Friday, July 26, 2019


Today’s Horoscope

It’s Friday, and the stars want to congratulate you on making through another week, and hope you do something fun, and maybe just for you this weekend.
They also want to tell you that while inhibitions certainly have their uses, and shouldn’t just be ignored, you should not let them get in the way of many of the things you want to do. Most of the time, inhibitions are just irrational fear and insecurity, and they are something you have to power through. It is all too easy to just walk away and give up on something because you are nervous about doing it.
So like everything else, examine your inhibitions, and learn to recognize when it’s something really risky or just something irrational that is making you tentative. Of all the things that could be stopping you from getting the most out of life, the last thing should be your own brain.


Today’s Horoscope

The stars understand that knowing something and feeling something aren’t the same thing. Fear and insecurity are irrational, so even if you know that you aren’t ugly or stupid or worthless, it doesn’t mean you neccesarily feel that way.
That’s why you have to be careful what you tell people, especially children. That’s why you have to be careful how you treat people, because you don’t know if you’re reinforcing the demons that live within them.
Now there are a lot of people who have the attitude that it’s not their problem if someone has some issues with things. They don’t think it’s their responsibility to tiptoe around other peoples triggers or trauma. Technically, they are right, but as a human being, you should want to be kind and considerate to other human beings. More often than not, the people who are proud to care the least about others have their own fears and insecurities at work, that’s why they have the need to feel superior or treat others cruelly.
Truly confident people don’t need to gain strength from other’s weaknesses. It’s bullies and abusers who damaged these people in the first place, and there is no shortage of them to carry on the work as life goes on. The people who still need to bully were damaged as well, by the same type of people.
That’s why the stars want you to realize that everyone is damaged. You can choose to emulate the people who damage you, or you can choose a better way, and break that cycle, and once you do that, then everyone can start to heal.


Today’s Horoscope

There’s a loneliness in all of us that we can’t even put into words. That’s because there are things inside us, that unless we are very lucky, we can never share with anyone. Sometimes it’s because of guilt or shame, or because we have no one we trust to hear our secrets without using them against us. Sometimes it’s because we don’t even quite understand it ourselves.
Most of the time, it’s just because there are very few people, if any, who we feel understand us on the level we want to be understood. It’s not anyone else’s fault, there are things within us that cannot really be explained; either someone gets it or they don’t. They recognize it, and they become a kindred, but even those people can never understand us completely.
That is because while we are the same in so many ways, each of us is unique, so we carry a thing inside us that is all our own. Some deal with that knowledge better than others. Some don’t even care, and they feel perfectly fine with the relationships that they have and what they get out of life. Some get enraged at the world because no one will see things their way all the time, and they go through people like napkins, tossing them aside when they let them down on any level.
Others, though, they can’t quite accept it. They feel untethered at times from humanity because they have this part of them that no one can comprehend, or even know is there. They are lost on some level, and everything they do brings with it a little bit of disappointment and dissatisfaction.
All the stars can tell you is that we are all going to have a part of us that makes us feel a little lonely and misunderstood at times. It is part of our core makeup, and it is responsible for our individuality, and for a lot of our inventiveness and advancement as a species. The more unique you are, chances are the more lonely you will be. That’s why you should learn to share those things with the world, even if it frightens you, even if it seems no one cares, because as unique as you may be, there will always be someone who sees it the same way.
And then the world gets a little less lonely.

Monday, July 22, 2019


Today's Horoscope

The stars want to point out that you meet some of the bravest people every day and don't even realize it.
People who are suffering on the inside, but still put a brave face on it and go out and take care of what they need to take care of. People torn up from loss or pain or health problems, but still go on and treat people kindly, no matter what they are dealing with.
People who are depressed or anxiety ridden, or suffer from ptsd, but still make that heroic effort to go out into a world that leaves them feeling like a prey animal. Overcoming their fears, overwhelming or irrational as they may be, just to try to get through the day.
People who help others, or animals, or political causes, who speak up and defend those who can't defend themselves. People who follow their dreams, no matter how scary and vulnerable it makes them. People who are doing all kinds of things that we only wish we had the courage to do ourselves, but they don't call attention to it.
Bravery and quiet strength and courage is all around us, and probably inside you, and we don't even see it.


Today's Horoscope

Most things in life will cause your brain to battle between emotion and reason. Some people exclusively follow their heads, some exclusively follow their hearts. Often, that doesn't work out so well for either.
Emotional people tend to get hurt and abused. Logical people avoid that, but miss out on a lot of the highs and truly joyous things in life. It's not good to stifle either one, you need to find that delicate balance between the two that lets you have the best of both worlds.
That's not easy to do. In fact, most people find it damn near impossible, so you have anxiety and stress and second guessing. There are instances in life where if you give too little or too much of one or the other in that moment, it might ruin everything you have. It's all done on the fly, like trying to walk a tightrope while doing your taxes, so it's no wonder we fuck it up constantly. In fact, there are times when you achieve that perfect balance, only to have the rules change, and the rope is swept out from under you.
The good news is that there's usually a safety net, and we can get right back up on that tightrope again. Everyone else is dealing with the same balancing act you are, and most people are forgiving because they know what it's like. So we get to go on, letting our heads and our hearts make our lives messy and dangerous, and full of apprehension and regret.
The stars want you to know that you're going to make mistakes, and who can blame you? So don't be so hard on yourself, you're basically programmed to do it. Just try to learn from it, and don't screw up anyone else's life while you try to get yours in balance.


Today's Horoscope

People lie. To themselves, to people they don't know, to people they love, to those that they have sworn a lifetime commitment. They lie under oath, they lie to the people they govern, they lie to people they are sworn to protect. They lie to their followers, they lie to their fans, they lie to their congregations.
People will lie at the slightest provocation, because the sad fact is that everyone has a part of themselves ruled by fear and insecurity and shame. Other people throw selfishness and compulsions and greed into the mix. A select few add cruelty and hatred to the list of reasons that they lie.
The stars tell you this not to bring you down or make you fearful, they simply tell you because it is true, and you have to be aware of the tendency in people to mislead and deny. You have to be able to spot it in the people you come across everyday, the people you place your trust in, the people you count on, the people you follow, and the people who govern you.
You also have to be aware of it in yourself, because the thing that most helps people get away with their lies is when you convince yourself that they aren't lying because you want to believe them. For all the lying people do, they want to believe each other so badly that it usually only facilitates more lying.
Like everything else in life, it's complex and contradictory. All the stars know is that everyday it seems like lying is becoming the accepted norm, and you should want better for yourselves than that.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019


Today's Horoscope

The stars want to warn you that there might be something that's like addiction in your life. It could be like a compulsion, something you can't always control. It might make you repeat the same pointless and possibly destructive behavior over and over again, even though you know where it will lead.
No matter how bad someone or something is for you, no matter how many times you tell yourself you're not going to make that same mistake again, you turn around and do it again. You keep putting yourself in a dangerous or unwinnable situation, and lie to yourself that it will be alright.
The reason you can do it is because most of the time self destructive behavior doesn't always look like what we think of as addiction, so you think it's less dangerous. It isn't drugs or alcohol or gambling, or the things we think of when we use the word "addiction". Meanwhile, you're telling yourself the same lies addicts tell themselves every day. You're putting yourself in harm's way like addicts often do. You're sabotaging your own happiness, and the happiness of those around you, just like addicts do.
The stars want you to know that addicts can very rarely get clean on their own. They need to get help and face their demons. They need to accept that they have a problem. They need to stop lying to themselves.
It's the same way with all the other behavior we engage in, but tell ourselves it's okay, because we're not addicts, but that's another lie. Addiction might not be the technical term for it, or a term that you think applies to your specific compulsive behavior, but it can fuck your life up just as bad. So beware of your self destructive behavior, of the things and people that control you, and the same mistakes you keep making, because it might not be an addiction, but it's close enough.


Today’s Horoscope

It’s Monday, time to start another week. We are predisposed to dread and revile Monday mornings, but it doesn’t have to be that way. It is the beginning of another week of opportunity. If you feel like you are stuck on the same old treadmill week after week, do something to shake up your life.
If you aren’t getting what you want out of your job, see if there are any other opportunities for you there to progress or earn more or learn, and if not, maybe look into other employers or career paths. It’s a big move sometimes, but people do it everyday.
If you’re lonely and you want a relationship, put yourself out there. If you don’t feel good about the shape you’re in or what you have to offer someone, start working on that. You might even meet someone at the same stage in life that you are, and you can work on yourselves together.
If your relationship is stagnating or becoming boring, do something to shake that up too. Tell your partner how you feel, and see if there isn’t something new you could be doing. Ignoring it will just lead to disinterest and resentment, so nip it in the bud and work on it together.
If your friends aren’t interested in doing the same things you want anymore, find new ones. That doesn’t mean that you get rid of your old friends, it just means that interests and priorities change over time. The more well rounded you are, the more friends you will want to share all those varied interests. Don’t just ignore what you want to do because the people you know don’t share your enthusiasm about it.
You might just do something as simple as rearrange your living room, or update your wardrobe. There might be a bunch of things you’ve been putting off for a long time, that you can get started on. Do some Spring cleaning, even if it isn’t Spring. Volunteer somewhere to help make the world better. Little things lead to momentum, and once you get moving, it’s easier to keep moving.
It’s the beginning of a new week, and you can coast into next weekend feeling better about your life and your prospects. You can end the week looking back on accomplishments and new found joy. You can spend the weekend looking forward to achieving even more next Monday.
Or you can just keep going the way you are, but if that’s not really working for you, why in the world would you do that?


