Tuesday, May 23, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that while they have no need for any particular belief system, blaming religion for the world's atrocities is as convenient as using religion to incite violence.
True, many religions have blood on their hands, the same as most ideologies, governments, movements and revolutions.
Terrorists are able to recruit people to their cause because those people have been displaced, have watched their homeland destroyed, have seen their children wiped out by bombs and violence by forces that care only about the strategic value or resources their land represents. They see terrorism as the only way they have to strike back at the people they feel are destroying everything they hold dear.
This does not excuse their actions in any way, the stars just want to point out why they are ripe to be exploited by some lunatic under the guise of religion.
There are more peaceful practitioners of religion than there are violent fanatics, much more. Most of the people in the world follow some religion, and they are good, decent people, not crazed militants or suicide bombers or blowing up clinics or committing genocide.
Condemning all the people of a certain religion is ridiculous, and a sure fire way to alienate the very people you should be inclusive of. Yet, leaders will use any terrorist attack as a rallying cry to ban and denigrate, and to persecute people on the grounds of their religion, the very thing America is supposed to stand against.
Instead of coming together in the face of tragedy, and holding to our beliefs, we will be further divided, and religious affiliation will be exploited by lunatics under the guise of patriotism. To gain more power, to get more votes, and to rob you blind of your money and your freedom and your birthright as you froth at the mouth.

The stars want to let you know that you don't need to be a star to foresee that.

5/22/17 Emergency Horoscope

Today's Emergency Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that horror can occur at any moment, and there will always be madmen and the evil that they do.
The stars cannot protect you. Truthfully, no one can protect you, so beware of the people that claim that they can because they will always speak of sacrifices you will have to make.
Tragedy will always be with us because the amazing minds we use to try to stop it are the same as the minds that work to perpetrate it.
So we will keep on trying to make the world safe for ourselves and our children, but in the meantime the only thing we can save is our humanity and the resolve to keep moving forward and to do better.
So though we may weep tonight, remember that this is not all there is in the world, there is always more good than bad, and as the stars repeatedly strive to remind you, the light always banishes the shadow.



Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want to remind you that a kind word can make all the difference in someone’s life.  
Sometimes, just letting you know that you notice or appreciate them can lift them up and keep them going when they just want to give up.  In rare instances, you might even save a life.
You could also say something kind and meaningful to someone and it may seem like it made no difference whatsoever.  At times we can feel slighted when we don’t get the reaction we expect, but that’s just your ego talking.  Just because on occasion your words don’t change someone’s world doesn’t mean you should stop telling people how much they matter, because sometimes it will.

You have nothing to lose and the rest of the world has everything to gain.  


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Sometimes something really bad happens, and you suffer a great loss. It will stop you in your tracks. It will stop your life in its tracks.
Not that you'll die, no, it will seem your fate is worse than that. You will have to go on living with the pain, and the emptiness, and raging torment inside that no one seems to understand.
It feels so unfair, that you have to keep existing, waking up and brushing your teeth and going to work and feeding the cat, all the time feeling like nothing will ever be good again.
The stars want to remind you that living isn't a punishment, it's a gift. So eventually you're going to have to learn to move on. It might appear that it will be the hardest thing you'll ever do, but you can do it. You must do it.
And life wants you to. Fate wants you to. All the natural laws of the universe want you to. Everything is pushing you forward, everything is designed to keep things flowing, ever forward, ever onward.
You're the only thing pushing back, and that's not helping anything.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
How do you know what's real? How do you know that the people who love you actually love you? How do you know whether your elected officials, the medical association, the committees and organizations that are there to protect you and help those in need are legitimate or corrupt? How can you be sure if any single person you've ever met has ever told you the absolute truth?
How can you be sure when some people are so adept at keeping their demons hidden, keeping the resentment and fury they feel towards you and the world below the surface, until one day it pokes its head through and your world falls apart?
How can you know when you can find yourself falling in love with a character in a book or a movie, but finding fault in the good people that are in your life? How can you believe in the glory of heaven, yet men of God are committing the most grievous of sins?
We don't know. We just have to trust and believe and live with the sobering thought that we might be wrong about everything. What is the other option? So we go on every day, finding a reason to believe and trying to make the world a better place, a little at a time.
The stars want to remind you that most of the lights in the sky are stars that burned out millions of years ago, ghosts that have ceased to exist long before their light reaches your eyes.
But does that make them any less real?

