Thursday, June 6, 2019


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that you are better looking than you think you are. You are smarter and more interesting than you think your are. You are probably better than you think you are about any given matter. We tend to be much too hard on ourselves.
We talk to people all the time about their fears and insecurities, and we are constantly reassuring them that they are not nearly as bad as they think they are regarding a million different things. We are usually surprised at how little some people think of themselves, and how little credit they extend to themselves. People who amaze us with what they do and who they are. People who inspire us, people who we are in love with. Still, they can't always see the person we see.
Realize that is you. You are that amazing, loved, and respected person, regardless of what your fears tell you. In fact, people are probably reassuring you about how great you are all the time.
The stars want to remind you that are amazing as well, so own that shit.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars know that the change of the seasons can have a big effect on you. Autumn arrives, and the days get shorter and colder, and some of us start to think about the long winter months ahead. They lament the loss of sunny days and outdoor activities, the beach and baseball, and a million little things that just don't happen in winter.
Like most everything else in life, how you react to it is the key. You can't change the orbit of the earth or the weather or the amount of daylight. What you can change is how you let it affect your life. There are just as many people who feel about summer the way you feel about winter. Right now, there are people everywhere celebrating the fact that summer is over, and leaves are turning color and falling from the trees. They are looking forward to cooler weather, Halloween, the holiday season, skiing, ice skating, or simply watching the snowfall transform the landscape.
Even if you can't get excited by any of those things, you don't have to dwell on the negative and make yourself miserable. The universe gave us the seasons to keep our lives varied and interesting. They gave us the seasons for diversity, and different kinds of joy and happiness. Fall and winter are essential to plants and animals, and the rebirth that comes with spring is not possible without the germination and change that is done out of sight in the colder months. Everything goes hand in hand, one can't exist without the other.
Like most things in life, the seasons are a gift, and the stars think you should treat them like that, rather than something on which to focus your self pity and misery.


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
Every time you walk out of your door and into the world, you have a choice. You can choose to think and act negatively, and the people you meet will appear to be monsters, and react accordingly to your attitude. You can choose to think and act positively, and the people you meet will be appear to be fellow human beings, and react accordingly to that as well.
Your mood affects you, but it also affects the parts of the world you come in contact with. If you go about your day expecting the worse, you will most likely realize a self-fulfilling prophecy. Self-fulfilling prophecies go the other way, too. While it’s true that being positive is no guarantee that everything is going to go your way, being negative is usually a guarantee that it won’t.
The stars want to remind you that since you have the choice, why not choose the option that gives you chance to win?


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that you have to do stuff that makes you happy. Sure, there are plenty of people who selfishly only think about their own happiness, but most of the time they aren't really happy anyway.
Meanwhile, there are a bunch of other people who are so concerned with helping others that they forget about themselves in the process.
The stars want to make sure that you don't forget to take care of yourself as well.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to warn you to be careful about how you anticipate things. Expectations can go to opposite extremes, but results are seldom that good or that bad.
The stars aren't concerned with the good expectations here. That's a whole other thing. The stars are concerned that we can fall into a pattern where we start to anticipate negative outcomes. We start to see too many moves ahead, and we convince ourselves that there is no point in bothering. We see futility, we see boredom, we see a chance we might fail.
So we map out a safe destination, which is usually one we've arrived at all too often. We start living in a dismal future, informed by a past we created, and we wind up frozen in the present.
The stars think you should live in the present, one moment to the next. One experience to the next. Finish one job and get going on the next one. Stop thinking so much, and start doing.
That's how things get done, and that's how life gets lived. Soon the momentum carries you along, so why not swim with the current, rather than battle against it and never get anywhere?


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
If you go through life expecting everyone to have the understanding that you do on certain subjects, you're going to be very disappointed.
If you go through life refusing to believe that other people know more than you about other subjects, you're going to be very frustrated.
Know your strengths, recognize your weaknesses, and approach each accordingly.
The stars think you should want your life to be as free from frustration and disappointment as possible, so why not control the things you that you actually can control?


