Friday, June 29, 2018

6/29/18 Friday Bonus

Today's Horoscope Friday Bonus

All signs:
It's Friday! You made it through another week! Pat yourself on the back and feel satisfied.
The stars want to remind you that even though they are usually talking to the people who are dealing with adversity, that's not all there is. It's just that people who are suffering are a priority. They need the stars right now.
The stars want you to understand that the people in crisis at any given time are the minority. By a lot. Right now, some of you are falling in love, or laughing and dancing or doing whatever it is that makes you happy. Some of you are content, some of you are embarked on a great adventure. Some of you are simply at peace, feeling safe and secure and blessed. You have your children with you, your family around you, you feel at home and enveloped by those you love. Some of you have changed your life for the better. New job, new friends, new outlook.
Or maybe it's just a little thing that reminds you that life isn't so bad after all. A song, a sunny day, a lingering look from someone who thinks you're cute. A connection with someone else who thinks like you. A new outfit or shoes. A card or letter or flowers that lets you know that someone cares. Holding hands or a kiss.
The stars see all of that, too, that's how they can come here everyday and tell you to hang on. That's how they can be so sure that you're going to make it through. Never lose sight of all those good things that happen all the time. Even if it's not you right now, it will be you someday soon, maybe before you are even done reading this. It's a universe of endless possibilities, and most of those possibilities are good.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars suggest you get people in your life who really care about you. Chances are those people are already there. Good. Now lean on them when you need to.
The stars tell you all the time that there is no need to go through tough times alone. Sure, people will cause a lot of your troubles, but people will help you get over them, too. Life is a process of figuring out which people will cause you heartache and which ones will fix it. And yes, sometimes it's the same person who does both.
You should have people in your life who can just listen, without judgment or shame. You should have people who drag you out of that miserable place when you want to give up and hide. You should have people who make you laugh in spite of yourself, when you are trying to wallow and immerse yourself in pity.
The stars think that you probably have people like that in your life, so let them do their magic. You should also try to be someone like that, and be there for your friends when they need it. Sometimes you're at the magic show, sometimes you get to be the magician. At the end of the day, you probably have a lot more reasons to be happy than you do to be sad, if you only look. Everything is there, all the time. Everything. You just have to decide to be a part of it, and you don't have to do it alone.
Friends are magic.

Thursday, June 28, 2018


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want you to understand that sanity is very narrowly defined, and like everything else, it is relative. Different cultures view vastly different behaviors as normal that we deem illegal or crazy. Travel a decade or two into the past and some of the things that seem perfectly normal today were outlandish or amoral. Some religious sects even today regard perfectly normal things as insanity or the work of Satan, which most people think itself is insane.
There is an evolutionary tendency in most people to define the norm and stick to it. We fear appearing different, or standing out. To get along, go along, our brain tells us. This advice was helpful millenia ago, when we were part of a tribe, struggling to maintain our niche in the ecosystem, but the stars have already warned you about tribes.
Nearly everyone who leaves their mark on the world has been viewed as crazy at one point or another. Being special means being different, and you should not be afraid of that. But that's not what this horoscope is about.
The flipside of this is that we tend to view anyone who thinks differently than us as crazy. We sometimes feel like the whole world has gone mad, and as far as our brains are concerned, we are right. We need to remember that it's all relative, not just for their sake, but for ours. It is frustrating and alienating to jump to that extreme every time someone reacts the opposite way we expect them to.
The stars want to remind you that other people see things from different perspectives, it's the nature of reality. It should be one of our strengths as a species, but instead, it is tearing us apart. We don't always have to agree, but we shouldn't just dismiss everyone else as insane.
That is insanity.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want you to realize that no problem is new. No tragedy is wholly unique. No mood or emotion or feeling is exclusive to any one person.
The point is, nothing you are going through hasn’t been experienced by billions of other people throughout history. Talk to your friends about your problems. We often feel like we are burdening our friends, but that is nonsense. Most of the time, that is just more of the devious tricks your mind plays to keep you in misery. Don’t be embarrassed or ashamed. Any friend that cares about you, even a little bit, should have no problem helping you out when you need it. Be careful not to burden them with small, inconsequential things all the time, but call on them when you need them and they will be there for you in ways you never dreamed possible.
You should also realize that there are professionals that deal with the problems that are too big for your friends to solve. Sometimes there are problems that go beyond a bad day or heartbreak or loss or addiction. There is nothing they haven’t heard before, no issue that hasn’t been studied intensively. There are therapies and medications that can help you, you will need to find the right doctor and trust what they tell you.
A large part of the world and humanity is always there to help. Let them.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Sometimes it feel like your best days are behind you. Sometimes you feel overwhelmed and defeated. Sometimes you get to a point where, on paper, your life starts to look like it's more bad than good. Sometimes you get so disgusted with yourself and your actions that you think you'll never change and you'll never be able to be happy. Sometimes you feel so alone and so unloved and that you don't have a friend in the world.
But the world didn't end. You didn't end. You always found a better day here and there. You survived your heartache and pain, you overcame your shame and guilt, you conquered your demons, you found someone to love you.
Remember and recognize the strength within you, the strength that has carried you this far. Remind yourself and the world just who it is dealing with. There have been ups and downs, but you have won way more battles than you lost. You have come through it with your heart and soul intact, because if you hadn't, you wouldn't notice the pain anymore.
The stars think that's something to celebrate. The stars think you're something to celebrate. The stars think better days are always yet to come.

