes punching and killing their foes, and it reinforces the notion that might is right.  People see celebrities and rich people getting away with sexual abuse and domestic violence because of their position in society and they start to think that maybe it’s okay.  
It is not okay.
Not by a longshot.
When you commit abuse against another person you take something away from them that they may never get back.  You doom them to a life of reliving trauma, questioning their self worth and ruining any chance they might have of happiness.  They might spend the rest of their days not trusting anyone, always wondering when they might turn on them too, feeling like they disserved whatever evil befell them.
You doom them to a half life, scared and unsure and unable to grow.
The stars are here to tell you that you didn’t deserve any of it.  You are just as beautiful and pure and lovely as you were before anything bad every happened at all.  Just because that beauty is now hidden away from the world and yourself does not mean it isn’t there and that no one can see it.
People can, and the stars can, and they know that it might be a long, hard climb back to the light, but remember that the light will always be there waiting for you.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want to explain to you that they have been emitting particles for billions of years.  Trillions upon trillions of them per second, from trillions and trillions of stars.  These neutrinos pass through everything in their way, including you.  The sun alone sends 65 billion of them streaming through every square centimeter of your body every second. We are awash in them, particles formed at the time of creation, that started their journey to you before the galaxy existed.  Every light you see in the sky is at that second bombarding you with other light particles too, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to see them.  All your life, before you were born, even while you were atoms making up another star or a dinosaur or Alexander the Great or Caligula, every second, touched and probed by light from a billion suns.  That light and those particles had a minute influence on each of those atoms and in some ways made you into you.
And that is how the stars know who you are.
They know the real you, the hopeless romantic that wants it all to work out right.
The devastation of when it doesn’t, and the raw nerves you sometimes have to concentrate on with all your might to calm them down so you can make it through the next minute, let alone the next day.
The part of you that still thinks like a child until your mind catches it and tells you to grow up and do the responsible thing and the twinge of sadness when you actually do.
The times of sheer joy when the child inside of you tells the adult in you to shove it and risks injury and reprimand and does what it wants anyway.
The times words like “I’m sorry” or “I love you” or “Please don’t go” caught in your throat a second too long and now you have a lifetime of wondering what might have been.
The times you cry, sometimes out of grief, sometimes out of joy, sometimes for some reason that seems even silly to you, but you cry all the same and hope no one sees.
The vivid memories in your mind that might not be the exact way it happened, but they are home to you all the same.
The fear you feel as you age and those memories seem to start slipping away and you lay in the dark and wonder how much you might lose of yourself.
All the loss and tragedy that still comes from out of nowhere to remind you that it is still lost to you and nothing you can do will ever change it, and the wound that you thought had healed feels fresh all over again.
All the shame and guilt and fear you carry around with you because you hold onto memories of things that will haunt you forever.
The moment you meet someone and think that maybe they are the one that will help the ghosts that haunt you will go away, and the ache when they pass out of your life as quickly as they entered and leave you alone with your ghosts again.
The times you try so hard, with everything you have, and it still comes up short somehow.  
They see how empty it can leave you, how draining it is and how bruised and battered you are.
And they see you get up and somehow do it all over again, with resolve you didn’t even know you possessed.
But the stars knew.  After all, you are made up of them, constructed with atoms forged in their core.  
We are the stars.
And we knew all these things all along too.
The stars just want to remind their children of that, and that they love you and are proud of you and all that you truly are.

Monday, November 28, 2016


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Today the stars want to plead to you. They want to beg you. Please stop punishing yourselves. Most of the turmoil in our lives is avoidable. Most of the emotional pain you are suffering from is all self inflicted, or you allow others to inflict it on you and do your dirty work for you.
You are beating yourselves up for things that aren't your fault, or if they are your fault, they are easily correctable.
The one thing that perplexes the stars is that with all our gifts we possess, the most prevalent one seems to be how to prove how much we hate ourselves.
We sabotage ourselves, we deny ourselves, we do penance where no penance is due. We put ourselves in dangerous situations again and again, and we run from those who truly love us.
So please, for God's sake, stop doing it. They implore you. Your better life is so tantalizingly close, stop pushing it away. Get some help if you need it, let those that love you simply love you, and stop working against yourself.