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
If you go through life expecting everyone to have the understanding that you do on certain subjects, you're going to be very disappointed.
If you go through life refusing to believe that other people know more than you about other subjects, you're going to be very frustrated.
Know your strengths, recognize your weaknesses, and approach each accordingly.
The stars think you should want your life to be as free from frustration and disappointment as possible, so why not control the things you that you actually can control?


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Take a break once in awhile. From whatever it is that you need a break from. Just walk away for a bit. Turn your back, close your eyes, or just get out of town for a bit. Give yourself a chance to relax and forget about your problems. They'll be there when you get back.
Now the stars know that there are times when you can't just walk away from the pressure and the problems in your life. But most of the time, you can. So you should do it when you have the chance so you're ready for those times when you can't.
So give yourself a break from all the insanity of life now and then.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want you to notice something about society and how we react to the problems we face.
People tend to get motivated and angry about sensational events and hyperbole. You will see uproar all the time about crimes committed by immigrants, kneeling football players, cakes for gay weddings, whether someone says the correct holiday greeting. You see overreaction to a shoe bomb on an airplane, something a comedian says, or welfare and voter fraud.
More time and outrage is wasted on non-issues than is spent focusing on actual problems. It seems we can't move forward on important and widespread problems like sexual abuse, drugs, gun violence, racial issues, poverty and the wealth gap, education, workers rights, or climate change, just to name a few. In fact, we spend more time trying to deny that there's a problem than trying to address it seriously and constructively.
That's because most people are hardwired to ignore the things that scare or affect them. To admit that there is a real problem is to alter how you view it forever. That would mean it suddenly requires work, and thought, and facing unpleasant facts, and maybe sacrificing, and taking some personal responsibility, all things that people have made an art out of ignoring.
By ignoring these issues, we are further damaging ourselves and our country, and make it even harder to correct. It is a cycle of defeat. You can see it happening on a global scale every day.
Now the stars are not bringing that up to get political. Politics and the power you give to the people who govern you is your concern, although the stars have noticed that since civilization began, humans have been astoundingly bad at it.
The stars are concerned with you on a personal level. Do you see any parallels with how society reacts to its problems and faults, and the way you react to yours? We tend to look for quick fixes for superficial issues, and ignore the big ones in our own lives. We will try fad diets and take useless supplements rather than just eat healthy and exercise. We deny our addictions or self destructive tendencies, we shift blame and responsibility, and we keep engaging in the same behavior we know doesn't work and doesn't bring fulfillment. We will spend money and over extend our credit rather than just do without some consumer goods that we think will bring us a brief moment of happiness. We will complicate our lives trying to fill the holes rather than just fix the holes in the first place.
Even if we are brave and passionate and engaged in trying to fix society, we still tend to ignore ourselves in the process. In fact, a lot of the time the thing that's so appealing about attacking the things wrong with society, whether you attack the real problems or the phoney ones, is that it takes the spotlight off of our own issues and culpability.
The stars just want you to be aware that by nature you are an expert at denial and avoidance. We are adept at pointing fingers at everything but ourselves. Your life is complex and has many fronts, and you can be woke and asleep at the same time.
The stars suggest you learn to make a habit out of looking at the things you most want to look away from, and staring down the things that frighten you, otherwise a lot of what you do and who you are will be wasted running in circles.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that no matter how independent or detached you are, no matter how rich or powerful, no matter how you isolate yourself or abuse others, no matter how smart or wise or willfully ignorant… well, you're always going to be at the mercy of other people at some point.
It's just one more condition we waste so much time and energy trying to escape from rather than facing it.
The stars suggest that you accept it, and work to give good people that power when you can, and limit what the bad people can do with it when you can't.
Don't forget about the other side of that equation. Recognize the people who are at your mercy, and do your best to deserve that position.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Sometimes it might seem like the people in your life who claim to love you most will go out of their way to do things that show you that they could care less. In fact, it seems they they make a huge effort to illustrate how little effort they make.
People sometimes have a strange habit of asking what will make you happy, then pointedly not doing it.
Here is where the stars will usually tell you that sometimes people have baggage or damage from past experiences, or they might be dealing with things you can't imagine, or maybe it is a cry for help or attention, and that all might be true. The stars always stress empathy and compassion.
The stars also need to to understand that you don't deserve to be treated that way, and a lot of the time we let people do it to us who we really don't have a lot invested in. In fact, it's a manipulative thing they are doing, consciously or unconsciously, to draw us in. Good people have a tendency to want to help,just because they feel bad for the world. Insecure people have a tendency to want to help, because they feel it gives them control or creates a feeling of dependency in others. Predatory people don't want to help, they just want to prey on the weak.
At any rate, the stars want you to know the difference. They want you to figure out your motives; and we all have motives, be they good or bad. They want you to think about the people you give all your time and energy to, who never give back, and decide if they are worth it.
The stars want you to know that sometimes it's okay to tell people to go fuck themselves. You don't have to do it literally, but you can if you feel it's warranted. In fact, it's not really so much about telling them, but reminding yourself that there are not many, if any, good reasons to tolerate people who go out of their way to make your life miserable.
Perhaps they are making their own life miserable in the process, and that is sad, but that probably has nothing to do with you. You will usually just end up enabling them, and making you both miserable and sad at the same time.
The stars think you should give yourself permission to walk away from the abuse and the things that aren't your fault. Because if you stay too long, they will become your fault, and by that time you're so enmeshed it might take you years to get free.