Monday, June 25, 2018


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want you to know it will all be okay. Really. Even though it seems like everything is too much, in your personal life or the world in general, it will all be okay.
Good fights evil all the time, and good always wins out eventually. Then evil comes again. It's a never ending struggle, and the only way evil wins is when we stop fighting it, and the stars know you're a fighter.
Hard times come, and people break your heart and let you down. Sickness and injuries, financial woes, a million things to stress over and worry about. They are real problems, they require real solutions, but you've figured it out before. One day you will wake up to find most of it is behind you, and you can start to breathe and start being your badass self again. Then one day you will realize that the problem you thought you would never get past isn't even a problem anymore. You'll find you haven't thought about it for days, and you'll wonder when that happened.
The stars want you to know that there are brighter days ahead, always, just waiting for you. Waiting for work and chance and love to bring us back, like it always does if we let it.
It will all be okay.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Why do you care about some of the things you care about? Is it because some politician or person in your life has manipulated you into caring about something that doesn't affect you or isn't your fault? Is it because of jealousy or insecurity or simply because you can't be bothered learning the facts on both sides of whatever the issue is? Is it because you have been made to feel bad about certain aspects of your personality or how you feel or who you love by hypocrites and hate mongers?
Why do you not care about some of the things you can't care about? Is it because caring about them frightens you? Is because it will make you think about who you are, and you can't be bothered with that? Is it because caring will mean work and sacrifice, and you might be selfish or lazy? Is it more about you than the things you are trying to ignore?
The stars think you should care about that.

Friday, June 22, 2018


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars know.
They know that there is something inside you that is unnamable. Or more accurately, there is an unnamable thing that is missing. It’s something you can almost see, almost grasp, but it still eludes you. It seems so simple. The answer to all life’s questions. The maddenting thing is, you can’t even see the shape of the missing piece, so you might not even recognize it if you stumble upon it.
There are moments when it seems attainable. That euphoria you get with new love or a solution to a problem, or discovering a book or movie or ideology that seems to put a face on what you need to make life as good as it can be. Times when you are almost manic, when it seems that everything will work out fine and it’s all going to be alright. And then it’s not.
Not that it’s tragic or miserable, just that there is something holding you back, or holding the world back. Like you are caught in a dream at times, and you can’t find the key to wake up. The world around you won’t wake up, either. It’s like everyone is purposely obtuse and ignorant to the simple truths that are in front of them. Like when you play your favorite song for someone, and you just get a blank stare in return.
That feeling of a hole in your life, that’s normal though. By its very nature, reality seems to hold you back. It’s a trick life plays. Ups and downs, wins and loses. It seems like there should be a simple formula to tweak it and make everything a high point all the time, but there isn’t. Contentment feels like it is just around the corner, but you never quite arrive there. So you will drive yourself mad trying to figure out why your life always seems just shy of perfection.
The stars want you to know that feeling that way means you are alive. It means you are still striving, still dreaming, still aware that there are things bigger and more important than you are at work. It is of little comfort, they know, but a little comfort might be one of the best things we get in life. Don’t write that off while waiting for some answer that in all likelihood doesn’t exist.

