Thursday, August 15, 2019


Today's Horoscope

In an effort to lift your spirits and inspire you or give you hope, people will tell you all kinds of improbable and fanciful things. They will tell you that you should live your life in ways that just don't seem practical.
They will tell you to dance like no one is watching, to take time to see all the beauty and wonder in the world. They will tell you to look for the positive, and to forgive and let go of your pain instead of clinging to it. They say to nurture and turn the other cheek, to control your ego and take the time to meditate or pray or for self care. They talk about how we should make kindness a priority, and not obsess over responsibilities and day to day life. They tell you to follow your dreams.
They tell you all kinds of things that we scoff at, and call meaningless or insulting or impractical. We wave it off as some pie in the sky dream, as worn out platitudes and catch phrases, that are out of touch with the realities of living in the world today. We feel like it is pointing out things that are unrealistic and unattainable in an effort to trick us into thinking we have a choice.
The stars think that is kind of sad.
Sure, life can be hard at times, but most of the time for most people, it isn’t. You need to be practical and grounded, that is true. You need to be responsible, you need to be realistic, you need to do some things you really don’t feel like doing. That’s a part of your life you have to balance against the rest.
Other people, and your own brain, will tell you can’t just live your life without fear and anxiety and on your own terms. You can’t spend all your time thinking positive and caring about people. You can’t just overcome your circumstances and your compulsions, you can’t tailor your life around the things that make you happy and fulfil you, and you can’t make your dreams come true.
The stars answer to that is: what’s stopping you from doing just that?

Wednesday, August 14, 2019


Today's Horoscope

The stars want to point out again that while they try to share their wisdom with you, they are not mental health care professionals. They are not deluded or flippant enough to think that they can help anyone overcome their problems with a few paragraphs here and there. They merely offer their experiences and support in an effort to let people know that they are not alone, and remind them that there is hope and love and kindness in the world.
If you are suffering with any kind of mental health issues or disorders, please know that the stars realize what a burden that can be, and that a few words here and there is not going to cure anything. They also want you to know that you are not alone either. So many of us deal with them as well, a fair amount of us undiagnosed.
There is still a stigma attached to mental illness, and that is so sad, especially when so many of us suffer with it. There are many who deny its impact or existence in some cases, because it is easier to pretend it doesn't exist than to face the fact that might be subject to it as well.
The stars implore you to get help if you need it. Don't be afraid or embarrassed. Don't invalidate your own feelings or issues. Don't live some sort of half life, scared and isolated, alone with your problems.
Now, the problem with that is, it's not always as simple as just "getting help." Many people do not have the resources or insurance to get the help they need, and that is an abomination in the world we live in. It is a reality, though. There are still ways to get help, but it takes some effort and research, something that might certainly be beyond you right now if you are depressed or traumatized or in crisis. If you know someone who is suffering, perhaps you can help them with that. Maybe you can take some time and make some calls and do some of the heavy lifting for them.
If you do, be careful not to make it seem like a chore, or make them feel like a burden or belittle their issues. So many people mean well, but they say or do things that make the people they are trying to help feel worse. When you are dealing with a lot of these mental health issues, you often feel like you are dragging the people around you down with you. It makes you not want to even talk about it, because you don't want people worrying or pitying you. So just help them, have patience, and do what you can. In some cases, you might be the only lifeline these people have, so take that responsibility seriously.
It doesn't stop there, though. Once someone is getting help, it usually involves reliving traumatic events and self examination and hard truths. It is exhausting, and when people wonder why people don't just "get help", it's because it's often a daunting and terrifying process. Again, learn to be supportive and not come off as judgmental or dismissive or put upon.
The stars want to point out that many people view others with mental health issues as weak or damaged, but that's just plain wrong. We are all damaged, the damage starts soon after we are born. Mental illness is not simply damage, it is a condition or sickness that is inflicted on someone, not a choice or a weakness. Some of the strongest people in the world are people suffering from these illnesses and disorders. The amount of courage and willpower it takes to simply get out of bed and face the world every day is more than many of us could handle. It takes strength and resolve.
So while the stars little ramblings are not meant to counsel or address any serious illness or disorders, they want you to know that they care about you, they support you, and they love you just the same. You're not alone, not at all. There are people who love you and want to help, and there are people suffering with the same things you are. None of us are ever truly alone.