Does that make them any less spectacular?

Thursday, May 18, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars live for billions of years, so you should pay attention when they tell you something like this:
The stars want you to know that no matter how long and wonderful your life is, life is still so short.
In the end ,it will never seem like enough time, for you or the people you loved.

So what the hell are you waiting for?

Wednesday, May 17, 2017


Today’s Horoscope

All signs:
Some days some of us find ourselves wishing we were just happy idiots. It seems life is so much easier when you don’t pay attention, or don’t care at all.
The stars want to let you know, that the secret isn’t to become an idiot, the secret is to learn to be happy being who you are.
They know it can be aggravating dealing with all the distractions you can’t avoid and all the misery you can’t help seeing.  They know how frustrating it is, seeing several steps ahead on everything and waiting for the rest of the world to catch up.
Those things are gifts, and the annoyance is the price you pay. We forget that at times, but we know it's true.
So the stars want to let you know: you can spend your life in a constant state of aggravation, or you can accept your gift, and spend your life happy that you have been blessed with something special.
Yes, it's something special that carries some extra responsibility and effort, but what special thing doesn't?

Tuesday, May 16, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that you are tied to everyone you've ever met. And to people you've never met, but you wouldn't exist without them. And to artists, and poets and writers, and figures from throughout history that might inspire you or serve as a warning.
Everything you are is connected to so many other lives, and you carry them forward with you, be they your friends and family, ancestors that died before you were born, or some person you read about in a book or learned about on TV.
Others have impacted your life with their philosophies, theologies, and the ideologies that inform the governments of the world. Their legacies guide humanity, sweeping you up in the current and you hardly notice.
When a star explodes, it sends particles and shockwaves through space, ripples that span a billion light years, to give birth to another sun and another solar system. Your sky is full of stars, some distant, and some life giving; all of them having an influence for good or for bad.
You are that star for the other people in your life, and you get to decide what impact you have, and how many people you affect.
Make sure the part of you that you give to others is something that they will want to carry with them. You owe them that, because they are going to carry it regardless.
And then they are going to pass it along to the people in their wake.

It is an awesome responsibility to live a life.

Monday, May 15, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to point out that if you're one of those people that over thinks everything, chances are you dwell more on the bad than the good. That's okay to an extent, that's who you are, so you're going to have to accept it. Just remember that there's no reason you can't think about the good also.
While you're fretting away the hours, be sure to think about the people whose lives you've made better, even in the tiniest way.
Think about the children or animals or flood victims or the sick and needy you've helped with your time or donations. Even if it's putting some spare change in a can at the store counter, or texting a number and giving a dollar, that's a plus for the good side.
Think about every time you lifted someone's spirits, or soothed a frightened child, or just gave someone a hug or listened to them when they needed it most.
Think about those times when your sense of humor or quick thinking made someone smile or diverted a mishap. Think about how some talent you possess, whether you sang a song or drew a picture or made up a silly poem that brought a smile to someone's face. When you told a story to lighten the mood, or dragged somebody onto the dance floor, or threw someone a surprise party. When you came to the rescue, with a gas can, or a ride to the airport, or a cup of sugar, or a pint of ice cream and shoulder to cry on.
At the very least, think about all the situations you've been in during your lifetime and no matter how small it might have been, you made things a little better. Maybe you didn't make things better so much as you didn't make them worse, which is something a lot of bumbling or uncaring people do in those instances.
And if you come up with a lot of times when you could have done better, well… you will have many more chances to make the right choice next time, and in doing so, make the world a little bit of a nicer place, just because you're in it.

The stars want you to think about that.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want you to accept the fact that most things you do in your life are doomed.
Most of your childhood dreams will fall to the wayside. The people(and there will most likely be more than one) whom you think are the love of your life will leave you or get left behind.
Most of the things you try to do will not work out the way you want them to. Not even close. Though it might not seem like it at the time, looking back it was probably for the best.
But some will, and you won't even realize they are dreams coming true at first. And some of those will exceed your greatest expectations, when you weren't expecting them at all.
Do you really want to sully that magic with faded memories of dreams that never had a chance?
The stars want you to know that life can doom some of your dreams, yes, but only you can doom yourself.