Thursday, June 21, 2018


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars believe in positive change and redeeming yourself. They believe that all people are damaged in some way, but that's not the end of the world by any stretch. There are endless opportunities to fix what's wrong, and live a happy life.
The stars also want you to understand that some people are beyond redemption. Not many, but they do exist. They do not want to fix themselves, they are driven by greed and hatred, and they only hurt and destroy what they come in contact with. To them, they don't see a problem with how broken they are, because they don't see themselves as broken.
Some are psychotic or sick, and can't help it. Some have just been raised to feel that other people don't matter, and chances are they won't ever figure it out.
Sometimes, one of these irreparable people will find themselves in a position of power, and will appeal to a whole population of damaged individuals. Like a siren song, they will call out to the portion of the public who feel marginalized or forgotten. Bitter and sad people, who feel like they are missing out, and looking for anyone but themselves to blame. People who have let hatred and jealousy blind them to the fact that they are following a monster, and acting like a monster in the process.
The stars want you to know that there is a difference between the monster and most of his followers. True, some of the fervent mob are just as irredeemable as their leader, but only a small percentage. The rest are people just like you, damaged and struggling to figure it out. They are in a different place in their lives than you are right now, but they are far from irredeemable.
The stars see a huge division in humanity right now, and it is terrible. People in the same predicament, yet a sizable portion of them fighting against their own best interests. But really, who hasn't engaged in self destructive behavior at some point in their lives? Who hasn't made bad, or even disastrous choices at some point? We all had to learn somehow, and if we're lucky, we can all point to people in our lives who didn't abandon us or write us off because of it.
Part of learning how to navigate through life is discerning who is beyond redemption and who is not. It's really not that hard to figure out. There is good and bad in everyone, and simply cutting people out of your life because they disagree with you on a few issues isn't helping anyone. It isn't making you look like the all inclusive, tolerant person you perceive yourself to be.
Make no mistake, most people have always made it very difficult to like them. We seem to excel at it. Just make sure you know the difference between the monsters and the confused people who follow them. On a national level, you have to fight them, in the media and the voting booth. On a personal level, you can still interact with them, and find things about them you like. You can discus and share your views, and yes, at times it will be aggravating and will blow up on your face. But if you stop trying, and cut people from your life that you liked before all this political division started, you are basically deciding that nearly a third of the human race is beneath you. That they are too far gone, and should be shunned and put down, and that is only going to make it worse. Much worse.
Helping people who have opinions or traits you don't like is one of the hardest things to do, yet where would the world be if there weren't people willing to do that? How would anything change if people didn't work to close that divide, and bring people from all different positions together?
Monsters divide. Monsters ridicule and attack. Monsters demonize and write off whole segments of the population.
The stars want you to be aware: sometimes it's also easy to become the monsters we are fighting.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
Even though the stars have been around since the beginning of time, there are still things that only you have the answers to. So today, the stars are going to step aside, and let you figure out some of the important things.
Sometimes we waste time searching the heavens for answers when we should be searching within.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
When you talk about yourself, don't list negatives. So many times when people praise us, we automatically rattle off a bunch of reasons why we aren’t so wonderful. We have been taught to be humble, but we take it much too far. Maybe we are afraid of people’s expectations. Maybe we feel that we don’t deserve praise, because somewhere along the line someone else made us feel like we are bad. Maybe we just don’t know how to take a compliment.
We should be celebrating the things about us that we like. We should be selling ourselves on our good points, not talking others out of liking us. We should feel pride when people find something wonderful and virtuous about us. So many other people seem to want to tear us down. In fact, we sometimes dismiss the good things people tell us because in the past people have attacked us for the same qualities they once praised us for.
None of that is on you. That is on other people, who were either lashing out to be cruel, or just too confused to know what they want or hurt because they couldn’t control you. In the end, it makes us afraid or unwilling to accept it when someone finds something about us that they love.
The stars recommend you fix that. Learn how to take a compliment graciously, without fear and trepidation. If you find yourself saying or thinking of a rebuttal, make note of the things you list that in your mind proves that you are not as good a person as someone thinks you are. Then examine that list, and figure out which of the reasons are real, and which are things that people have used to try to manipulate you. Work on the ones that you really need to change, and let go of the ones that are just emotional baggage from some ghost from your past.
Instead of dismissing that wonderful person someone thinks you are, strive to actually be that person. Everyone will be better off for it; you, most of all.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Sometimes the things that matter most are the very things people take away from you. You trust them with your heart, you trust them with your secrets, you trust them with everything you have. And still, they take it all from you, when they don't really have to.
Sometimes when that happens, you are tempted to give up, to never put yourself in that position again. You vow never to be vulnerable and depend on anyone from that moment on.
Eventually, you weaken. You learn to love again, you learn to trust, you learn to give. Sometimes it bites you in the ass again, but that's the risk you take. The only other option is to grow cold, to deny part of yourself, to lock something away inside you that isn't meant to be caged.
Some people can do that. They can convince themselves and the world that they are happy, but it takes a lot of effort, and it takes something out of them that they really shouldn't have to lose. They have to kill something within them that is beautiful and true.
The stars know that there are many things in this world that shouldn't be that way, and they know that sometimes it's easier to live with a pain you understand than to suffer with a torment you don't comprehend or deserve. The stars weep for you, but they get it.
One day, it just becomes too much, and you live a half life that seems like a fair trade off, but deep in your heart, you're never quite sure of that. You know it doesn't have to be that way, but the world seems to have left you no options.
Know that you always have options, even if it feels like they are all bad. The stars know that you still have options, and as much as they can divine the future, it's still going to be a risk.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that most people will give you the easy way out. People are generally kind, and considerate, and want others to be happy. That's not a problem, as long as it's reciprocal.
It's also best to keep in mind that, like all things, that there are other motivations in play.
Some people give you the easy way out because they are insecure, and feel like being subservient or docile will give them more of a hold over you. Either out of pity, or because you feel indebted to them, or guilt. The problem is, people get used to those roles, and the givers give too much all the time, and the takers learn how easy it gets to take.
Sometimes when people give you the easy way out, it is a test. A test we fail, over and over again. They give us the easy way out to see if we care enough about them to not take it. When we do, it let's them down just a little bit more, and erodes their trust and confidence. This also gets easier and easier over time.
Either way, chances are that it will only cause bitterness and resentment. Eventually, taking the easy way out will get you out completely. You will find that the people you counted on to put your feelings and happiness before theirs are gone.
The stars need you understand that like all things in life, there is no easy way. You need to give as well as you get. You need to make the extra effort to understand what people need, and what they want you to do regardless of what they say they want you to do. It's not that hard. In fact, you probably know what the right thing to do is, but you just take the easy way out instead.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The most painful lies people tell you are the ones that they are also telling themselves.