Today's Horoscope

Most people don't realize how tiny the differences are in most things that mean so much. Often, the margin of victory in elections that decide the country's fate are only a percentage point or two. Championships are won by a single goal or point at the very end of competition, or inches of progress on the field. Even your body chemistry and physiological imbalance is a tiny fraction of chance that can go one way or another. A stray blood clot or electrical impulse could mean the difference between life and death.
That's why your life isn't going to be blissful happiness and entertainment all the time. It's all a balance between the good and the bad, the fun and the work, the joy and despair. The difference is usually a small percentage, that's why it's so important not to screw up the good things with self destructive or negative behavior.
You have a huge influence over how you nurture the good and limit the bad, and when the difference in life is only a small percentage in the middle of all that, why would want to take a chance on tipping the scales the wrong way?


Today's Horoscope

The stars want to remind you that confidence is quiet.
People who are secure in who they are don't need to prove themselves constantly. They don't need to attack some while heaping false praise on others. They don't get easily riled or defensive. They don't need to make proclamations about how they don't care how you feel about them or what they think.
In fact, most of the things that people think make them appear confident instead show the world how insecure they are. Confidence is consistency. Confidence is kind. Confidence is reason and strength and comfort. Confidence is the ability to be who you are in every aspect of your life, and in being so, everyone knows the same you, and that they can trust in that.
The irony is, most people who have no self confidence can't recognize or trust it in others, so they are leery of it, and question it constantly. They think confidence is about who speaks the loudest and who is the most brazen and bold, and generally obnoxious.
Confidence is quiet.


Today's Horoscope

The stars know you are exhausted. They know life keeps throwing things at you with little regard to what it has already heaped upon you already. They understand that it's not enough that you have real and immediate things to deal with, but your brain has to then twist them into more abstract and outlandish fears, as well imagine future problems that don't even exist yet. They know that you are adept at the whole bending without breaking thing, but the bending still takes a lot out of you.
The stars can tell you that it's all going to be fine, which is probably true in most cases. They can tell you that you need to prioritize your problems, and work to solve them in a timely and efficient fashion. They can tell you to make sure you take time to relax and recharge, and remind you that filling your life with distractions isn't the same thing as centering yourself and finding a calm space. They can point out how you're not alone. They can tell you how they believe in you, and how you've gotten this far already, and they believe that with all their might.
All that is true and fine, but it doesn't change the fact that an awful lot of life is spent solving problems and side stepping landmines and hard lessons to learn. What they can tell you is the simple truth we often lose track of: that's not all there is.
Not only is there is all the joy and happiness in between, but in working through our problems and trials, we often find the things that really matter in life. Most of the best people we have in our lives are the ones who walked through that fire with us. Most of wisdom and perspectives we gain is from our setbacks and failures. Many of the treasures we discover are scattered through the dirt and tangled weeds of life we stumble and hack our way through.
So what the stars can offer you is a better way to look at the world. View it as a whole, and see that the pockets of trouble and strife are just part of a huge tapestry of life, and even in those moments, there is still so much to appreciate. Joy and pain, and laughter and tears, can all come at the same time, but if you just focus on one half of the equation, there's no way to solve it. You need both parts to arrive at the correct answer.


Today's Horoscope

The stars want to remind you that you are free.
Free to decide who you want to be, free to decide who you give power to, free to decide what you want to believe. You are free to accept or reject whatever views, religion, or expectations were put on you by whatever circumstances you were born into. You are free to choose who you love, and free to disagree with the things that go against your nature.
Being free takes work; it takes thought and effort and wisdom and sacrifice, but it is worth it. You might never understand how much until you realize it, until you realize that you've always been free, save the chains you put on yourself and cages you lock yourself into.
Until one day, something or someone comes along and reminds you: you are free.


Today's Horoscope

The stars find it sad that so many of us have such problems relating to the other people in this world. So many people are devoid of empathy and understanding. It's not even a conscious thing, most of the time. Evolution has made us wary of anything different, and primates view those who differ from us as other tribes, and fear takes over, if you let it. It drives our worst compulsions, and turns us into monsters.
It's such an insidious thing, and that is why most racists or close minded people think you are way off base when you point it out to them. They are controlled by fear, just like all of us, but if you take a little time and effort to understand how your reptilian brain works, you can overcome it quite easily. You have to want to, though, and that simple step is so hard for many people to take. To them, it is safer in their twisted and convoluted reality. It is easier to hate and tear down.
The stars want you to understand that the cause of all of society's problems, and almost all of yours, is fear. It divides us, it holds us back, and it makes us destroy everything we should be building. It stands in the way of light and reason and love. It keeps us from being who we want to be, it keeps us from the people we love, it makes us hate ourselves
The opposite of everything good in the world is not evil, it is fear, and it is manageable, but only if you want it to be. Again, that's not easy, because admitting you're afraid is the one thing we fear most.


Today's Horoscope

The stars want you to know that there is nothing sadder or more futile than trying to hold on to something that's already gone.
The only way to survive in life is to learn how to let go when it's time, and to glean wisdom from the experience.
The only way to grow is to move on, to loosen your grasp on the familiar things that feel comfortable, and open your heart and mind to the things that challenge you.
Often, the thing you're trying so hard to retain is not at all what you think it is. We often view the things that hurt us and hold us back as safe and important and worth preserving, when really they are a cancer, feeding off of us and dragging us down, and we cling to them until we hit bottom.
Let them go, and ascend towards the surface and the light.


Today’s Horoscope

Staying positive and making the world better is as big a challenge as it has ever been. It takes a lot of strength and resolve and patience to navigate in a world so full of treachery and deceit, with new horrors at every turn. The stars thank you for your perseverance and faith.
That said, it often feels like nothing you can do will make a difference, but you could not be more wrong.
Show your children that kindness and love are better than violence and hate. Instill your values and morals in them, and make each generation better than the one before.
Love the people in your life, be there for them, make sure that they know that someone out there cares. Don’t just pay them lip service, then ignore them when they really need you. Be there for them, in good times and bad. When we lift each other up, we all get lifted up.
Care about lives that can’t speak for themselves. That includes the poor, the disadvantaged, the unjustly imprisoned, anyone who has no voice in society. It also includes animals and the environment, and those things affect us as well. Do your part to help the helpless.
One of the very least buy most important things you can do is to simply lead by example. Be someone you are proud of, and let the world see that. Share your stories, share your time, share your comfort and your love. Be someone who inspires, in whatever way you can. The stars know that there are people who you admire, who have some traits or abilities or a heart so big that you wish you could be like them in some regard.
So be that.
The stars see so many people doing it every single day, and they are so thankful for them. You can be one of them. Be someone who makes the world better, even a little bit, and you will be making a difference.


Today's Horoscope

There is good news and hope all around, you just have to learn how to see it.
There is love and kindness for you everywhere, you just have to acknowledge it and learn to reciprocate.
There is help and guidance and people on your side, you just have to learn to accept it and let them in.
There are so many others who share your dreams, pain, desire, tastes, opinions, and passion, you just have to open yourself up and share it all.
There is a way out, a way up, a better path, helping hands, and a safe place somewhere for you, if you only lift your gaze and make the effort.
The stars want to remind you that it's a big world, full of opportunities, and more resources and people than you can even imagine, and no matter what anyone tells you, there is so much more good than bad.
How you see it, and what you make of it, and almost everything you do is ultimately a choice. Some roads are harder than others, some people have more, and some people have so much less, but all of us have choices and opportunities. Collectively, we could all make the world a paradise, if we would simply choose to do it.
Choices matter, so if we're going to change the world, learn to choose wisely.


Today's Horoscope

The stars always point out that you should think about everything you say and do. You should have a moral code that guides you, and reasons for all your actions. That said, you don't need to provide those reasons for just anyone.
There are usually only a few people in your life that you owe explanations to, so don't feel obligated to constantly explain yourself to everyone. If you're doing the work to make sure you're making the right choices, be secure in who you are and your decisions.
Spend less time explaining yourself, and more time being yourself.


Today's Horoscope

The stars recommend that you stop taking things so personally. So often, people get defensive and belligerent because they see personal attacks where there are none at all. Any dissent on their opinion, any differing viewpoint, is met with anger and indignation.
When you feel personally attacked about something that isn't even about you, it is your own insecurities or your narcissistic ego in the driver's seat. It's very easy to do, because we are so controlled by our egos and fears. It takes effort not to make things personal, because after all, we see things from our own vantage point by default.
So if you find yourself constantly under attack, step back and make sure that's what is actually happening before you go off. Most of the time, it's not about you at all, but when you make it about you, you're often just exposing aspects of yourself that are better left out of view. It's usually not a good look.