So follow your dreams, even the ones you didn't even know you had.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars know.
The stars know that everyone has something, some secret(or not so secret) pain that no one else can understand. You might try to talk about it, in hushed whispers to the one you love at night, when no one else is around. You might tell everyone you know, just hoping someone can help you make sense of it. You might keep it locked away forever, because you feel soiled, or foolish, or just hate yourself and the world so much for what you've had to live through and with for so long.
The stars know that there are no shortage of people that want you to just get over it and move on. They want to invalidate your pain, because it frightens them to think that it can exist, or simply because it's inconvenient. They know that there are people who will exploit your pain, and that often you will let them, just because it makes you feel like it matters to someone; to anyone, that it is acknowledged, even in a bad way.
The stars know that a part of you can ruin your life, simply because it wants to make you relive it. So you put yourself in bad situations, and damage yourself further, only because you want to somehow understand how someone could have done that to you in the first place. You want answers and reason where there may not be any.
The stars also know that no matter how the people that love you try to understand and commiserate, no matter how much they want to take that pain away… well, in the end, they usually fall short.
Because the stars know that we all have some pain that no one will ever come close to grasping. Try as they might, not one person in the world can ever put themselves in your situation and fully comprehend the horror and loss you've felt. No one can really understand what you've had to give up, or how the hardest choice you ever made still gnaws at you all the time. No one could ever imagine the thing that was taken from you, and you'll never have it back. You'll never remember how it felt to be whole, you just know now that you're not.
And sometimes, very rarely, someone comes along that does understand. They can show you the same scars and nod in agreement. They can even make it alright, if you give them the chance.
The stars know that by then, it's often too late. You have been let down so many times, and your hopes have been dashed once too often, and now you'll never let that one person you've been searching for your whole life in to share your pain now that you've found them.
Because how could they know? No one knows. It's your pain, your secret, your anchor and curse that only belongs to you. It's who you are now, and you're never going to let it go.
So the thing that no one can ever know keeps you in its hold, no one's fault and everybody's fault, the thing that defines you that you can never quite define yourself.
And that's how you'll live your life, all of us, different but the same, alone in a crowd, and unknowable to anyone where it counts the most.

The stars know.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars are the first to tell you that it took an infinite number of tiny factors over billions of years to arrive at you.
From the big bang, to the stars that exploded and created the elements that make you up, to the trillions of minute arbitrary biological and evolutionary chances, no matter how improbable it seems. Everything that came before, no matter how miraculous and random, that resulted in you and all the glorious wonders around you.
While all that is well and true, the stars want to remind you that all those wondrous chains of events also created a bunch of real turds, too.
The universe didn't go through all of that just to have those people ruin it, as well as ruin your good time along the way.
In fact, they put you here to prosper and find love despite the turds.

Don't let them, or yourself, down.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to ask you: what's the point of being in a relationship if you lose yourself in the process?
Some of us take more than we give, and some of us give more than they take. When you're in a relationship, you should strive for a healthy balance of the two.
Being selfless, and loving and supportive is great and all, but sometimes the dynamic can arrive at a place where you are making all the allowances. You are putting all your own needs aside, and your partner is getting comfortable with that. You might find yourself in a situation where you have settled into a role that is of no benefit to you at all.
Some people pride themselves on being “low maintenance”, but everyone needs maintenance now and then. What's the point of entering into a relationship if the person you're with is content to watch you fall into disrepair?
We can get into a routine, and soon you might find that you are not asking for anything that you want out of a relationship. If you are not honest with yourself about who you are and what you need, you will never get those things from another person.
You can lose myself in whomever you are with, always trying to please others and neglecting yourself, all because we have some internal drive that tells us we don't want to be alone.
Don't be afraid to ask for what you need from others, and if they aren't willing to give you that, then you might have to reassess that relationship. Anyone that truly loves you wants you to be happy and successful and content. If they ignore your needs because they are too concerned with their own all the time, if they try to change who you are just because they are insecure with themselves, if they continually put their needs before yours, then something needs to change.
Otherwise, you might find you've lived an unfulfilled life spent in servitude to someone that was happy to exploit your low expectations rather than help you raise them up where they belong.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that it doesn't take much. A kind word. A little encouragement. Just a tiny bit of effort to let someone know that you notice them. What they do. What they've accomplished. What they're capable of.
Maybe to remind them sometimes that they are better than they might feel about themselves at the moment. Just to let them know someone believes in them. All you need to do is just give a tiny little effort and it might make all the difference in the world.
The stars want to caution you that it can go the other way too. A few harsh words, a cutting remark, or just ignoring something that means a lot to someone that needs to know that somebody noticed…
Well, the stars want to remind you: it doesn't take much.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that if you look hard enough, you can find something to hate about anyone.