6/15/18 Friday Bonus

Today's Horoscope Friday Bonus

All signs:
The stars want you to remember that a lot of the best things in life are scary. Love is scary. Trying new things is scary. Trying to get a new job or changing your life is scary. Basically anything where you aren't assured of the outcome is scary. But you can't let fear stop you from living.
So go out and do something wonderful and scary this weekend.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want you to know that empathy isn't easy. When you are able to put your own feelings aside and imagine what others are going through, you give up a lot of coping mechanisms. The good news is, those coping mechanisms are usually bad anyway. They provide you a moment of release or self pity, but do nothing to resolve any problems.
You lose the ability to feel smug and superior. You can't just let your own insecurities or blind rage inform your opinions and actions. You can't dismiss or blame whole groups of people you've never met for your problems or the problems of society. You can't just jettison people from your life because they are a challenge at times, or because they lashed out or hurt you or let you down.
In essence, you have to give up all your own petty feelings and prejudices and desire to hurt back. When you put yourself in someone else's skin, you start to realize that maybe they are suffering too. When you think of others as whole people, with an entire lifetime of their own trauma and issues and what went into making them who they are, you give up your ability to treat them like so much garbage.
That doesn't mean you have to let them abuse you or mess up your life, it just means that if you can't resolve those issues, you just let it go or walk away rather than add to it. If you can't offer constructive solutions to a problem, you don't just disparage groups of people indiscriminately.
While it's not the easy thing to do, it is so much more rewarding. Sure your heart may break all the more because you understand not only your pain, but theirs. Yes, you don't get the initial rush of adrenaline and satisfaction of retaliation. What you get is a deeper understanding of the way the world works. You get an inner peace and deeper connections because you are able to strip away the drama and all the reactionary mess that we create, and see what's really going on.
You grow, you gain wisdom, and you understand how to fix the things that are wrong in your personal relationships and the world, in a real and lasting manner. You become more complete, and that's worth any amount of work you need to do to achieve it.