Today’s Horoscope

If there is anything you need to apologize for, then do it. Don’t worry that it was a long time ago, don’t look at it like you got away with it just because no one is beating down your door demanding reparations. Don’t talk yourself into any of the excuses that let you off the hook for your bad behavior. Don’t look at it from the position of how it will affect you, see it from the perspective of the people you have already hurt and how it affects them.
So many people get hurt and damaged in their lifetime, and no matter how much love and support and logic and strength they have, there can still be a hole in their lives surrounding it. They carry scars and anxiety and depression, they lose self worth, as well as all the time and energy spent dealing with and trying to understand the pain people have saddled them with. When the person who hurt them never apologizes or acknowledges what they did, it denies them closure, and peace of mind. It leaves them wondering if they deserved it, and can affect their lives dramatically going forward. It can find them putting themselves in similar bad situations without even realizing it, simply because they are looking for answers as to how someone could have done what they did to them. You could help to heal all that damage by simply acknowledging and apologizing to them.
If you do apologize, do it correctly. Don’t just say the words, don’t deliver it with caveats or excuses, or talk about how you were a different person back then. Own what you did. State it, unequivocally, and in detail. Show that you understand the damage you caused, and that you will learn from it. Recognize what your transgression entailed, and accept responsibility for it. Yes, it will be scary, but that’s just how it is. Being an adult and a decent human being means doing things that make you uncomfortable and even frightening at times, and in the end you will feel better, and be a better person because of it.
The stars realize that getting sincere and heartfelt apologies from the people who have wronged you is a very rare thing indeed. Most people will avoid confrontation at any cost, and many of the people who do harmful things are blissfully unaware that they are doing them. Many more are aware, but admitting to their wrongs means facing a lot of unpleasant truths about themselves, so they are loathe to make apologies for anything they do.
If you are one of the many people who have been hurt badly by someone, the stars want you to know that you are most likely never going to get the apology and closure that you need. You may forever live with that hole in your life, that open wound that you bumps into everything you are, and keeps right on hurting.
The stars want you to know that you might have to find a way through it somehow without that apology. Even if you do get that apology one day, you can’t put your life on hold until you do. It’s not satisfying, and there’s no easy way to do it, but the only other choice is living some half-life that stunts and stifles you. If you can’t move past it on your own, get professional help. Maybe you can work to help other people who have been hurt in the same way, and take control of it in the process. The point is, you can’t count on the people who hurt you to also be the ones to fix you. You need to fix yourself, whether you get the acknowledgement and apology or not.
Otherwise you’re always going to be broken, and the stars are telling you that’s no way to go through life.


Today’s Horoscope

The stars know that it’s very easy to find things wrong with your life and the world. They know that sometimes you look around and wonder just how long everything can keep going the way it is. It seems like there’s no point at times, and that everything is just circling the drain. These are dark times, indeed.
The thing is, every single generation has felt that way. Every single person on the face of the planet throughout history who wasn’t delusional or completely out of touch has entertained those thoughts at one time.
It doesn’t mean you’re doomed. It doesn’t mean you’re some sort of killjoy. It doesn’t mean that you’re negative and no fun or dark and cynical. It doesn’t mean that there’s no point in being happy.
It means that you see how it can be better. It means you have a heart, and you have empathy, and it means you are on the right side, the side of good and of light. Otherwise you wouldn’t notice, and you wouldn’t care.
The good news about all of this is that once you understand that there is always going to be a bunch of bad things in the world, and a need to fight them, you can be free. Free to enjoy your life when you’re not doing your part to fight back the darkness. In fact, you might even find that you’re happier when you are fighting back, and pitching in.
If you look up and take notice, there are a lot of people like you out there, right by your side, and they are just as willing to laugh along with you at the absurdity of it all. People are attracted to other people who are positive and aware, who know what they know, and don’t let it stop them. Instead of lamenting about the bad side of humanity all the time, revel in the good part, along with all the kindred spirits who surround you, just waiting for you to make yourself known.

6/16/19 Father's Day

Today's Horoscope

Today is Father's Day, and the stars want to remind you what a huge responsibility that is.
If you have a son, he is growing to grow up in a world where he has a lot of power, simply by the birthright of his gender. He is going to get to make a lot of the rules, and he is going to benefit from them. He is going to have a huge impact on his world, so be someone he can learn from, on how to handle that power, and realize that he didn't earn it. Teach him to be good. Give him the tools to make the world better.
If you have a daughter, teach her that no matter how messed up society is right now, she is no one's property or servant. She is not there to put a man's needs before her own, she is not either a whore or a Madonna, she is a whole person with her own dreams and needs and sexuality. Show her what respect looks like, and make sure she learns how to demand it. Give her the tools to make the world better.
Lastly, the stars want you to understand that you don't need to have children to be a father. There are plenty of people out there who didn't have a good father to guide them, or have lost their way. Communicate with them, share your wisdom, show them the things in life that their father should have shown them. They might still be kids, they might be your own age, they might even be older than you, but they still need a dad, so take that need seriously, and fulfill that role if someone needs a little help. Give them the tools to make the world better.
Be a dad.


Today's Horoscope

The stars want to remind you that one of the worst things you can tell someone is that they are a disappointment. It's not constructive or positive, and if they hear it enough, that's how they will see themselves.
Once someone feels like a disappointment to everyone, they will inhabit that role with gusto. They will make sure they disappoint everyone who tries to love them, and they will hate themselves more every time they confirm it.
Making someone feel like a disappointment is one of the most cruel and terrible things you can do, because it can doom them to a half life of self loathing and non stop pain.
Words have power, use them wisely.


Today's Horoscope

If you're unhappy with your life, change it. Start with small stuff. Look at the decisions you make and things you invest your time in, and see if they are making your life better and giving back a return in that investment. Tie up your loose ends, do some spring cleaning, make a list of the things you've been putting off.
Once you get started and making progress, make a plan and start on the bigger stuff. Momentum will help carry you to a better life, the life you want. Momentum starts with change.


Today's Horoscope

Everyday, people overcome things in their lives at least as big or painful or horrific as the things holding you back right now.
The stars don't tell you this to belittle you or your pain, or to invalidate anything, they just want you to know that it's possible, and that possibilities are endless.


Today's Horoscope

The stars want to remind you that you shouldn't be a bully, and you shouldn't mock people. With social media, the problem is getting worse, because bullies can hide behind a profile, and they will, because bullies are cowards. They are insecure and petty and afraid, because they have no confidence or pride in themselves. Most of the time, they try to find pride in things that have nothing to do with them or any personal accomplishments, like nationalism or religion.
So they try to mask their own shortcomings and self loathing, and anytime you try to do that, you just expose who you really are and make yourself look bad. The true bully, who has no idea of their own self image, or the image they present to the world, will then double down, and make themselves look like bigger fools and cretins.
They don't even care, because they are that far gone, desperate to seem important or powerful, and acting the exact opposite.
So you might feel pity for the bully. You might think about what a sad and lonely existence they live, pushing everyone away and sabotaging themselves.
Do not pity them too much, because they make life so much worse for their victims. They waste time and resources, they breed negativity, they enable hatred and corrupt the system, they sometimes drive their victims to suicide, and the victims who don't kill themselves often have lasting scars that haunt them the rest of their lives.
So the stars implore you not to become a small minded, frightened and weak bully, who can only feel better about themselves through the misery of others. You are poisoning yourself as you poison the rest of the world.
And if you are the victim of bullying, remember that it isn't you that has the problem, it is the damaged psyche and starved ego of someone else. If you are a child, get help from your parents, or any adult that you trust.
The bullies of the world have been trying to hold the rest of us down for all eternity, but they are not winning. They cannot, because they damage themselves as much as they damage us, and any damage we incur is because we let them. Don't do the bully's work for them, and don't engage them online. They only want attention, and if you withhold it from them, they wither and die.
Let them die.


Today’s Horoscope

One sure fire way to figure out if you’re making excuses for your behavior is if you find yourself making excuses to satisfy other people more than yourself.
It’s one thing to come up with reasons for being lazy or engaging in questionable behavior to convince yourself to do it, but when you are tailoring those reasons to convince other people as well, you know in your heart that you shouldn’t be doing it at all. At that point, you are plotting and conniving and outright lying, to you, and to the people in your life.
There are plenty of reasons to avoid something or to take part in something, some good, some bad, but whatever the reason, admit it and be transparent with it, or you’re just letting yourself down.


Today's Horoscope

The stars know. They see how the people you love will hurt and disappoint you in unthinkable ways at times. They see how cruel and random fate will drop the floor from under your feet, and take irreplaceable things from you. They know the frustration you feel as you stand by, overwhelmed with helplessness as our leaders and society drag us down and hold us back.
They see you struggle with questions that might never be answered, and watch you wrestle with the demons in your head that are always whispering or shouting. They see your doubt, they see your fear, they see you make your mistakes and suffer for them. They watch you question yourself over and over, paralyzed in terror and indecision, and watch with you as the moments pass you by again and again.
They know.
They also see you persevere when it would be easier to quit. They see you retain your humanity and kindness, when it would be easier to become bitter and cold and hateful. They see you overcome your faults and setbacks. They see you strive for a better world when it seems like everyone is rushing headlong into oblivion.
They see you continuously fight your way out of the dark and lonely forest and into the light, when often you would rather just lay down and let the earth reclaim you.
They know, they see, and they are here to tell you that you are not alone, and although you might not always see it, you are an inspiration, and you are loved, and not only by the stars.