What you should ask yourself is : why are you looking so hard for something to hate in the first place?


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that you're not alone. That's true for many situations, but in this instance they want you to remember that you are on the side of the light. The side of good. The side of compassion and what is right.
The side of love.
Even some of the people you are fighting right now are on the same side, they are just a little lost and they don't know it. Minds can change, hearts can heal. That's a part of what love is too, understanding and forgiving your enemies.
Just hold on to the fact that there are millions of people that feel just as you do, and don't let the acrimony that seems to define these times sweep you up and turn you into someone you're not.
Hold true to yourself and stay the course and know that you are part of something bigger, part of a wave that is still only building far out at sea. The wave has yet to crash on the beach with all its power, churning up everything and leaving a clean, smooth surface in which to write a new chapter.
You are part of that wave.

You are not alone.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars think that bettering yourself and becoming the kind of person you want to be is a good thing, and will result in a better self image and inner peace. That's pretty obvious.
So examine yourself, and deconstruct yourself, and work towards your goals and be that person.
The stars also want to remind you that part of that journey is coming to terms with the person you really are already. Some things are hard wired in you, and while those traits might not always be the absolute best for you at times, they also might provide you with benefits that aren't always apparent.
For instance, you might be stubborn, but that's not always a bad thing. The people that complain about it might just be the people that you prove wrong by sticking to your guns.
The point is, make sure the things you want to change are things that are detrimental to you, not things that other people resent and try to make you feel bad about.

Sometimes you have to change yourself, and sometimes you have to accept yourself, and both of those things are growth.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to make you understand that if you have someone you love in your life with severe mental illness, you shouldn't hurt them.
What they mean by that is, most of the time what you think is help is the opposite. You might try to fix them, you might try to appease them, you might try to love them and ease their suffering. You can't. You are just enabling them, or giving them ammunition to feed their delusions and twist it into an attack on you or themselves.
All this energy and love is wasted unless they are getting professional help. The stars are not saying that you should abandon them, or shun them, they are saying the opposite. Get them real help, and stop feeding their illness. Understand that unless they are willing to accept that help, and actively take part in their recovery, nothing you can do short of institutionalizing them will get them there. Hopefully it won't come to that. Don't give up on them, but don't ruin your life in the process.
The stars know it's not easy living with someone like this in your life. Walking on eggshells, taking abuse and dealing with their psychosis, all the time wondering why you can't make it better, why you can't save them. They will frustrate you, and drag you down, and make it a point to hurt you.
But the stars want you to understand that when they tell you about love and wonder, and encourage you and give you a little pep talk to get you through your day, that is not advice for people with debilitating mental health issues. The stars see these people, and it breaks their hearts, but there is nothing romantic or magical they can say to them that will help. These people are shattered, and even with professional help and medicine, they may never be whole again.
You are just being selfish if you continue to try to make them into someone that they can't be, to fix them or to make them be who they were before the illness took them. With real help, they might come back, but they most likely never be that person you remember, and if you can't love whatever they turn out to be, then that's on you.

The stars implore you to take care of yourself and watch out, because you might lose yourself while you're trying to find the person you somehow lost.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars know that the best way to do anything is to have a plan. You should weigh your options, consider what you're working with, and carefully proceed in the most efficient and practical way. This is the best way to approach most everything.
Life isn't perfect, though. Sometimes you are overwhelmed, or you may can't figure out exactly what you should do first, so you remain frozen. You make excuses and procrastinate and justify a bunch of stuff you know is wrong, and it can drag you down and make you question your own abilities.
If you get to this point, then just start somewhere. Push yourself to get your hands in there and get them dirty. Start on the littlest stack of papers, or the biggest, whatever works for you. Just do something.
Once you get moving, you gain momentum, and even if it turns out to be a dead end, you have learned that you have to do it a different way and your brain will have a better idea of what to do next. Just keep moving forward and that momentum will start to carry you.
Whatever it was that confused you, or frightened you, or just seemed like a big hassle, will start getting easier once you start chipping away at it.
Just do something, or you will end up with regrets, unemployment, or in an endless downward spiral that could have easily been avoided.
All because you sat there, frozen and demoralized when your clouded mind couldn't see the answer right in front of you.