6/14/18 Thursday Bonus

Today's Horoscope Thursday Bonus

All signs:
The stars by to remind you that almost no one is truly stupid. If someone is trying to make you feel that way, that's their insecurity trying to make them feel better. If you think everyone is laughing at you and thinks they they are better than you, that's most likely your own insecurities talking.
It basically takes the same type of intelligence and skill to remember sports stats and music trivia, and drive a truck or fix cars, as it does to do a lot of the things others do that make them feel superior.
If you're reading this, and comprehending it, congratulations! You already possess most of the tools we all have. It's up to you what you do with them. After all, you're not stupid.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Doing things that are new and different are an essential part of life. Learning new things, for a job, a hobby, or just the curiosity of it, is always tricky at first. The secret is to keep with it, and give your brain some time to pick up on what you're doing. Then that amazing chunk of gray matter that encompasses everything you are will take over.
The weird thing is, while it's not your brain that's usually the problem when it comes to mastering new talents or information, it's totally your brain that's the problem. Your brain can handle the nuts and bolts part of the operation just fine, but it will also try to get you to give up.
Your brain always wants to go the route of least resistance. Your fear or insecurity or ego will very often tell you to give up, and mask the reason why. Your brain won't tell you you're giving up because you're afraid, it will give you a million excuses about how you don't really want the hassle of the extra responsibilities that come with a promotion. It shouldn't matter if you go to the gym because why would you want to attract someone who only cares about your physical appearance? There's no reason to learn to ski, you tried it once, and skiing is stupid, and people who ski are jerks.
There are always reasons to give up, and they are usually just the fear of not being able to do it, or looking foolish in the process masquerading as sensible excuses.
So we quit.
Then your brain does an even more insidious thing. Eventually, it makes you feel shame and guilt and regret because you gave up. It convinced you that giving up was the right thing to do, then it chastises you for doing what it told you. Then, it throws it in your face the next time you want to try something new. Living with your brain is like being in a dysfunctional and abusive relationship at times.
The stars want you to know that your brain is capable of doing most of the things you want to do. Look at everything it has accomplished so far. Those things haven't always been easy, but you did them. So make your brain stay the course. Don't let it talk you out of something you want simply because of some vague and indefinable fear.
You are capable of so many great and wonderful things. So go do them.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
Life can seem like an endless trial. It is littered with pain and disappointment. You have suffered tremendous loss. You have had your heart broken on many occasions, in so many different ways. You have been stymied and frustrated, marginalized, ignored, abused and neglected. You have cried and panicked and fled. You have been bloodied and beaten and bowed. Then there are all the little things, tiny setbacks and annoyances you suffer with everyday. It feels like death by a million tiny cuts at times. There are moments when you feel so low, nothing seems good or worth it.
So yeah, there’s that.
Yet here you are. You are still going, still fighting, still searching for joy. Never lose sight of the fact that life has thrown its worst at you, and you have overcome it every time. Sometimes the battle is with your enemies, sometimes with the people you love most, sometimes it’s with yourself. The results are the same, though. You are still standing.
The stars want you to always remember that you are a warrior. You have conquered the obstacles in your path. Sometimes you crawled off and licked your wounds, but you lived to fight another day. You are a survivor, which is a noble thing, don’t let anyone tell you different. That’s an integral part of being a warrior.
So go face the day with the knowledge that at the end of it, you will still be here, and face it like the amazing and accomplished miracle that you are.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want to remind you of all the beauty in the world. It comes in many forms, and people find beauty in so many different things. Some in a forest, in the trees and the animals and the earth, the sights and sounds of life. In a beach, or the desert, or the mountains. Some see beauty in blue skies in the day or a full moon at night, some in the rain, the sunshine, or the snow. Still others find beauty in the very fabric of the universe, in the way atoms and molecules fit together, how the mechanics of life work. In mathematics or science or physiology. Some find it in art, in music, in words. In architecture, in cars, interior design, in a garden. Some find beauty in other people, outside and in. Beauty comes in a roar or a whisper. Beauty exists in an infinite number of forms all around us every moment of our lives. If you don’t see the beauty in something, ask someone who does, and their passion will open up a whole new way of looking at something. We are never without beauty, if only we look.
The stars want to remind you of all the love in the world. Love from the people you know, who tell you everyday. Love from the people you know, who don’t tell you in so many words, but if you take a moment to look, you will see how their actions and sacrifice tell you more than words ever could. You can see the people who do so much good in the world, selflessly, and at great cost to themselves. Helping the poor and destitute, rescuing children and animals, fighting for a better world and a brighter future. That is fueled by love, love for humanity, for people and communities that they have never met. Love manifests itself all around us, in the simplest ways of courtesy and respect, and in the most convoluted ways imaginable. People give love to those who do not yet know how to love them back. People give love to those who scorn them, and fight them, and hurt them, but the people who love them know that they are only hurting themselves. Then they refuse to give up on them, and only love them harder. If you feel like nobody loves you, all you have to do is look around and see that if someone is in your life, chances are that they love you, whether they are expressing it in a way you see fit or not. Love comes in a roar or a whisper. We must learn to accept love on it’s terms, and then we will see it. We are never without love, if only we look.
The stars want you to see that those are but two examples of the wonderful gifts life gives us. There is more joy and laughter, contentment and warmth, excitement and wonder than could ever be written down or cataloged. It is not really meant to be cataloged, it is meant to be experienced. For every bad thing in life you can name, there are a million more wonderful things that exist. There is happiness waiting for you at every turn, there is love and laughter and music, all there to drown out the horrors we visit upon ourselves.
If only we look.