Today's Horoscope

All your life, you will meet people who cry and complain that only want to be loved or cared for or happy. They will tell you about all the horrible things that people have done to them, and let them down, and how they are always a victim of circumstance.
Now the stars are not victim blaming. Bad stuff happens to good people all the time. Things happen that are not people's faults, that is true in a lot of cases, especially when you're younger. At some point, you should gain enough wisdom to start evening out the playing field.
As you grow older, if you pay attention and you learn from your bad experiences or mistakes, you start to avoid bad people and situations. You start to realize that life takes effort. You learn responsibility, you learn that taking the easy way rarely gets you what you want. You learn how to protect yourself from being fooled over and over by the same old tricks.
The point the stars are trying to make is that as you get older, you have to understand that some people will never learn. They say they want the same things you do, and you try to give them just that, and they throw it away like it was nothing. They are incapable of understanding what love and commitment and selfishness are, so they can't appreciate it or return it.
That is because most of the important things in life are obtainable on your own. You control your happiness, your self esteem, your moral code, and your good and bad decisions.
So if you meet someone who wants you to figure all that out and provide it for them, to save them, you're going to be hurt and treated badly, because if they really wanted all that, they would have just done it themselves in the first place.


Today's Horoscope

Don't make things hard for your future self. They are up ahead there waiting, and the choices you make today could mean the difference between happiness and regret for them.
So many possibilities exist for them, but they are based on what you do right now, why sabotage them before they even get the chance?
Take care of yourself, now and in the future.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019


Today’s Horoscope

We buy our love. We sacrifice our own needs and freedom, we give more than we should, we lose a part of ourselves to become part of something bigger. We give our bodies, we give our pain, we give our souls. We give our hearts and we give our trust. We give our money and security. We put a lot of effort and time in, and we often compromise who we are.
We pay a very heavy price for love, whether we want to admit that or not, and it is often worth it. People in love are very satisfied customers, at least for a time. Living without it is possible, but empty.
Just make sure it's actually love that you're buying, and be careful how much you pay for it.


Today's Horoscope

Talk to people about your life. Often, there are things we don't even notice until we say them out loud to another human being. You might not even notice how bad some things have gotten unless you articulate it and are forced to see it.
Having someone you can talk to and have an open dialog about important things is essential if you want to grow and change. In the age we live in, you don't even have to physically talk to them, either. You can text and message, and in some ways that's better, because when you have to write something out it, usually means it takes more effort and thought, and really makes an impact on you.
Humans are social animals, so be social. Interact. Make connections. Share. Relate. It's an essential part of life, whether you want it to be or not, so learn how not to be alone.


Today's Horoscope

Speaking of balance in your life, the stars want to know how many things in your life bring you joy and fulfillment, and how many things are simply stuff you tolerate?
Seriously, make a list.
Make no mistake, your life is never going to be completely devoid of things you just have to tolerate and live with, but there should be much less of that than there is the joyous parts.
So look at your list, and determine which of the annoying and bad parts are due to your own choices, then figure out a way to stop choosing them. Then look at the rest, and decide which ones can be changed by putting some effort and work into your life, to get where you want to be, because those things are probably a choice as well.
The stars want to remind you that you can choose what you want to tolerate, but that means you can also choose what you don't want to tolerate in your life. Tolerance is good when it's applied to aspects of other cultures or beliefs. Unfortunately, a lot of what we end up tolerating is just horrible people and situations in our lives that we can do something about. It isn't fun, it isn't growth, it isn't fulfilling, it is a sacrifice and a burden.
Don't tolerate too much of that, or you might find your life is out of balance in the worst possible way.


Today's Horoscope

Get your life in balance.
Give back what you get, and get back what you give. Take care of others, but take care of yourself. Handle your responsibilities, but have fun when you can. Don't make so many things in your life all or nothing.
Most importantly, learn that if you live your life expecting dizzying highs, they will be balanced by crushing lows. We expect things like love or other people, money or a vacation, or material things to make our lives complete and fix us, and time after time we are taught that's not going to happen.
Balance your life so your happiness depends on things you can actually control to some extent. Find your fulfillment in you, and then all the other things won't seem so urgent and necessary. Then you won't have wild swings from manic anticipation to crushing disappointment. Learn to be happy without the things you can't control, and then when you want them, you can at least control how you react to the randomness and casual cruelty life sometimes encompasses.
That starts with getting your life in balance.

5/23/19 Bonus Just Because It’s Important Edition

Today’s Horoscope Bonus Just Because It’s Important Edition

The stars think it’s important to occasionally sit down and take stock of things. Examine your life like you might a business. See if all the things you’re putting time and money and energy into are paying back any dividends.
Start with looking at what you do everyday. Are you doing it efficiently? Is it accomplishing anything, or giving you back as much as you put into it? We quickly fall into habits, good or bad, and before we know it, we are not living the life we want to live.
Keep track of what you spend your money on. Money is an abstract thing in many ways, and we often forget that we trade hard work and a third of our lives for it, and we lose its value. We often go without things we need because we spend our money on things we think we want, that often leave us disappointed once we get them. Then we go do it all over again.
Demand respect, and the same type of things you provide in return from the people in your life. That goes for anyone. Your family, your lover, your friends, your coworkers, anyone in your life. If someone always takes a lot more than they give, stop giving. Don’t make excuses for people who treat you poorly. If someone isn’t making your life better, and isn’t willing to change, don’t let that person into your life. Know your enemies, sometimes they are the people closest to you, and no one owes anyone that much that they deserve to be put down, manipulated or used, or abused in any way.
Take care of your health. Examine your diet, your routine, and any bad habits that affect your mind and body. We live in an age where food is everywhere, and a lot of it is not healthy. Keep a food diary if that’s what it takes, and eat better. It is cheaper to make your own meals than to eat out, and it is healthier to eat real ingredients than it is to eat processed foods, full of fats and salt and sugar meant to tempt you. If you get yourself into the mindset of eating better, you will feel better about yourself, and the occasional treat will seem that much more special. Same goes for engaging in healthy activities. It’s easier to do nothing, but you get nothing back from that. In fact, you end up atrophying, in mind and body. You actually lose by doing nothing, the worst investment you could possibly make.
Take stock in how you treat yourself. Are you at least giving yourself the opportunity to succeed and be happy? Most of us find ways to sabotage ourselves all the time, and we ignore the truth, even though we know better. Are you ignoring the things you do that make you feel bad about yourself, that hold you back, that ruin other aspects of your life? They come in many forms. It could be addiction or dangerous behavior, it could be letting other people take advantage of you, it could be a host of things that make us feel bad about ourselves. It could be mental health issues, things we can’t fix or control on our own. There is nothing wrong in asking for help, for anything. If you need help, people who really care about you will help you, no questions asked. They won’t judge, they won’t make you feel stupid, they won’t question your problems and blame you. They will help you, even if they don’t exactly understand it. If you don’t have people like that in your life, go back and read paragraph four again.
The key to being fulfilled and happy is to question everything. Examine your views and motives. Dissect your actions and worldview, and recognize your prejudices and the things that have been ingrained in you that you accept without question. Challenge yourself and your ideas, see things from many viewpoints, and don’t be afraid to let go of things simply because they are comfortable. A lot of the self love and pride you will have in yourself comes from being confident in who you are and how you feel and what you represent. If you refuse to see things from other perspectives, you can’t ever be sure that what you believe is right. If you’re hiding from the truth, or making allowances because it’s easier or because you’re frightened, you aren’t going to respect yourself very much.
So the stars suggest you take stock of your life. See the areas where you are living in conflict with yourself, and resolve it. Take notice of the things you do simply because it’s what you’ve always done, and figure out if it’s bringing you satisfaction and growth. Spend wisely, eat healthier, work more efficiently, love better, and take better care of yourself. All very simple things that are obviously a lot harder than they seem.
Why is that? Why do we consciously do things that hurt and hinder us, rather than things that enrich our lives and bring us joy and contentment? The stars think that when you start to examine yourself, you might be able to figure that out all on your own.


Today's Horoscope

People will always tear other people down. They will hurt you at times, as they hurt themselves in the process. They will destroy your life as they sabotage their own happiness, and most likely, they will not learn a thing from it, and do it all again the next chance they get. They do it for a myriad of reasons, but most of those reasons are just some warped and twisted attempt at control.
People are complex and broken, and are slaves to past trauma and insecurity and brain chemistry. Everyone forms their own reality, and it's usually not a great one. It keeps them from doing a lot of the things they really want to do, and it keeps them from being happy with the people they love.
The cruelest joke of all is that while we all form our own reality, we very seldom create one that treats us very well. We are so stingy when it comes to loving ourselves, or being proud of who we are. We feel like we don't deserve praise for the things we do, and we feel like it's somehow bad to compliment ourselves, so we consistently look for flaws and reasons we should be humble and ashamed.
So for what seems like the millionth time, the stars are telling you to take it easy on yourself. Find your self worth, and celebrate it. Take pride in your accomplishments, don't magnify your faults, and understand that there are people who look at you and are amazed at your gifts, and who you are and what you do. There is absolutely nothing wrong with liking who you are, yet so many of us look for reasons to put ourselves down.
You create your own reality. Create one where you're someone you love.