So just do something.


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
Just some random thoughts about your life and the world that the stars want to mention:

You’re not fooling anybody.  All the secrets, all the fears, all the little things you think you hide so well from the rest of the world are really in plain sight to anyone that takes the time to notice.  Luckily for you, everyone else is hiding a bunch of irrational stuff too, and there’s an unwritten social contract where we won’t call you on it if you won’t.

Nothing is as bad as you think it is most of the time, that’s true.  Often though, if there is something that we are trying to convince ourselves is okay, chances are it’s much worse than we think it is.  Life is wacky that way.

These have been times that were weirder than the times we are living in now, but not by a whole lot.  Things are uncertain, scary, debilitating, and a bunch of other horrible adjectives, and all those feelings are all connected.  Perhaps the worst part of these times is that all bets are truly off.  No one can say with much certainty what anyone is liable to do next, and that’s the root of this waking nightmare right now.

This too shall pass.  Every cloud has a silver lining. Hope springs eternal.  Whatever the idiom or parable, it is probably true, that’s why it became an idiom or a parable.  Take comfort in the fact that the human race has held on to these little phrases forever, that let us know that there’s always hope and we are not alone in our suffering.  

Someone somewhere loves you, and as long as someone loves you, all hope is not lost. If you say that no one loves you, you are a liar.  You are just feeling sorry for yourself.  There is a chance that some of the people that say they love you are lying, to you and themselves, but there is still someone somewhere that loves you, and you damn well know it.  

The stars hope you all have a nice evening, and they hope you end the night comfortable and satisfied, in your own bed in your own home, where you can fall asleep in the arms of someone that loves you.  And if that’s not the case, that’s okay too.  It’s very rare when any of us get the ideal outcome, but you can still hope.

Your home is still on the horizon, and you’ll get there someday.  


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Sometimes every perceivable outcome looks bad. Sometimes it seems like we don't have a friend in the world. Sometimes it feels like there's no way out, no way to win, and nothing you can do will make a difference.
The stars want to ask you: has your life been that horrible that you think any of that could possibly be true? Hasn't there always been something that has pulled you back from the edge the other times you felt this way? Some little magic trick life performed to make everything alright?
And if you think your life has been that bad, you should get out more, or look at people’s stories throughout history, or just talk to some of the people you already know and see what they've overcome.
You can either view the hardships others have overcome as inspiration, or as validation that there's no point, the choice is yours. But the stars want you to know that if you choose to believe in the latter that you are going against everything that makes us human and has helped us achieve all that we have. You are choosing against what you know to be true in your own life.

Once again, the stars implore you to choose wisely.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Some days you might wonder if everyone you come in contact with is crazy, and indeed if the whole world has gone mad.
The stars want you to know that might very well be the case. More accurately though, it is just that everyone is living in their own reality, with their own perspective, and their own lifetime of experience that is most likely very different from yours.
That is why most of us have a precious few people that we can count on to make us feel safe and vindicated. We all need a home.
There are some points in your life though when you feel no one understands you, that no one can relate, that you're on your own.
If that's where you are, then the stars need you to listen closely and carefully to what they are about to tell you.
It is possible that the people that love you most are all completely wrong, but what are the odds of that? Examine what you're doing, and ask yourself if it's truly the right thing. Go back over your decisions, and you might find that you know you're messing up. It's not that your loved ones aren't there for you, but that anyone that truly loves you won't tell you that you're okay when you're not.
In most cases, you just can't let go of something you know is bad for you, or is over, or has never even existed in the first place. We are great at fooling ourselves, but it is hard to fool someone that knows you better than you know yourself. Hopefully you have accumulated a few people like that in your life so far.
You are going to have to learn to trust people that want what's best for you. You can't just keep them around when they agree with you and jettison them when they don't.
So if you have a day or two when the world makes no sense, that's normal. If you find yourself in a long period where your friends seem to have forsaken you and no one is on your side, maybe start with yourself and see if it's you that's the cause.
The stars want you know that challenging your own perspective is the best thing for you. It is only after honest self examination that we can blame others, indeed the world, for our problems.

In other words, question everything, but start with yourself.