Monday, June 11, 2018

6/11/18 Spring Edition

Today’s Horoscope: Spring edition

All Signs:
Human beings are collectors. We hold on to things that cling to them long after their usefulness is faded. This goes for material things and emotional things. We clutter our lives with things to trip over and block our view. Fear and indecision keeps us attached to things that have proven time and time again that they hold nothing good for us. Still, we cling to them out of familiarity, and let them drag us down.
Spring is the time of rebirth, for cleaning and clearing our lives of the things we no longer need, so do a spring cleaning for your house and your life. Let go of the anchors and chains others have saddled you with. Let go of you grasp on things that only give you pain, no matter how much you’ve grown used to the pain. Throw away the things that are only keeping you down and holding you back.
The stars know that can be a scary thing, but once you take that first step, it gets easier. Our trip around the star we call the sun provides us with seasons, and spring is the season to be reborn. It is gift. Accept that gift, let it all go, and be reborn. The stars can’t wait to meet that person.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Some days you may wake up to find the thing that gave you inspiration is gone. Maybe you'll find that it was never there in the first place. Maybe the person you counted on to make everything alright can't do that anymore. Perhaps you discover once again that the world isn't fair, and anyone that gives you something can also take it away just as easily.
Sometimes the thing that tears your world apart leaves you with nothing to blame, no target for your anger and pain and loss. Many times, there is no resolution, no enemy, no closure, just a long walk home alone and an arduous climb back to the light.
Still, the stars want to point out that it's not the first time you had to make that journey, and chances are, you don't have to do it alone. Your friends or family will be there to carry you when you need it, you just have to ask. Eventually you will arrive at that place where you can live with it, and the ache isn't all consuming and debilitating, and you can smile sadly and think about what could have been.
And then you let it go.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Human beings are really good at picking out flaws. We find them in the artists and celebrities we worship. We find them in our friends, in our family, and in ourselves. We find them in people we don't even know, on social media or simply walking down the street as we drive past.
We do it to feel better about ourselves, to feel superior to others, to label and categorize, to punish ourselves. The thing we never take into consideration is that we are all flawed, every single one of us.
The stars think you should use that little realization to maybe cut everyone a little slack now and then. When you're not looking for the worst in people, you'll be surprised at the good you see. Especially in the mirror.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
One of the most important things you must realize is that many things don't matter. Which is not to say that they aren't important to you, and they shouldn't bring you joy or break your heart. And yes, you are bound by them, and the roles they play in your life. Still, they don't matter.
Everything in life is going to affect you, influence you, hold you back or give you an advantage. Money, position, the circumstances you were born into. Society, geographic location, the love or abuse you receive from your family. The religious or political dogma you are taught as a child.
The way others view you, fairly or not, the boxes you get put in, the labels that are applied. The mistakes you make that no one lets you forget, the achievements no one recognizes.
Yes, those things matter, and have a real impact on you. The mistake we make is that we let those things dictate who we are. We internalize so many things that don't matter, not when it comes to your own self worth. In your head, and in your heart, you need to realize that there are a different set of rules.
The labels people give you and the boxes they put you in only work if you go along with it. The societal and cultural conventions only control who you are if you let them. Your geographic location and situation only hold you back if you don't go somewhere else.
Most of the things that we think matter, only matter because we give them their power. We are frightened, or lazy, or our ego holds us back. Even that is nothing to be ashamed of and let control you.
For every person that tells you that you are wrong for feeling the way you do, there are others who will love you for it. For every person that tries to keep you down and hold you back, there are others who will help you fly. For all the scorn and negativity and pettiness you encounter, there is infinitely more love.
The thing the stars want you understand is, even that doesn't matter. What matters is you. How you see yourself. How you love yourself. How your strength comes from knowing who you are, no matter who loves or hates you, or why. When you become the person you know you should be, nothing anyone does or says, be it your family or religion or society or politician, will matter at your core.
When you get there, you can begin to understand what really matters, and why. Then the things that hurt you won't hurt so badly. The shame and guilt that the world has saddled you with won't influence you. The lies you tell yourself will give way to the truth you were so frightened of. You will see yourself the way you are, not the way the world manipulates you into seeing. Then you will be free to be who you truly are, and whether the world treats that with awe or indifference is no matter to you at all.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that as resilient and strong as humans are, as capable as we are of overcoming great tragedy and loss, we are all still so fragile at times.
The stars want you to remember that even though we are amazing at still being able to function despite being damaged and cracked in so many places, one day any of us could break apart into a million pieces.
The stars want you to know that even those we think have it all, those people who we look to for strength and guidance and support, might be in turmoil when no one is watching.
People have a tendency to expect people to act or be the way they present themselves to us. For better or for worse, we label and categorize and list, and we interact accordingly. Our bonds become set, our roles defined, and we become distant, even as we get closer.
Then one day we are shocked out of our routine by senseless tragedy. We wonder how we never saw, lament that we didn't try harder, and think about what might have been.
The stars implore you to be there for the people in your life. Talk to them, check in on them, just let them know you care about them. Be kind and understanding, and watch for any signs that things are going wrong. Suicide takes so many of us before our time. There is no guarantee that you can save them, you might not be there when they fall apart completely, there is no way of knowing when that moment might come and the wave overtake them.
Still, you might just be the one person who lifts them up when they need it most. The simplest thing might keep them going one more day, and maybe that one day is all they need to turn it around. You never know, even the stars don't know, so again, try to always be kind and there for people.
We are here to love each other, to be present and involved in each other's lives, not to isolate and ignore. So do the best you can, put the effort into your relationships, and be there in case you're needed. Because no matter how any of us might seem to be on the outside, we all need something now and then.
The stars know that life is a minefield, full of danger and heartbreak and uncertainty, but they swear that there is always a way through it. Help one another through it. The stars want you to know that they love you, they shine their light on you, and they walk beside you, always.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars often tell you how we are all unique and amazing in our own way. We all have talents and gifts, and we all have a different view of the world which informs our thoughts and actions. Like everything else, that comes with good and bad.
While some might praise your genius, some will vilify you for it. Some people will celebrate your individuality, others will attack you for it. If you bring happiness or comfort to people, they will come to expect that of you, and that's a heavy responsibility. For anyone that gets you, there will be a thousand who don't. The thing that makes people love you will also be the thing that makes people hate or fear you.
To put yourself out there is to invite criticism and scorn more often than it is to garner you fame and accolades. People generally reward compliance, and anything new and different takes time to get any kind of foothold.
Often the mere thought of the bad side of it all is enough to keep us from trying, to cause us to keep what makes us special locked away and under wraps. That is an unsatisfying way to live. You will forever have a voice inside you that's dying to be heard, and later in life that voice will switch from possibilities to regret.
The stars suggest that you listen to that voice now, and be who you really want to be. They also suggest that you prepare yourself to be misunderstood, to be questioned and doubted, and to resolve to not let it deter you. In the end, the simple act of living life on your own terms will be enough. That's where anything unique and amazing about you begins.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