Today's Horoscope

All signs :
The stars know that we don't always do what's best for us. In fact, they watch us run headlong into danger a lot of the time, when we should be running in the opposite direction. Sometimes we know better, sometimes we don't have a clue; but most of the time we have just tricked ourselves into blurring the risk/reward ratio.
That's how we learn. It's not the best way, but humans are stubborn, and they need to see for themselves most of the time. So we get into trouble and we get hurt and we get our hearts broken. Even then, we don't always learn, so we turn around and do it again.
The stars recognize the pattern, and they aren't looking to assign blame or guilt. They can only sigh, and watch us learn the hard way again and again.
Some of us don't ever learn. We are stuck in some holding pattern because of something that happened to us, or fixated on some desired outcome that we can't attain or control. It is the same type of thing we watch everyone else do, and we can't help them. It has been written about in books and songs and movies, and illustrated millions of times over, this stubborn need to fail.
We recognize it everywhere but in ourselves, so we keep forging ahead on pointless endeavors, destined to repeat our mistakes until we get it right or finally decide to let it go.

9/14/18 Friday Bonus

Today's Horoscope Friday Bonus

All signs:
The stars know that much of our lives are spent on blissful distractions from the truths we don't want to face. Still, we sometimes find ourselves staring that truth in the eyes.
The pain and frustration can make us want to scream or cry. The infinite sadness of the love we can't possess. The gut wrenching loss which defines us. The memories of trauma and abuse that make you wonder if it's worth it to go on. The absurd and cruel tricks fate has played on us to keep what we really want tantalizingly out of reach.
The stars know you can't help but run right into it from time to time. They can't offer you much besides sympathy. All they can do is remind you that you're not alone and that it will pass, and if you are lucky, you will settle back into your comfortable and familiar life soon enough.
The stars hate to sound defeated or unhelpful, but life involves some things that have no clear cut solution, and are intensely personal and universal at the same time. Some things in life you just have to live with, and accept as they are. It doesn't mean you stop living. In fact, it might mean that you should start.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that usually everybody's right and everybody's wrong. A lot of reasoning is valid from the vantage point of the person arguing it. Most situations have multiple factors informing them, and many possible answers. There are very few things in this world that are cut and dry, especially politics. They are complex and multifaceted problems and issues, with no clear cut solutions.
The trouble comes when neither side is willing to admit that. People can be right and wrong at the same time, and if you can't accept that your viewpoint is not compatible with everyone else's circumstances or needs, you aren't going to live a very happy life.
The willingness to see other people's views and accept that they might have reasons for feeling the way they do is crucial to being a part of society. It used to be that we had limited access to other people's views. We had to formulate our own ideas, and defend and discuss them. Now we feel emboldened and find endorsement in social media posts with headlines espousing our views. A bunch of likes means everyone must agree with the same views we hold, whether we've thought them through or not.
Today's world is filled with easily accessible validation for the worst arguments, let alone any viewpoint that is slightly different from your neighbors. There is no end to the negative reinforcement of any idea, any position, any extreme. We have eliminated critical thinking and empathy in a race to win a manufactured disagreement.
The stars suggest we learn how to understand each other and to compromise, or the gap between us will only widen, until we won't be able to hear each other at all.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
A lot of what you do and say is going to be ignored or misunderstood by most people. We see celebrities and famous people get so much attention for anything they do. We see TV shows and movies that aren't real life, where reactions are exaggerated for storytelling purposes, and we expect the things we do to have the same sort of big impact.
Then we go out of our way to make some grand gesture, or sacrifice, or create something, and we are met with a less than enthusiastic response, or almost no one seems to notice.
The stars want you to realize that you shouldn't do anything expecting the rest of the world to applaud. The reason a lot of famous people do things is to be noticed, it's a narcissistic and shallow need to prove to themselves and the world that they matter. It's a way to fill a hole or get the attention of someone who never gave it to them growing up. Many are driven by insecurity.