The stars want to remind you that while you're punishing yourself, you are also punishing those that love you, and they don't need any extra help in that department either.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Today is Thanksgiving, and the stars are fine with you being thankful for the good fortune you've had and the people on your life.
They don't mind you giving thanks for any little thing in your life that you feel you should be grateful for.
They just want you to make sure you save some big thanks for yourself. You've overcome some pretty harsh times this year. You've gone out of our your way on more than one occasion to help someone that needed it.
Most importantly though, you've gotten through a bunch of things, big and small, and most of the time it was probably all you.
You don't give yourself enough credit, so now it's time to start. Thank yourself for being you. No one else is you, and you have been kicking around this world your whole life and doing fine.

So thank yourself first and foremost, because we seldom think to do it nearly as much as we should.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want you to know that they sympathize. They see that the world is sometimes darkness, with nothing but sharp edges waiting for you to walk into.
They know that life can bring you to the brink over and over, and many times salvation seems like prolonging the agony.
They know that just getting enough to survive can feel like torture and make you wonder if it's worth it.
They see that the grace and beauty you possess most often brings you nothing but scorn and misery and the feeling that you'll never be understood or belong.
They know all this and more, and they know that sometimes it can make you hate, and that hate feels more satisfying for that instance than anything love can bring.
But that hate burns bright and quickly, and it leaves you with nothing, and more often than not takes the one thing you always could count on: yourself.
But love. Love sustains. Love grows. Love gives you strength, and courage, and love will always show you the way back home if you let it.
The stars want to remind you that you know where home is, if you only take the time to look, and love will be waiting there for you.


Tuesday, November 22, 2016


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that everything bad in your life is a result of fear.
They want you to do something about that.
Really, do something about that and let go of the foolish notion of control and start living, because that's all there is to it.
If not, fear becomes inaction, it becomes regret, it becomes shame, it becomes guilt, it becomes hatred. It becomes everything you have tried to avoid.

The stars want you to be fearless and free and to show yourself and the world how amazing you really are.

Monday, November 21, 2016


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to talk to you about hatred. There are always going to be some things in life that you hate, but when you find yourself hating a group of people, that's when there's a problem.
Hate is a very strong word, but it is a valid emotion and it is real and it does apply in very select circumstances. If you hate the things Kanye West says or does, that's one thing, if you hate all rappers or black people or culture based on that, then you're getting into dangerous territory.
Worse yet, people will tend to hate a certain race or religion or social status based on lies and misconceptions. When you get to that point, hate clouds your judgment and ends up hurting you in the end. You make bad choices, you leave your mind open to manipulation by others that have their own agenda.
Making a choice based on hatred is never good for anyone. And hatred is so insidious that many times people don't even realize that it is in fact hatred they are expressing. They have truly lost their way because hate has blinded them.
Hate is simply fear and insecurity and jealousy in yet another guise. It will take up more and more of your energy and time, and it will make you more unhappy everyday. It will happen in small increments and you won't even notice until one day you will wake up and look at yourself in the mirror and you will see what all people consumed by hatred have seen eventually.
The thing you truly hate is yourself.
The stars don't want to see that happen to you. They know we were not put here to hate, and they know that you know it too. So remember that where there is a chance to hate, there is always an equal chance to love.