Today's Horoscope

The stars need you to understand that broken is a part of life. Promises get broken, relationships get broken, people get broken. Try as you might, cracks will appear, and everything may end up coming apart. So many things can get absolutely shattered, and it all hurts, sometimes seemingly more than we can bear.
More importantly, the stars need you to understand that repairing and fixing is an even bigger part of life. Sometimes what can be taken apart can be put back together, and be even stronger than it originally was. Without that, what would be the point of going on?
But go on we do, more beautiful and magnificent than we were when it all went to hell in the first place.
That's all well and good, but the stars want to caution you that not all things that break should be reassembled. Some things break because they are unsustainable, and they are meant to collapse and we are meant to move on. Like everything in life, knowing the difference is key, so they suggest you pay attention.
Sometimes we emerge stronger and more beautiful from the rubble and ashes, because like they told you, broken is a part of life.


Today’s Horoscope

Some people strive to be individuals, which is a noble pursuit. We should all examine who we are and what we do and what we associate ourselves with, otherwise we tend to stop questioning things and thinking for ourselves. We become what many people refer to derisively as “sheep”.
Everyone is looking for an identity, and in pursuing that, we can often fall into the wrong crowd, whether it’s an actual crowd, or just what amounts to a fanbase for some theology, political movement, or just some pop culture phenomenon or entertainment. Some people go to the extreme in the other direction, and they work overtime to avoid things just because they are popular. They deride people for liking something based on how many people like it, and refuse to judge it on its own merits.
The thing about sheep is that once you are in the middle of the flock, it’s hard to tell exactly what it is you actually believe and what is herd mentality. Just because you try not to be a sheep, doesn’t mean you’re not going to get swept along with them anyway. Being an individual is so hard, especially when nothing you think is actually going to be unique. Someone else out there thinks the same way you do, no matter how original you think you are.
We often rejoice when we find these other people who think like us, and before we know it, we have our own flock of sheep, many of whom were once the black sheep in another flock. No matter how much of an individual we think we are, we want to surround ourselves with people who feel the same way about things as we do. We don’t grow as individuals by only interacting with what reaffirms our beliefs, we grow by encountering things that contradict our beliefs.
So the stars think you should give sheep a break. You can be part of a herd, but live on the edges, and decide your own path if you want to. You might see some other sheep across the meadow who suit you better, and you can split your time between two or more flocks. The point is, we are all sheep to some degree, even if you can’t always see it. Make your peace with that, be self aware about it, and hang out with the right flock.


Today's Horoscope

Most days, we wake up full of good intentions and plans to conquer the day. We are going to get things done, and achieve our goals, and set the world on fire.
A few hours later, we usually have scaled back our expectations quite a bit. Most days, we peter out completely before lunch, and go into survival mode just to finish out the day.
Sometimes that can really get to us, and send us into a defeatist spiral. We get mad at ourselves for giving up, we get mad at the world for not making it easier, we get exasperated and worn down in a sea of negativity and discouragement.
What you need to remind yourself of is that most victories and accomplishments are achieved slowly, a little at a time. We expect to move mountains, when we should just be moving shovels of dirt each day.
As long as you can get up the next day and try again, you are victorious. So long as you keep moving forward, even in tiny increments, you are winning.
The stars want to point out to you that your dreams aren't going to come true and you're not going to find fulfillment in one fell swoop, it's going to be earned bit by bit, over the course of your lifetime. Expecting it to be any other way is just going to frustrate and hamper you.
So instead of starting off the week angry that your unrealistic expectations didn't work out yet again, celebrate the small progress you make towards your destination, and recognize what victory looks like.


Today's Horoscope

The stars want you to be more aware. Life and all the situations it puts you in can be overwhelming, but not all at once. Little things build up as you go. Before you know it, your muscles may be clenching, your nerves might be getting frayed, and anxiety might be overtaking you. You might even find that you're forgetting how to breathe.
Train yourself to check all that as you go about your day, and when you notice it happening, take a moment. Relax, breathe in and out, and let the tension in your body unwind. The simplest things can put our lizard brains into fight or flight mode, and we get so used to it that we don't even notice it happening most of the time.
We often exist in a state of anxious dread, usually for no actual reason. That's nothing to be ashamed of, or worked up about, it's just life in our modern world, where everything seems urgent and overwhelming.
Don't let vague unease and unnamed fear dictate your life and demeanor, and your very comfort in being alive.
Stop. Breathe. Relax.
You might find that you're reclaiming yourself several times a day, but it's worth it, because otherwise you're not living on your terms at all.


Today’s Horoscope

The stars understand we want to be comforted. We want things that are familiar. We want things that feel safe and easy. When we suffer some tragedy or setback, we will often look for signs or omens that something has control over our lives when we feel that we don’t. We want it to be someone else’s fault or responsibility. We create a cocoon or bubble around us where we feel secure.
Ironically, the problem with that strategy is precisely that we end up in a cocoon or bubble. We stop growing, we stop trying, and in extreme cases, we shut down and stop living. We give up, and leave our fates to the wind, and open ourselves up to predators or worse.
When you need comfort, find it, but find it in healthy places. Find it in friends and family. Find it in community. Find it in positive places that are good for you, and help you heal and move on. There are so many seductive places to find comfort that are a trap, and you have to be on guard for them.
Learn to find comfort in growth and new experiences. Train yourself to counter adversity with strength and willpower, to attack it and overcome it, not to hide from it and hope it goes away. Challenge yourself, rather than get run over by life.
The stars know you deserve comfort, and it is there for you, but like with everything else, there are good choices and bad choices.
Choose wisely.


Today’s Horoscope

The stars have said it before, but go down fighting. Exhaust every possibility.
In the end, you can succeed, you can lose while knowing that you did all you could, or you can just spend your life wallowing in regret.
You have the power to choose which it will be, and who in their right mind would choose the last option?


Today's Horoscope

The stars see a lot of people who have lost their mothers along the way. The stars pass along their condolences.
The thing about mothers is that more than anyone, they pass on a legacy that everyone is affected by. What mothers do shapes people, and in turn, shapes the world.
Mothers live on, well past their time in earth, in the hearts of their children, who take a piece of them out into the world, and so in some form, mothers also live on in the hearts of people they've never met.
You are part of her legacy, and that legacy is never truly gone.
The stars hope you can take some solace in that as you miss your mother today.


Today's Horoscope

Demand better of yourself.
Demand better for yourself.
Don't always settle. Don't make excuses, for yourself, and just as importantly, for others.
Be the person you know your should be, learn to love and respect that person, and expect others to do the same.
Don't deny the truths you already know.
Don't let fear and insecurity rule your life.
Don't fill your head with questions you have already answered a thousand times before.
Be the brave and amazing person that you know you can be, that you already are, and don't look back.
You only get one life, so why spend it in the dark, being something you don't really want to be?
Go be you, without fear, without apologies, without regret.
Be you.
The stars realize that a lot of you are reading these words and thinking that they are just that, words. They know you are already envisioning all the roadblocks keeping you from doing any of it. They know it seems like a nice fantasy, but you know the reality, and you know it's just not possible.
Except that everyday, you see people doing just that. Famous people, people at work or people you read about. People you know, that do something everyday that makes you think "I wish I had the courage or freedom to do that."
Courage is just doing something in the face of fear, and it's your decision.
Freedom is the chains and anchors you attach to yourself, the cage you put yourself in, so again, it's your decision.
Like most things in life, it's hard, but doable.
So do it already.


Today's Horoscope

Despite being the most intelligent creatures on the planet, humans seem intent on repeating the same behaviors time after time, regardless of whether they work or not. That is because our brains crave routine. It's the same for all living organisms, from blue whales to chimpanzees, to rats and dung beetles.
That's why you have to consciously will yourself to try new things and different ways. You might look at other options or things to do, and decide that there is no point, or that it won't work out or be enjoyable, and you stay where you are and continue to stagnate.
That's because your brain views change as danger. It's hard wired to resist change; in routine, in diet, in viewpoints, in any habits, good or bad. You have to overcome that. Controlling your impulses is a struggle that is the price for being sentient and cognizant. We have the capability of higher thought process, but to achieve it, we have to resist the basic instincts that evolution has used to guide all life since it first arose on the planet.
So even if your brain tells you not to think about things differently, even if it screams at you not to try some new experience, do it anyway. Force yourself. Often, the things we love most now are things we initially resisted. We don't know how they are going to turn out until we actually do them.
Your always going to be a slave to routine to some extent, that's just how we are. The thing to remember is that your brain can only create that routine from the options you present it with. If you never give it any new choices, you're not going to grow, you're not going to be happier or more fulfilled, you're just going to stand pat with the mediocre existence you have now. That might feel safe and secure, and all you need, but that's just your brain lying to you to keep the status quo, all because it doesn't know any better.
Teach it, so things will get better, for you and your stupid brain.