Which is fine, the stars aren't here to judge. They just want you to understand that it's not healthy to do things because you expect a lot glory or praise in return, because unless you are famous, you're not going to get that. Do what you do because it makes you happy, or because it makes someone else's life better, or simply because it's the right thing to do. Then anything you get in return is just a bonus.
The stars continue to shine at night, each one just a tiny light in an infinite multitude of twinkling lights. You can only ever see a miniscule fraction of all the stars that are really out there, regardless of whether you can even bother to look up. They are all doing their part, to create something beautiful, and to keep the universe going.
Just like you.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Every loss leaves a hole, and every hole has a shape. When we suffer the loss of someone from our lives, we first have to deal with the pain and heartbreak, and just getting through each day. That pain varies in its intensity and length depending on who it was and what they meant to you, obviously. The stars here are talking about the big ones.
Your first goal is just to survive it. It might be some time before you can actually start to fully function again. Eventually, you learn to go on with your life, if only on a basic and barely functional level at first.
That's when you start to notice the shape of the hole that now occupies your life. Naturally, you start to look for things that can fill that hole, but when you lose something special, it is very hard to find something else that will fit exactly in that hole. The hole is unique and complex, and we end up trying to find the exact thing we lost, but that can't happen.
We know that, but it doesn't stop us from trying. We discard the people and things that come along and don't fit in the space provided. We shouldn't be so frivolous, but we can't help it. We know what we lost, and we just can't accept anything less.
Time has a way of eroding that hole, though. The days and months and years start to wear away the edges, and the shape starts to become more nondescript. One day, you are left with a void in your life that is smoother; it's bigger, but it's more accepting. That's when you can start to let others in, and you find out that while no one and nothing can exactly replace what you have lost, they can bring their own merits and joy to your life.
Grief is a process, it is necessary, and it is going to take time. It is not eternal, no matter what the poets and the songwriters say. You can keep your memories and carry them with you until the day you die, but eventually the pain will subside enough that you won't even notice it most days.
The stars know that we are all on the journey to that place for most of our lives. We cling tightly to the people we have lost, afraid to lose them forever, or ashamed to move on, like it will somehow diminish them. The thing the stars want you to know is that the hole they left in your life can always be filled again. It WILL be filled again, and if you don't watch what falls into it, you might find that your life has filled with bad and destructive things.
If anything, tend to the holes others have left in your lives fastidiously. The people who left them wouldn't want you to suffer any more than you have to, so you owe it to them to live well.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Today is Sunday, and in some religions, a day of worship. The stars will never try to tell anyone what they should believe when it comes to religion. Faith in a higher power, or any spirituality, is a personal matter, and yours to choose alone.
Most religions put an emphasis on things like compassion, growth, community, charity, commitment, and empathy. All kinds of things that the stars themselves recommend. Too often though, unscrupulous leaders and organizations can cherry pick passages and twist the words of prophets and deities. Too many times worshippers can use their religion to attack or condemn others, or perform other actions that are often directly opposite of what their religion teaches them to do.
All the stars ask is that whatever faith you follow, don't use it as an excuse to harm or exclude others. Religion is there to bring you closer to God, closer to peace, closer to love, to make the world a better place, not to promote hate and violence. You really shouldn't need a religion, or the stars, for that matter, to tell you that much.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that most of the lies people tell themselves and others are lies that they have somehow convinced themselves are the truth. They have fooled and tricked themselves into manufacturing a false reality.
Pay attention to what you think and what you say and what you do, and make sure it's all in unison. If not, you are in conflict, and happiness and self esteem is not possible while being conflicted.
Make sure your truth is actually the truth, or the stars see a lot of self-inflicted misery in your future.