6/6/18 Wednesday Bonus

Today’s Horoscope Wednesday Bonus

All Signs:
You might think you are fighting a losing battle, and maybe you are. So what? Maybe there are only a few people who even get what you are saying. Maybe the people on the side of what’s right are in the minority. Maybe only a couple stragglers laugh at your jokes or like your music. Perhaps there are a lot of misguided or broken or evil people in the world, and they will fight you tooth and nail, simply because that’s just who they are.
So what?
The stars want to remind you that all the things worth doing and fighting for are things you should be doing no matter how many people are with you or against you. Be you and do what makes you happy, be you and do what frustrates you at times, be you and be an example, because even if you only change one person’s opinion, that’s a start.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Try positive reinforcement for a change, for others and yourself. Beating yourself up isn't helping.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Sometimes just being a decent human being is exhausting. Being kind and caring is hard work, especially in a world full of selfish and evil people.
Even more infuriating is that most of those people don't see themselves as evil and selfish. They go through life, feeling put upon and cheated, feeling justified in treating the rest of the world with contempt.
Most of us don't even have to come into close contact with people like this, even though we see them everywhere. In the news, in government, in business, in entertainment, on social media. It's still draining, no matter how much you want to avoid it. Just knowing these people exist hurts you and offends your sensibilities. It's crippling to watch them destroy people's lives.
That's not the part that does you in, though. You'll find that a lot of the people in your immediate life, while not necessarily evil, are still selfish. They can be self absorbed, and completely unaware of how they treat you and the rest of the world. They will not notice when you need them most, they will not do their part because they are used to you picking up the slack. They don't make you feel needed or loved, they won't listen or commiserate when you're sad. They will not even recognize themselves when you complain about them.
When you are giving and selfless, the rest of the world thinks you don't need anything. They think you are only there to give, so they feel fine taking. They see you trying with everything you have, and they will only heap more work and negativity and misery on you. They don't mean to do it, they just don't realize how they affect the world around them, and they break your heart a little more every day.
The stars don't know what to tell you. Just find your strength somewhere deep inside you, or maybe in things that don't require other people. Look to find your inspiration in others like you, making the world a better place one small step at a time.
Just don't count on most people to be something that they are incapable of being, and don't let yourself be disappointed time and time again when you should know better. Because more often than not, most of the people in your life are going to let you down, and you are going to be exhausted.
It's up to you to figure out if you want to keep working, or quit. The stars want to remind you that many have quit already. They are the people who are wearing on your patience, who are going through life destroying as quickly as you build. Look closely at those people. Do they really seem happy? Do they look like they have anything worthwhile figured out? Do they look like someone you would really like to be?
No? Good, then get back to work, and at least take solace that your heart and soul are intact, and that the stars know, and that they shine for you.