Today's Horoscope

The stars know how wonderful it would be if everyone was perfect. They're not, and you're not, so cut them and yourself some slack.
In fact, a lot of the time, the things that make people imperfect are usually the things that make them special, that make you fall in love with them, that make them achieve things that most never can.
Now, the stars hope you know the difference between people who just have a different view or a different way of doing things and people who are toxic and predators. Beware of the ones who will hurt you, but don't be so quick to dismiss the ones who bring diversity and another way of thinking into your life. Don't be so quick to label someone else's viewpoint as stupid or wrong just because you can't be bothered trying to see it from where they're sitting.
What seem like imperfections are really the greatest strength our species possess, and the key to growth and happiness.


Today's Horoscope

The stars love that so many of you work so hard to save people in crisis, to help people who are victims of corruption and greed, to try to save the environment and the very planet we live on.
They also share your pain when the very people you're trying to help keep running straight for oblivion the first chance they get.
It is so frustrating that the world is full of people seemingly hell bent on destruction. They fight against their own self interests. The stars can offer you no help on wrapping your head around it, why people are so drawn to hurting themselves over and over.
They simply know that it has been that way forever, and they know that if you're the type of person who cares, you can't turn away no matter how much you feel you want to. Sometimes it's like trying to push back the tide with a bucket, and you're just setting yourself up for nothing but heartbreak.
There's the real irony. In your own way, it's almost like you're looking to fail as well, but that's not really true. You're holding onto hope, you're fighting the good fight, you see a better option and a better world. You're going to have some victories along the way, but mostly, it will feel like you are toiling in vain, and putting a lot more effort in than you're going to get out.
The only solace that the stars can offer you is that all that small progress you make here and there along the way adds up. When you look at the long arc of the human race, so many things have gotten better in the long run instead of worse. When you fight for what's right, you add that kindness and momentum to a collective drive that shapes the world and keeps things progressing.
You are making a difference with your bucket, standing shoulder to shoulder with the rest of us with our buckets, and holding back the tide after all.


Today's Horoscope

The stars want to remind you to try to make people smile. The world is harsh enough, and people don't need you making it harder.
The wonderful thing about making people smile is that you create something that carries on after the fact. How many times in your life has a pleasant memory popped into your head, and you found yourself smiling all over again? It might even be someone who is no longer alive, yet still that smile they gave you years ago is still right there with you.
Smiles traverse time and space, they live on in people's minds and hearts. In some ways, they are your legacy. What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind?


Today’s Horoscope

Some days the best you can do is just hold on tight to yourself and survive.
Some people think that’s not enough, but they are wrong, it’s a huge victory. There are plenty of people everyday who don’t make it, and that is heartbreaking.
So the stars want to tell you that the world is a better place with you in it, and there is so much more out there than you see most of the time. Options. Opportunity. Love. Kindness. Wonder. Solutions. Comfort. Joy. A million things, big and small, that make life worth holding onto.
So the stars implore you to do what it takes to stick around, and to please ask for help if you need it. There are always people who love you, even if you can’t always see it. There are always people willing to do whatever it takes to help, even if they don’t know you at all. That alone tells you that the world isn’t as bad a place as it might seem at times.
The stars have seen it all. They have been there since the beginning, they created most of the elements that make up the universe, and the particles that fuel it. They have spent an eternity holding the universe together and shining their light out over unfathomable distances, just so you can look up at the sky and know that they are still there.
They would hate it if you weren’t there as well.

National Suicide Prevention Hotline


Today's Horoscope

The stars want you to pay attention to the things that frighten you or make you the most defensive, because they just might be the things you desire, and the path to achieving your wildest dreams.


Today's Horoscope

The stars see how kindness and compassion have always been portrayed as weak by the people who want to control you. It is easier to rule people who are frightened and full of hate, focused on an enemy who is not really their enemy at all.
Hate is easy. Blame is free and abundant, and simple to toss around. Unchecked emotion makes it seem permissible to deny uncomfortable truths. Hatred makes you a slave and a puppet.
Thinking is hard. Empathy takes effort sometimes. Kindness and compassion means overcoming your own fears and insecurities, and that takes bravery and strength.
Don't let fear mongers and sociopaths make you think you are weak. They wouldn't waste time trying to discredit you if that were the case.
You are the strong ones.
They are the weak and pathetic evildoers who mean us harm.
Know your enemies and know who you are, before all is lost.


Today's Horoscope

People don't like being told what to do. The stars appreciate the irony in a horoscope about that subject, but that's life.
Many times, people really mean well, but just because someone wants to talk about their problems, it doesn't mean they are looking for you to tell them how to run their life. A lot of the time, you're probably not even doing that, but people are conditioned to hear it that way because so many people do exactly that to them, so keep that in mind. If someone reacts that way to you even when you're not telling them how they should be doing things, most likely it means you don't handle it well most of the other times.
Very few people will ever ask you for advice if you're the least bit judgmental or dismissive. They won't want to discuss important things with you if you're going to make them feel stupid or foolish. You need to realize how much of the world makes them feel that way already. People want to be spoken to, not spoken at.
It's a big deal whenever anyone talks to you about the things that are bothering them, the things that they are frustrated with or afraid of. In a way, it's kind of an honor that someone would trust you and need you that much.
If you keep making them feel bad when they do, you won't have to worry about receiving that honor in the future. Learn to listen, learn to suggest without being controlling, learn to make the journey with them, learn to be someone people cherish in their lives rather than someone they have to stifle themselves around.