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
Everyone is going to let you down now and then. It’s inevitable. The thing is, you shouldn’t let that affect how you feel about yourself, and you shouldn’t pin your happiness on how others react to your kindness and charity.
The stars want to remind you that people are endlessly complex and damaged, and most of the time they can’t even tell you why they do some of the things they do. How can you base your happiness on that?


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars advise you to always go down fighting. Fighting for what’s right, fighting for what you believe, fighting for the people you love. There is no point to living if your life is one of eternal compromise and capitulation, of caving to things that go against your morals and devour the people and things you care about, along with your self esteem.
Before you start fighting though, you should make sure the things you are fighting for are good and valid, and don’t be reluctant to change your position if the facts merit it. Don’t fight for hatred, or bigotry, or for things that hurt others. Don’t blindly make your stand for things that others have told you to fight for; make sure you examine every issue and your motives. Don’t enable people, or let yourself get taken advantage of by someone you care about when it is their addiction or selfishness that is dictating what they ask of you. Don’t fight for causes that are ultimately hurting you, or people that are innocent. Don’t punch down.
Once you figure out what you are fighting for, give it everything you have. Refuse to allow setbacks to keep you down. Don’t let naysayers and cowards make you abandon your cause. Fight a moral and respectable fight, but keep fighting. Even if you lose, you will never question yourself or forget the fact that you didn’t give in and betray yourself, simply because it was hard or unpopular or scary. You gave it all you had, you will proud of who you are. You will inspire others to take up the fight in your place. You will be stronger, tempered in the fires of righteous battle. Plus, you just might win.
Trust the stars on this one.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The smarter, more reasonable, logical, empathetic, and moral you are, the more the world will seem like an insane asylum. The more out of place you will feel, and the more you will want to withdraw from it, even as you will want to fix it.
The stars want you to know that you're not alone. There are plenty of people out there who feel like you do, who are cursed with intelligence, the ability to care and love, and brutal self awareness.
The only reason it hurts so much is because you can't ignore it.
You can learn to live with it, though. You can learn to care and to protect yourself at the same time. You can find kindred spirits, islands of sanity amongst the inmates. You can find joy and happiness and comradery and love, because you know it is possible and you know it exists.
If you didn't know it existed, it wouldn't hurt so much in the first place that so many people keep themselves from it.
Go find your joy among the ruins.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that fairytales aren't just for children. When we get older, we are told to put away childish things. We learn some hard lessons, and we are reminded that happy endings aren't guaranteed and that life doesn't always work out the way we want.
But sometimes it does. That's why fairytales are there, to remind us. That's why all our movies and books and songs aren't about misery and settling and broken hearts. We might even feel foolish when something is lighthearted and simple and sweet, because we're told those things are for children, lies to help them sleep at night.
They aren't lies, and they aren't any lesser than the dark and brutal truths we think we have to face because it proves we're adults. There is room for wonder and kindness, magic and mayhem, princesses and heroes. That's why so many people think of young adult novels and Disney cartoons as guilty pleasures, but love them just the same.
The stars know we need our fairytales, no matter how old we get. The stars know that they can still come true.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
It's Labor Day, and the stars want to take this opportunity to ask you about the work you are doing on yourself.