Monday, June 4, 2018


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Be agreeable but not submissive. Be helpful but don't enable. Be kind but not a doormat. Be open but not easily swayed. Be adventurous but not self destructive.
Have convictions but be willing to change. Be responsible but have fun. Be logical yet follow your heart. Be demanding but reasonable. Be firm but remain flexible.
The stars realize that most things in life seem like contradictions, but that's not really the way it is. Simply put, everything in life has its good and bad, and you should aim for the sweet spot in the middle.
No one's aim is that good, though, nor should it be. Some of life's moments are made up of the wild fluctuations from side to side. As you get older, you learn, and your aim gets better. The wild fluctuations serve you better in your youth. With age comes control, and a more steady life. That doesn't mean you stop having fun and adventure and those moments, it just means that you don't end up with as many problems and regrets as a result. You don't hurt yourself and others, you don't spend so much time tormented by your own thoughts and wishing for change. You find that there are plenty of good times to be found on the safe side of the spectrum.
The stars want to ask you: doesn't that sound like a pretty good life?


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Never underestimate people's ability to blame you for their own shortcomings. Some people will convince themselves of anything they need to so they can feel someone else is at fault. They will go so far as to try to convince you that you are to blame for them treating you badly.
The stars want to remind you that no one should treat you badly, and if they are, don't argue reasons with them, just get them out of your life.

Saturday, June 2, 2018


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
You have every right to remain stuck in the past. You can be small minded, you can be racist, you can be angry about progress and youth and change. You can be stubborn, and cling to your beliefs, no matter whether the facts prove them wrong. You can stagnate and live in fear, and let resentment and enmity rule your life.
The stars want you to be aware that if that's the person you want to be, then that's how the world will treat you, and it won't be kind. It will pass you by, and change happens so slowly that you won't notice it until it's too late.
Then one day you will wake up and you'll be alone, and you will see that all you have left is your own misery and tired outrage.

Friday, June 1, 2018

6/1/18 Friday Bonus

Today’s Horoscope Friday Bonus

All Signs:
Congratulations on making it through another week of all the crap you have to deal with! It’s Friday, so take a break and relax.
If you want to sing, sing. If you want to dance, dance. If you want to be funny, be funny. Maybe you’re not the best singer or dancer, and maybe some people won’t find your jokes funny. Who cares?
Is there really a good enough reason that anyone could have for keeping us from singing and dancing and laughing? Keeping a lid on your joy is an acceptable response to the fear that someone might look at us funny? Not bloody likely.
You go dance and sing and laugh your fool head off, and the hell with anyone who doesn’t like it. Just because some people might have a shitty reaction to your antics, there’s no reason you even have to acknowledge it!
Even if no one likes it, the stars love that stuff! Whenever you are doing something that makes you happy, the stars are smiling. Make them smile while making yourself smile, and don’t look back.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
People are going to do things differently than you do. They are going have different ideas and viewpoints on social issues. They will find some things funny that you don't, and will be offended by some things you find funny. They will love who and what they want, they will wear whatever clothes they want, in whatever fashion they see fit.
Sometimes, the things they do and the things they like will infuriate you, simply because it seems completely at odds with the way you would do it or see it.
That doesn't always make them wrong or stupid, it just makes them different. So before you get yourself too angry or disgusted, before you berate them or try to tell them how they are doing it wrong, take a moment. Think about whether you're trying to help or discuss, or whether you're trying to mock or lecture. Chances are, other people have their reasons for doing things the way they do them, and are perfectly happy with it. They aren't looking for advice or scorn. Your ego or narcissism is just screaming for you to prove that your way is better. Maybe it is for you, who knows? What right does that give you to tell someone else their way is wrong?
The stars recommend that you save yourself the aggravation and just nod and smile, and move on. It's not your job to tell others how to live.