Choose wisely, or someday you will forget that you even have a choice.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want you to know that often times being kind brings no reward.  Many times our kindness and understanding is repaid by scorn, or by people taking advantage of it.  Worse yet, sometimes it is met with complete apathy, and the other person doesn’t even recognize it or appreciate it in the least.
It hurts.  It hurts in a way that makes you question who you are and why you are even trying.  It makes you feel foolish sometimes, other times it makes you feel used and inconsequential.  There is nothing worse than when you offer someone the world and they shrug it off like it doesn’t even matter.
Most people in the world don’t or can’t appreciate the things they have.  That is not your shortcoming, it is theirs, and all too often the kind people get trampled down and marginalized to the point where cynicism takes hold and the kindness seeps away.
The stars see that unless you are born a psychopath, that all people start out kind.  Then the world beats it out of them.  Every betrayal takes its toll, every casual dismissal chips away at the part of us that cares about others.  All the horrors that are visited upon us tear a little piece of us off, to fly away in the wind into the darkness, lost forever.
And one day even the best of us stop being kind.  We get selfish, closed off, anything to protect ourselves from the crushing, glacial weight of all the indifference and selfishness of the people that nonchalantly threw away everything we offered.
The stars want you to know that it is not your fault for being kind.  You are not to blame.  Your kindness is one of the most wonderful and amazing things that human beings are capable of.  To be kind, over and over, unflinchingly, when you know that there is a very good chance that your kindness will only bring you pain, is close to whatever Godliness is supposed to be.  
The stars see your kindness.
The stars know how wonderful you are.
The stars understand that you possess a knowledge greater than all the evil and misery and indifference of the universe can ever amass.
The world needs you, now more than ever, so never stop being kind.  
The stars realize that kindness may be the only thing that saves our wretched souls, that someday pulls us up out of the dark and gives all of us a chance to be as glorious as we are  supposed to be.  

The stars implore you, for the sake of all of us, never stop being kind.  


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want you to know that love is supposed to be hard sometimes. They're not talking about romantic love, although that is too.
If you devote your life to love rather than hate, you are in for some tough times. People seem to take the offer of unconditional love as a dare.
You don't have to specifically love your enemies.  If there is someone that stands for everything you are against, and they are reprehensible and irredeemable, well you should fight them with all you have.
But is anyone totally irredeemable? That might be a discussion for another day, but if someone is capable of redemption, it is safe to say that you won't save anyone's soul with hate.
There are people that are not your enemy per se, but they will tax you and vex you and they will push you to the edge with their rhetoric and deeds. No one is saying you have to love them, but if they have any good qualities that go along with the bad, maybe you should.
Maybe giving up on people at the drop of the hat is not good for anyone. Certainly it is not going to help the people you write off. Your hatred will just make them feel that they are justified in their lousy behavior. It will make them feel that no one does care about them or whether or not they sink or swim.
All you will do is reinforce their insecurities and low self esteem, and signal to them that they are as bad as they feel about themselves. That will not give them any incentive to better themselves and they will continue in their downward spiral.
“So what?” you might find yourself saying, “they deserve whatever misery they find. It serves them right.”
Well, maybe they don't deserve all that misery. Perhaps they have had some bad breaks. Maybe they are less fortunate than you, and never had anyone show them love. Or maybe the only person that ever did make them feel loved is gone. They might be reeling, and a little kindness might make all the difference in the world. You don't know.
The point the stars want to make is that hating these people rather than loving them is never going to make the world a better place. Hating them is never going to help them, so in hating people that disagree with you, you are making your own life worse.
You are ensuring that these people never see your point of view. You are ensuring that these people never stop fighting against you to make the world into a place that frustrates and infuriates you.
Your hate is only coming back to you multiplied, and at that point it is not your “enemies” that are causing your misery, it is you.
So yes, the stars realize that love is hard.  Loving in the face of hatred, especially self hatred, is exhausting sometimes. Showing love when love is the farthest thing from your mind can be the hardest thing you might ever have to do.
So yes, love is so, so hard sometimes.

The stars also want to remind you that everything worthwhile usually is.