Are you working on making yourself better? Are you holding yourself to high standard of craftsmanship, and are you putting in enough hours? Are you providing adequate incentive to get the job done? Are treating yourself well, and compensating yourself for all that work? Are you a productive worker and a good leader?
It is a never ending job, fixing and maintaining yourself, and you are the factory worker, the maintenance man, the janitor, management, and CEO. You are the employee and the boss, and too often we look to shirk our duties. We end up subbing out the work and responsibilities to outside sources, often with disastrous results.
So this Labor Day, the stars suggest you look at your company and check the bottom line. See if all your columns add up, and if you're getting the most out of your workforce and your management. Figure out what's profitable, and where you're hemorrhaging money.
Then get to work and fix it.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars know how hard it is to let go. They know that everything can remind you of something you would like to forget. Memories of the good times you miss or bad times you endured hurt in an exquisite and precise way. They drag you back, and hold you down. They keep you in a holding pattern, and they taint everything in your life so that nothing seems good for very long.
People leave deep scars on us, in places we can't see and in ways we can't even comprehend. Love and abuse often result in the same types of wounds, and we pick at them whenever they remind us that they still haven't healed. We have questions that will never be answered, not by us, not by God, and most importantly, not by the people who caused us the pain in the first place.
The questions only grow, and we start looking within for blame when we can't reconcile or fathom how anyone could have done what they did to us. So we punish, we lash out, we hide, and we stunt ourselves because we are filled with uncertainty and fear and emptiness.
The only way to move on and accept it and get over it is to let it go, but we can't imagine ever letting go of something so personal and monstrous and encompassing. Sometimes we need help, from friends or professionals, to clear that hurdle we've been stuck on for so long. If not, we fall behind, and that becomes who we are, and we adapt to a half life of diminished expectations, ruled by the past and apprehension.
The stars implore you to get yourself over that bump or hill or mountain, however big it is. It takes time and effort, but it's worth it, trust them. There are so many good things waiting on the other side, and all you have to do is find a way to let it go.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Sometimes when you love someone, you get only pain in return. That does not mean you stop loving.
Sometimes your kindness is rewarded with scorn and manipulation. That does not mean that you stop being kind.
Sometimes you care too much, and people might take advantage or let you down. That does not mean that you stop caring.
Sometimes you try to change yourself or the world, and you or other people fight that change and make it difficult, and sometimes you fail. That does not mean that you stop trying to enact change for the better.
There are people in this world who view empathy and kindness as a weakness, and an excuse to use and manipulate people who care. There are people who have been hurt or abused, or just had lousy role models, and they take their hurt and pain out on the people who love them most. There are people who have disconnects in their brain, and can't understand anyone else's circumstances and the injustices heaped upon them if it isn't happening to them personally, so they have no pity or sympathy for anyone but themselves.
The stars are here to tell you that those people should not make a bit of difference in your life and how you treat others. The stars want you to know that no one has the right to make you feel bad about being good.
The stars need you to understand that if you keep doing the right thing, and don't give up on love and kindness and decency, that you will eventually accumulate an army of good and caring people just like you. Then you can let them insulate from the hard truths about everyday life when you need it, and you can reap the rewards of staying true to who you really want to be.
The reward is people like you. You tend to attract people who share your views and actions, so you can do good and attract good people, or you can do bad, and live your life surrounded by liars and thieves and sociopaths. As usual, it all starts with you.