5/7/19 Tuesday Afternoon Bonus

Today’s Horoscope Tuesday Afternoon Bonus

Things are probably going to get worse before they get better, that’s always a safe bet. It might seem disheartening, but at least it ends with things getting better, right? Even when things do get worse, a lot of the time it still isn’t as bad as all the horrible outcomes you’ve envisioned, the clear or the vague ones. Not knowing is often times more frightening than knowing what can actually happen.
The line that charts your life’s ups and downs is often erratic, and like the rollercoaster it mimics, the sudden drops can really disorient you and make you feel sick, but you start back uphill immediately afterwards.
The point the stars is trying to make here is that it’s a long ride, and gravity is going to pull you down no matter what, but there are also plenty of times that other forces overcome that gravity, and make your life exhilarating. Don’t spend too much time worrying about the drops, or stalling at the bottom; let your momentum carry you back up until you’re on top again.
You’ve been on this ride all your life, at some point you need to get used to it and learn how to make it work in your favor.


Today's Horoscope

Several times today, you're going to get upset or angry with something you read in the news, or by some slight or comment from a coworker or loved one. You're going to react incredulously to something someone says on social media, or does in real life. Someone's behavior somewhere is going to enrage you.
The stars want to remind you that these things happen on a regular basis, and the vast majority of them really have little impact on your life in the long run. Think about what got you angry or upset yesterday. Or last week. Or last month. Chances are, you barely remember, and if you do, it probably looks much more insignificant in hindsight.
So remember that, next time you're about to blow up or make yourself sick or attack someone else, and save yourself the trouble. Keep some perspective, and try to turn hindsight into foresight.


Today's Horoscope

People often say things like "what do you want, a medal?" whenever we seek a little attention for some accomplishment or good deed. It's true, we shouldn't do nice things or work for something just for the compliments, but that doesn't mean we don't deserve them nonetheless.
So the stars want to take this moment to tell you that you are amazing, and you did good, and you deserve some praise. They know it's not the same thing as getting it from the people in your life who should be telling you how much they appreciate you and lifting you up, but it's something, and it's sincere. The stars do notice.
You shouldn't have to count on the stars to pick up the slack for the people in your life who are supposed to be supporting you, though. If you're not getting what you deserve, let them know. If they aren't willing to listen and try to change, then maybe you should reevaluate the people in your life.
Life is too short to weigh yourself down with miserable, selfish, and petty people. If you're not getting what you want, go get it somewhere else.


Today's Horoscope

Scripted entertainment and modern technology has left a lot of us with the impression that life should be full of instant gratification and realized potential, and epiphanies result in simple and easy growth and fulfillment. The stars want to remind you that life is mostly repetitive work and maintenance, and growth is hard, and takes time and sacrifice.
You might think that's depressing, but it's not. It simply means that we have get our definitions of success and fulfillment based on reality, not some fantasy world meant as escapism and entertainment.
Once you adjust for that, the fulfillment you get from simply taking care of yourself and everything around you will be enough, and the victories will be all that much sweeter.

5/2/19 Wednesday Bonus

Today’s Horoscope Wednesday Bonus

The stars understand that odds are, you’re going to fail more times than you succeed, but if you’re going to fail, fail spectacularly. Don’t just give in, don’t give it half your effort, don’t just roll over or give up by deciding you failed before you actually have.
Regrets come from the times we short change ourselves by not giving it everything we could have. We sit and think about the things we should have done, or how we should have tried harder and stuck to it.
At least when you give it your all, you know that you didn’t fail because you didn’t really try, and that failure can turn into wisdom as you discover just what you are capable of and what corrections you have to make for next time.
Fail on your terms, and fail spectacularly.


Today's Horoscope

We all lose our way. Most of the time, it's just a short trip down a little side road, and then we get right back on track. Sometimes it's something bigger, and we suddenly find ourselves in unfamiliar territory, not sure of which way to go, or which way we even came from. That's when it helps to have friends and family to help call you back.
The frustrating thing is, we don't always heed those calls. We have all been there when someone you care about loses their way, and you helplessly watch them start to spiral downward. You try to help them, you try to make them see and give them guidance, but you can't seem to say or do the right thing. They don't want your help. They don't want to see what they're doing wrong.
We do the same thing to those trying to help us. All of us, running headlong into the dark, rather than running to the open arms of those who love us.
The stars don't know what to do, or how to advise us. They can't tell us what we need to know, because we already know it, we just don't want to see. Our brains are clouded by fear and uncertainty, and for some reason, this makes us move closer to the danger rather than away from it.
Somewhere along the way, so many of us got programmed to fail. If we don't learn to trust the people in our lives who care about us and can see the answers that we run from, we are doomed to wander in the wilderness alone forever.


Today’s Horoscope

The stars want to remind that who you align yourself with says a lot about you. Who you associate with and what you say has serious repercussions on how the rest of the world views you. The people in your life might agree with you on one issue, but hold horrible views on a wide assortment of things you care about. They might not even agree with you on your issue for the same reasons you do.
They say that politics makes for strange bedfellows, but it isn’t just politics. We often overlook the worst aspects of some people simply because they are on our side of something important to us. We will tolerate anything as long as it provides the reinforcement we need to feel alright with a decision, or feel safe, or part of a tribe. We ignore all the bad traits, but other people won’t. They will judge you by the company you keep.
If you want to be loved, and you want to have the right kind of people in your corner, be the right kind of person, and don’t take any chances on misrepresenting yourself by association. Don’t throw out your morals when it suits you. Life is never about just one thing, you have to look at the people in your life as the complex thing that they are, and make sure that strong morals and compassion are there informing their decisions and actions, regardless of what the issue at hand might be.
When all you have in your life are people with questionable values, you will find yourself surrounded by questionable people, and no one else. You will have jettisoned the decent people in your life because you sold yourself out to people who aren’t really your friends.

4/29/19 Monday Bonus

Today's Horoscope Monday Bonus

Life is full of shit that will piss you off. It's frustrating and infuriating at times.
Don't take it out on the people in your life. Don't spread your misery to others, deal with it like an adult.
Life is hard enough, why make it any harder on the people you care about?


Today's Horoscope

Everyone arrives at points in their lives where they feel that it's time to sink or swim. The stars know that simply sinking seems so seductive, and like it's the easier choice, but don't listen to those voices. Nothing worthwhile has ever been easy. Taking the easy way out gains you nothing, as unfair as that may be.
Instead, tread water while you survey your options, then turn and swim for shore. There's always something waiting for you on some other beach, even if you can't see it from open water.

Monday, July 15, 2019


Today's Horoscope

The stars know that the mistakes we make can hurt us. They know that our missteps can set us back, and even make our lives a misery at times.
Watching the people we love make mistakes hurts us even more. We watch as our friends go down the wrong road, and ignore our wisdom and advice. We watch as our partners sometimes sabotage themselves and our relationships, and when we try to help, we simply manage to drive a bigger wedge between us. We watch our children mess up again and again, and we worry and fret as they learn things for themselves, just like we had to do.
That's one of the many things that makes love so hard. Trusting that love to people as fallible as ourselves, and hoping they are better, and being constantly reminded that we are all the same in so many ways.


Today’s Horoscope

There are a lot of big and important things in life you have to deal with. There are some things that you have to take seriously and put a lot of thought into, and decide if it warrants your outrage. There are times you have to take a hard stance, and refuse to give in and yield.
At the same time, there are a million things that we get indignant over all the time that really mean nothing. They mostly have to do with ourselves.
The stars suggest you get over yourself, and they don’t mean it in a nasty and catty way. They just think that we make a lot more grief for ourselves by taking things personally. If you are secure in who you are and what you believe, a lot of stuff should roll right off your back. If you know the truth, what do you care about what people might say? Often, we only get so upset because somewhere inside we feel that they might be right. We are frightened that they have seen something bad that we see in ourselves as well. That might be because there is something you need to work on, but more often than not it is just a product of your low self esteem.
If some criticism bothers you, it probably bothered you before anyone even mentioned it.
By the time you reach adulthood, you should be able to tell the difference between good natured fun and random trolls on social media, and hateful and abusive attacks. Taste is subjective, but hatred is not. If you don’t learn the difference, you are going to be dying on a lot of hills needlessly.
The stars suggest that you don’t take yourself so seriously all the time, and when you do, you should make sure it’s about something that really matters.


Today's Horoscope

There are a million reasons to wait for anything. You want to lose weight first, you want to be in a better position financially, you want to get better or smarter or get nicer clothes. At some point, you just have to start doing whatever it is that you want to do.
Go get that job, or a boyfriend or girlfriend, or get up on front of people and talk, or sing, or dance, or paint or sculpt or write. Just hold your head up and look the world in the eye, and realize that all the excuses and insecurities in the world aren't holding everyone back, just the people who let them. The people you admire or aspire to be like walked right past all that doubt and fear and indecision.
You can too. Don't worry that you might not look the part, or that you might not be good enough, go do it all anyway. The only way you find out is to do it, and by doing it, you might just be the one that sets the standard of what's good enough after all.