Friday, November 11, 2016


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want to remind you that the hardest lessons you learn are the ones you teach yourself.  When your actions are motivated by prejudice and hatred, and fueled by misinformation and fear, you are delivering yourself into the hands of the enemy.  
That enemy could be unscrupulous politicians and religious leaders, corporations or banks, and even more likely people that you know and think you can trust.  
Most times though, the real enemy is you.  You have a mole, a double agent living in your head, and they are working against you all the time.  They should be working for you, and it’s your job to keep them under control and walking the straight and narrow.  It’s your responsibility, because sometimes your actions don’t just affect you, they affect the whole population, and while you're teaching yourself a very hard lesson, you are punishing a whole lot of other people that didn’t need that reminder.
This is growth the hard way, the only way most people seem capable of it.  And many don’t even get anything out of the lesson, they just keep on letting that double agent in their head keep trying to teach them over and over.

The stars feel sorry for the people that already know the lesson, but now have to suffer along with the rest of them while they try to figure it out for themselves.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want you to know that you really fucked this one up.
Honestly, they don't know what the fuck you were thinking.
You have set yourself back 50 years and you don't even know it because you are so misinformed and have no clue about your own best interests. You are angry, and confused and you have blundered into one of the worst mistakes in history, and you're so ignorant that you are proud of yourself for doing it.
This is nothing new.
Humans are constantly making themselves laughing stocks and not even realizing that the joke is on them. And so it is again.
The stars would laugh but they are too busy crying as we once again prove to be our own worst enemy.
We will learn.

Monday, November 7, 2016


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars know that many of you have a big decision to make tomorrow. They want you to know, whatever happens, it will be alright.
Just keep in mind that there are two versions of alright. There is alright now and alright in the grand scheme of things.  It will be alright in the grand scheme of things.
Our governing system is self correcting, just like many systems in nature. What that means is that while there may be hiccups in the road, in the long run things will work out.
Just as people are worried about the environment, and want to save the planet, the planet itself doesn't need saving. We do. The planet has survived cataclysm after cataclysm, and it endures. Life is the same way. Time after time, mass extinctions kill most of the life in the planet, yet life endures. When we say save the planet, or anything for that matter, we are really saying save ourselves and the quality of life we are used to.
Our country has survived revolution, civil war, famines and epidemics, treason and incompetence.
Being on the wrong side of history is a footnote fifty or a hundred years after the fact, but it isn’t so much fun while it’s happening.  
So choose wisely tomorrow, whatever you do.  Really think about the consequences your choice will have, not just for you but for the people you know and love, but the country in general.  

The stars want you to know that in the long run, everything will indeed be alright, but in the here and now you could very easily make your life a living hell, and that’s not alright at all.

Thursday, November 3, 2016


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to let you know that all human beings are liars. It is our natural inclination, for a multitude of reasons. Most of the time they are tiny, harmless lies, and we don't even know why we tell them.
Maybe we are so used to being made to feel ashamed for things that are not really shameful that we automatically try to hide our feelings. Maybe we've been hurt before, and we have lost the trust that people won't hate us or abandon us or hit us for simple things that shouldn't warrant those responses.  
Perhaps it is the tone of voice or facial expression people ask us questions with, like they are accusing us before we even reply.  Maybe we haven’t even come to terms with something that just happened to us or something we did.
We might feel like the person who loves us wouldn’t be able to handle one aspect of our core being and we lock it away from them because we are so afraid of losing what we have.
Maybe we are trying to protect the ones we love because they couldn't handle the truth and we are doing them a favor, or want to avoid an argument. While there might be some truth to that, just know that avenue of thinking is wrong and unfair to you and the person you are withholding information from, no matter how justifiable it might seem.
The point is, people are going to lie to you, big and small, and it is just how we all are and there's not much we can do about it.  It’s not the best aspect of our humanity, but it is undeniably there.
The stars want you to just make sure the person you trust most to lie to you loves you enough to tell the right lies.