Friday, August 2, 2019


Today’s Horoscope

It’s Friday, so as usual the stars want to congratulate you on making it through another week. They know it’s hard sometimes, and even though a lot of the annoyances and problems we contend with don’t always seem like a big deal to other people, they are still our problems, and they are still valid.
But it’s the weekend, so in the spirit of that, the stars want to remind you that you should have things that you are passionate about. You should have things in your life that excite you and make you feel alive or enthusiastic or part of something. There should be things in your life that get you animated when you talk about them, and you find yourself still going on even after your friend’s eyes have glazed over.
It can be something you do, some creative process or maybe a cause you fight for. It could be a hobby or travel or fitness. It doesn’t have to be something you create or accomplish, it can also be movies or music or art, or history or science. It can be pretty much anything, as long as it inspires and motivates you. If you’re really lucky, it could turn out to be something you can support yourself with financially.
If you don’t have anything in your life like that, you really aren’t trying hard enough to find it. Revelations and discovery don’t always just happen, you have to work at it. It takes research and journeys and experimentation. It’s a great big world, and there is something out there that will work for you if you look hard enough. You need to try different things to discover what sparks your passion, that’s just how it works.
So go find your passions.

8/1/19 Thursday Night Bonus

Today's Horoscope Thursday Night Bonus

Some people are sentimental and nostalgic, and hold onto memories, good or bad. They relive them over and over, for a multitude of reasons. Some because the past seems safer and it makes more sense than the present. Some because the people that exist in the past don't exist in the present, and there are holes in their lives that never fill, and memories bring them solace. Some think of the past, and it makes everything feel better, if not a little bittersweet.
Some people live in the past because they can't get over some trauma or heartbreak that haunts them. They can't get closure, no matter how hard they try. No answer they arrive at makes sense, no diversion can occupy their thoughts for long, no new love or kindness can ever make up for the damage that has been done. For them, the past is an open wound, and the present is agony. They are untethered.
On any random Thursday night, a lot of people might be living in the past, for good or bad. Some are content, some are torn apart, some are in denial, and some are just lonely, reliving whatever it is that they can't let go of, and wondering if their best days are behind them, or still lie ahead.
That's when your humanity is right near the surface, bursting through your skin and demanding to be acknowledged, and it seems like your whole life is in play. It is, all the time, so figure out where you want to live it, because there are a lot of melancholy Thursday nights in your future. What will your memories bring?


Today's Horoscope

The stars want to tell you that you might have already found what you're looking for. We spend so much time telling ourselves that we are missing out, or that we need more, or that we're not doing the things we should be doing, we lose track of what we want in the first place.
A lot of the time, the things we berate ourselves for not achieving are things that might just not be important to us. We might be confusing what we want to be with what society wants us to be, or our parents, or friends, or just our own dissatisfied minds.
If some of the things we think are so important really matter that much to us, we would try harder to get them. That's not to say we shouldn't work to improve and better ourselves, but it's important to figure out what we feel that we need in the first place. Are we working to satisfy ourselves, or someone else? Are we striving to be someone we want to be, or what we think is expected of us?
You just might find that in some cases, you already have what you need. Don't chase other people's dreams, chase your own.


Today's Horoscope

Sometimes, working really hard at something is actually detrimental. Working hard and working smart are two very different things. In fact, sometimes what you're telling yourself is fixing a problem is actually a diversion or escape from the real problem.
Life is a minefield, and your brain is often working against you, which is why you need to be ever vigilant. When you think you're working on yourself, but what you're doing has you spinning your wheels and falling back into bad habits over and over, you're deluding yourself. When you think you're helping someone else, but they aren't getting better and you're more afraid of them getting mad and leaving than you are of them not getting better, you're just enabling.
When you find yourself worrying more about hurting people's feelings than your own health and safety, you're running from your problems, not addressing them.
Real solutions take real work, and real work results in real progress. If you're not moving forward, you're not doing it right. If you're not capable of doing it on your own, ask for help. Every moment you spend doing it wrong is a moment you'll never get back.
So look closely at your life and what you're putting your energies into. Then learn to work smart.