Today’s Horoscope

We all make mistakes, everyone is fond of reminding us. It's true, and it's part of life, so don't beat yourself up over it. It's how we learn.
Well, it's supposed to be how we learn. Making the mistakes isn't the hard part, figuring out the lessons they teach us, and remembering them is where people run into trouble.
That we fail doesn't make us failures. It's when we ignore the failures and the lessons they teach us that we become failures ourselves.
Then we simply live a life repeating the same mistakes over and over again.


Today’s Horoscope

A lot of times in your life, things are not going to work out the way you want. Sometimes you can live with the parts that don’t go according to plan, sometimes you can’t. That’s for you to decide.
The trick is to let go of the people and things in your life that aren’t working and are causing you harm. Evolution has hard wired us to keep trying to make your life work with what you have, so we keep throwing good money after bad in situations that we should walk away from.
Often there are things we think are going to make our lives complete and bring us eternal happiness, and we have to be willing to accept that many times the only thing we are going to get out of it is a sad story or song, and another lesson learned.
You are just going to have to accept that it will be enough and move on.


Today's Horoscope

The stars often talk about change and growth and accomplishment, but talking about it is the easy part. There are always obstacles, many of them placed there by yourself. There is a lot to overcome on your path to enlightenment and greatness. There is a lot to overcome on a trip to the grocery store at times.
It's really hard to get anywhere if you don't have goals and you don't have a plan. Just wanting something isn't exactly a goal, and it certainly isn't a plan. Many times, the thing we want is abstract, or multifaceted, or it's a lot of steps away from where we are right now.
You can't hit targets that aren't there, and you can't get to them without some kind of plan. So define exactly what you want, and what you will have to aquire to get it. Then, make a plan on how you're going to attain it. Sometimes that seems overwhelming or impossible to conceptualize, and we give up before we start. The stars often tell you to ask for help when you need it, and this is no exception. We often need help defining our goals and formulating plans, from people who have what we want, and have been where we are now. Talking to them should be part of your plan.
Once you figure out your goals, and formulate your plan, be relentless. Understand that while people are happy to help, no one is going to hand you anything. After goals and plans comes work, and if you're not willing to do that, no plan is going to help you. Keep in mind that plans often change and mutate as you go, because no plan is ever perfect. Don't let that discourage you.
The stars often remind you that you only have one life, and it is so achingly short, no matter what you try to tell yourself. So you will need to put aside your fears and your doubts, and your own tendencies to self sabotage the good things in your life. The time you spend procrastinating and stagnating is time wasted, that you will never get back. The world is full of excuses to hold you back, full of reasons to stay put and not take a chance, and it's your job to smash through them.
The stars often tell you how amazing you are, and that you're a warrior. The stars are not wrong, about any of it, and they are certainly not wrong when they believe in you. Learn to believe in yourself, to see yourself the way the stars see you: strong, amazing, beautiful, and bound for glory. You will need to rely on yourself, and while that seems scary, you'll do best to realize that it's been you that's gotten you where you are already. People help along the way, but it's been you all along doing the heavy lifting. Give yourself the credit you deserve, and get going.
It's all just waiting for you.


Today's Horoscope

Easter and Spring is about birth and rebirth. We all have the ability to be reborn whenever we want. We only need to decide to do it.
But birth is a painful and violent thing, and it takes a colossal amount of effort and patience. That's why so many people are more than willing to simply stagnate in their old lives, never growing, never changing. The effort it would take to throw off their old skin and start again seems daunting, and frightens them. They convince themselves that they are happy, but they aren't, because true happiness does not involve convincing.
So if you're not happy, truly, deeply happy, go get yourself reborn. It's better than being dead, locked in a tomb, going nowhere while everything you are rots away.


Today's Horoscope

You want an end to the corruption and crime and violence that plagues society. You demand that the rapists and murderers and thieves be made an example of, be held accountable, and that they are punished and eradicated.
Yet you look to leaders who are are just like the criminals you claim to despise. You elect the greedy, the power hungry, the sociopaths, who would trade their dignity and honor for just a little bit more.
If you want to cleanse the world of the criminal element, the psychopaths, and the people who steal and kill, the stars suggest you start at the top.
Otherwise, anything else you do in the meantime will simply breed more criminals and embolden the ones we already have.


Today's Horoscope

The stars want you to pay attention to the things that make you feel defensive. Often those are the things you don't like about yourself. In fact, it can get to the point where you start seeing slights that aren't even there.
If you don't figure out why something someone else does or says upsets you so much, you will wind up stagnating, and projecting all your faults and insecurities onto others. You will convince yourself that the whole world is to blame, and you are just a victim.
As always, figure out your own crap, feel better about who you are, and stop making yourself so miserable.


Today's Horoscope

The stars recommend that you broaden your horizons.
Some people wear it as a badge of honor that they still only like the same things they did as a child, or in their teenage years. They feel like nothing new is as good as it was back then. They stop trying new music or television or food. They won't adapt their views and opinions in an ever changing world. It makes them feel safe or superior in a world that frightens and confuses them.
Not only are they holding society back, they are doing themselves a great disservice. They are missing out on all kinds of new pleasures and technologies, new ideas and knowledge, new wonders and challenges that could be giving them a better understanding, more options, and making their life so much better.
So the stars suggest you open your mind and swallow your fear and join the rest of the world as it moves forward. You can still love the things you have always loved, no one is taking them away from you, but you can find so many more things to love along the way.
Try a new food every now and then. Put on some new music once in a while, and see if there isn't something you like. Stop watching repeats of the same show you've seen a hundred times, and give some new things a chance.
Most importantly, start opening your mind to new ideas and other ways of thinking. Question the beliefs you formed as a young person, apply the wisdom you've gained in the years since, and toss out your views that don't fit in today's world.
Keep moving, because the world isn't going to stop. You're either going to get plowed under or left behind, alone with your ideas of what should be, but is now long gone.


Today's Horoscope

People are never going to be exactly what you want them to be. You have no choice but to accept them on their own terms. Then you have to decide if that's something you want in your life.
Some people will try their best to be exactly what you want them to be, or at least what they think you want them to be. Often, they will get it wrong and wind up frustrated. Even if they get it right, they aren't being true to themselves, and they will tire of it, and they will break. Some even lie to themselves, and they will not be able to keep up the act for long.
Some will never be what you want. They have been hurt or lied to, or someone has abused their trust, and they will make it a point to never give you anything you want, because that seems like danger and weakness to them. You can spend your whole life waiting for something that never comes.
In the best case scenario, you will find someone who knows themselves, and what they want, and that will be what you want. Still, there will be things you disagree on, and things you see differently. You will respect and trust them, and they will do the same for you. But you will still be accepting them on their own terms.
Even then, who they are and what they want will change, and if you don't grow and change with them, you might grow apart, and you might find the same resentment and heartbreak you so successfully avoided for years.
It is such a minefield, love and relationships. Not just the romantic ones. Friendship, family, work and creative partnerships, all of them fraught with danger. The stars wonder how it is that anyone makes any kind of relationship work at all.
All they know is that it only starts when you learn to accept people on their own terms. The other choice is to live isolated and alone, but that is it's own separate hell.
So learn to be accepting.


Today's Horoscope

People can be exasperating. They can be jerks, they can annoy you, they can be argumentative and disagreeable. It can be strangers on the internet, or the people closest to you. No relationship runs smooth.
Sometimes people will argue with you simply because it relieves tension or gets it out of their system. Often, the argument is about some other thing entirely that they are afraid or ashamed to bring up, so they disguise the reason they are mad at you. They will even take things out on you that have nothing to do with you. Unfortunately, that doesn't do anything to resolve the underlying issue, and it will keep repeating itself.
Sometimes, people will goad you into a fight, only to accuse you of starting the fight in the first place. Some do it because they feel bad or guilty about something, and want some kind of twisted moral high ground. The problem is, they have irretrievably lost the high ground before they start.
Some people will be argumentative simply because they are manipulative and abusive, and want to control you. They will start a fight as an excuse to escalate to physical violence, and therefore feel justified in blaming you for their unjustifiable actions.
The stars can go on citing examples of why people fight and argue and act horribly towards each other. That's their point. There are so many situations that result in needless and miserable confrontations, but this is how we have all conditioned ourselves to respond to many of the scenarios that pop up in our lives.
Arguing is a very helpful and necessary tool, in relationships, in political discourse, in science and education, in just about any aspect of our lives, really. The problem is, we have lost the ability to argue respectfully and fairly. We quickly lose sight of the very thing we started arguing about in the first place. Logic and reason, the two things most important in any debate, are the first things we jettison in any confrontation.
We make everything personal, and let our emotions and insecurities rule us, and we never achieve anything besides driving us all further apart. There is no middle ground, no room for compromise and understanding, only scorched earth.
The stars don't see the human race moving forward until we all learn how to argue rationally again.


Today’s Horoscope

Don’t be afraid to tell people to go fuck themselves every now and then. It makes you feel better, and it motivates other people to get their act together. You are actually doing yourself and the people in your life a disservice by letting them get away with treating you badly or standing by while they wreck their lives. Don’t worry about upsetting them or losing them, if they are any kind of real friend, they will understand why you said it, and your relationship will be stronger because of it.
So when the situation calls for it, tell them.


Today's Horoscope

You're brain doesn't just know what's good for you. You have to figure that out for yourself, and then put it into action. Trusting your brain and its impulses is only courting disaster.
Make your brain work for you instead of letting it do whatever it wants and wreak havoc in your life.

4/7/19 Sunday Night Bonus

Today's Horoscope Sunday Night Bonus

Sometimes on a Sunday night, you might feel all the weight of everything in your life crushing you. You might be trying to ignore the fact that the weekend is ending. You might be filled with dread or melancholy or fear or ennui thinking about tomorrow, and what it might bring.
You may lie in bed tonight, unable to sleep, contemplating the things you didn't get done, or the things awaiting you when you get up. It is these times when we question many of our decisions and accomplishments, and we don't do it fairly. We do at the worst possible time, full of unease, and looking for mistakes and blame.
The stars are here to tell you that it's all going to be fine. You haven't messed up your life, you aren't beyond redemption, you're not the hot mess you want to believe you are.
You are human, filled with second guesses, and dreams you are afraid to say out loud. You possess a head and a heart too big and beautiful for this world, but here you are anyway.
Sleep well tonight, and tomorrow, wake up and forge your place in a world that just might be big enough to contain and inspire you after all. Monday morning is nothing more than another chance to be more fucking amazing than you think you have a right to be.
Go get yourself closer to who you want to be and what you want to accomplish. That's where your dreams lay waiting for you, whether you can name them yet or not.


Today's Horoscope

The stars want you to work on your memory. They are not talking about taking supplements or joining some website where you play flash games. They are telling you to prioritize and use your memories more efficiently.
We tend to dwell on the traumatic or confusing memories, and gloss over the ones which actually teach us important things. We need to learn our lessons over and over again, when it would be easier to simply remember our missteps, and learn to recognize when we are making them again. We need to remember all our victories, and realize that we have overcome so much in our lives, and let that give us confidence that we can overcome whatever it is that we are facing now.
On the opposite end of that spectrum, we need to work on letting go of the memories that haunt us and that we fixate on until they consume us. We stall, and we can't move past the memories of when we were hurt or we failed or lost something. We cling to our pain, and often use it as a reason to illustrate why we shouldn't bother doing anything. We use it to talk ourselves out of new experiences.
We let bad memories drag us down and engulf us, and we discount our victories and triumphs as nothing special. Essentially, our memories eventually become unrecognizable, because we turn them into things they are not, and give them power they haven't earned, or sap the energy they should be providing us.
So the stars think you should work on your memories, and in turn, let them work for you.


Today's Horoscope

If you set out to drive to a point across the state or across town, you can't see it, you just trust that it's there. In fact, you can't usually see your destination until you're right on top of it.
The reason the stars bring that up is because often we feel like we can't see the point in a lot of things in life. We want to give up or walk away because we convince ourselves that simply because we're a little lost or feel like no one cares or notices, we might as well not bother.
The stars are here to tell you that there is a point. You exist for a reason, even if they reason is simply to find some fulfillment and joy out of life. You often can't see the point because you haven't figured out what you want the point to be. Maybe you're not ready to see it. Maybe you're fooling yourself with a lot of false ideas and unrealistic expectations. Maybe you've just been knocked down by life again, but you have get up and keep going.
The point is, there is a point, and if you get to the point where you think it's not worth trying anymore, you're most likely very wrong. Talk to someone, be it friends, family, a professional, a person on social media or a hotline counselor.
Everyone has been at a point in their lives where they think they might as well just give up. That is not the point you are working towards, it's just a really bad layover in a crummy section, and you can look at a map, and plan your next move. Because there's always a next move.
There's always another point.


Today’s Horoscope

It’s Friday, and you’ve just about made it to the weekend. Most likely you’ve had a week full of minor annoyances, some inconveniences, a couple of major problems or disappointments, and maybe even a full-blown dumpster fire thrown in. There is never any shortage of trouble and strife and mayhem to go around.
At least when you get to the end of the week, a bunch of that stuff is in your rearview mirror, and it looks a lot smaller and more insignificant than it was at the time. Even if you’re silly dealing with it today, at least the week is almost over and you can have a little extra time for yourself for a couple of days.
Maybe you don’t. Maybe you have to work this weekend, or take care of responsibilities in other parts or your life. Maybe you’re sick or injured, and you’re going to just spend the weekend trying to recuperate and heal. Maybe your weekend is going to be even more hectic than the rest of your week. That’s okay, too.
Life is about moving forward and getting stuff done, even though a lot of it is stuff you don’t want to do at all. While the stars tell you to be proud you made it through another week, that does not mean you should be living your life marking off time, and just trying to survive and get seven more days out of the way. Sometimes survival is enough, but it shouldn’t be that way most of the time.
Life needs to be balanced. Your week should be full of accomplishments and victories, not just a bunch of stuff you eked through. Take pride in what you achieve, and make sure your life has as many things you want to do in it as things you have to do whether you want to or not. If not, you might want to use some of that energy and drive you normally use to power through the bad stuff in your life to instead change your life into something that isn’t so miserable and unfulfilling.
You can’t avoid all the problems and hard work in your life, but you can eliminate the things that cause the problems, and work smarter at the things you have to work at. So the stars wish you a happy weekend, a happy week, and a happy life. It is possible.

4/1/19 Monday Bonus

Today's Horoscope Monday Bonus

If you feel left behind or marginalized by new ideas and progressive thinking, maybe you need to update your worldview.
If you feel threatened or attacked by people calling out bad behavior, maybe you should look at your own behavior.
If you feel like giving other genders or groups or races more rights somehow diminishes your gender or group or race’s rights, you might want to think about why you see yourself in those terms, and why you are afraid of giving up any of your perceived control.
If you can’t have sympathy or care about, or even view the plight of people worse off than you without feeling angry or aggrieved, you might want to work on your empathy and your own insecurity.
If you are resentful of people who just want to make the world a better place, or share their gifts and knowledge, you might want to work on feeling better about yourself and being more open to good things rather than threatened by them.
If you would rather be told what you want to hear rather than look into things that might alter your viewpoint, maybe you should open your mind and expand your horizons instead.
The star’s whole point here is that a lot of our behavior is guided by some warped sense of self preservation and need to reinforce whatever it is we’ve come to believe, and we will engage in all kinds of self-destructive and detrimental actions to do it. It takes work to actually think and form independant ideas. It takes work to challenge what you believe, and force yourself to see all sides of the story. It is sometimes quite an effort to simply do what’s right and healthy and good for us, and the people around us. It is hard work to live in the real world, and not one that you created and try to maintain to make yourself feel safe.
The stars think you should do that work, because more often than not, it’s easier than holding together some backwards and messed up world that doesn’t even exist.


Today's Horoscope

Nothing is easy, at least not for long. Throughout its history, mankind has worked overtime to make everything needlessly complicated. They somehow take an abundance of riches and turn it into shit. They are cruel and callous, they punish themselves and others, they act like the frightened psychotic apes they apparently are.
The world has never run smoothly, and that is a conscious effort by people, rich and poor, smart and ignorant, blessed and cursed, since time began. History suggests that's never gonna to change, just a constant repeat of one step up and two steps back, until we destroy ourselves.
Don't let that ruin your day.
The stars suggest you find what love and joy is out there, because it's always there. Don't take part in the mad rush to oblivion that most of the world seems intent on engaging in. Make your own fun, swim upstream, and laugh while you do it.
In a world full of suicidal, demented, self hating sociopaths, being the one who seems like a lunatic is a good thing. Sometimes it's better to play the fool.
Now, let's go crazy.


Today's Horoscope

The stars want to warn you that helping people is tricky on many fronts. There is a fine line between helping and enabling. There are people who are sick, but are still very good at manipulation, and they will fool you and use you if you let them.
You might be kind and caring, and want more than anything to save someone you care about, but many times they are fighting against that, and you aren't going to win that battle. If they can't admit to their own problems, and want to do the work themselves, you can't do it for them.
Ultimately, this can really damage you. Most damaged people hate themselves, and they will do whatever it takes to make you hate them as well. You will resist, because you know better, and because you want to help them, but that's where the danger comes in. It is easier to hate yourself sometimes, and you might arrive there without even realizing it.
In the end, you might feel foolish or taken advantage of, and wind up hating the fact that you care so much. You might grow cold or unfeeling as a way to protect yourself from being hurt in the future. That's understandable, but it's heartbreaking. It destroys all the good you might have done in the future, and that's a big loss for the world.
If you want to help people, you should direct those energies towards the people who really want help. There are enough of them out there struggling, and they could use the support. You are not only doing yourself a disservice by wasting time and energy on someone who won't accept your help, you are doing them a disservice because it usually just enables them and prolongs their agony. You are also doing a disservice to all the people who could use all the wonderful gifts you bring the world.
When you help people who actually want to be helped, you make the world better for everyone. You bring hope and love and fulfillment to everyone involved.
When you try over and over again to help people who resent it, and resent you for doing it, you simply bring more misery into the world. That's a hard thing to hear, but it's true.
So be smart and economical with your kindness and your giving, and put it where it will do the most good, otherwise, you're not really doing anything.