Wednesday, September 28, 2016


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that none of us are here forever. We don't really know how much time any of us get either. Your life could be long and full, or quick and tragic, sometimes the choice is not ours.
We do have choices, though. We decide what to make of our lives, and we decide nearly every minute of every day. We make a choice about what we want to do with the life we have been given.
We choose how much we apply ourselves, to school, to a career, to art, to the things that make us happy. Only we can figure out what brings us satisfaction, fulfillment, joy and purpose. It is your duty to find out what that is and run with it. It is hard to achieve much else if you aren't happy with who you are.
We make decisions about how we treat others and present ourselves to the world. Are we kind or are we cruel? Compassionate or indifferent? Do we take more than we give, or do we leave the world a better place than at found it?
A million big decisions, and even more tiny ones, that we have to make and then abide by their consequences. All the time never knowing how much time we really have.
These choices will affect the people you love. They will determine what you get back from your relationships as you go through life. They will shape and mold your children. They will even touch the people on your periphery, and complete strangers you might never know.
All of our decisions ripple out from us, like waves in a puddle during a rainstorm, colliding with the actions of others. You never know what effect they might ultimately have, so you should always choose wisely. You can't control exactly how others might react, so we need to do a balancing act between what we need and what it might take away from them.
Getting back to the original point, we are not here forever. Life can be cruel and unfair, and we can be gone in an instant for no apparent reason. Any plans you had cut short, and dreams left unfulfilled.
That's why you should always try to present yourself the way you want to be remembered. You never know when it might be the last time you see anyone. You should also always try to make time to include the people you love in your life.

Because one day they too are gone all too soon, taken from you in the blink of an eye, and all you have left are regrets over things left unsaid, and the same lesson we never seem to learn, no matter how often life tries to teach us.

Monday, September 26, 2016


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want you to know that even though people sometimes say “you can't help who you love“, that's bullshit.
Usually when someone says that, it is because the person they claim to love is abusive, or selfish, or just an asshole in general. They can't provide you with an actual good reason for loving them. Many times they are victims, and you shouldn’t get mad at them, but you should be firm and not condone or enable their behavior.
As you go through life, you make mistakes, and many of those mistakes come in the area of romance.  We pick the wrong people, we are fooled, by them or by ourselves.  We give our hearts to those that don’t deserve them and we pay dearly for it.  
We so desperately want to be loved, to be cherished, to feel special and lovely and like there is someone out there that understands us and appreciates what they have.  That person may exist, but you are not going to force someone into that role if it’s not who they are, no matter how much you try to will it to be so.
We all want that love, no matter how often we tell ourselves that we don’t care or we are done with it.  That’s when we are most vulnerable, because we are lying to ourselves and it opens us up to the lies of others.  The heart wants what the heart wants, but that’s not your heart.  Your heart is busy pumping blood all over your body while being bombarded with caffeine and sugar and God knows what else.
That is your brain, going around all the walls and roadblocks you put up, and trying to find you a mate. Trying to find a place where it belongs. It will do it with or without you, and when left to its own devices your brain will screw you every single time.
So we trick ourselves and delude ourselves and talk ourselves into situations we know are wrong, all because we gave up control over who we are.  First to our base instincts, then to whatever damaged individual was in the right place at the wrong time.
And we throw our hands up and proclaim that we can’t help who we love, or the heart wants what the heart wants, and we live in miserable torment.  
As always in these situations, the stars want you to remember that you know the truth, no matter how you try to ignore it.  So stop ignoring it.  
By ignoring it you will end up right back in a place where you find yourself spouting off idiotic sayings that mean nothing and remind you how bad you messed this up again.

Friday, September 23, 2016

9/23/16 Friday Bonus

Friday Bonus Horoscope

All signs:
It's the weekend, so go celebrate your victories and lick your wounds from your defeats. Recharge, refocus, get drunk, be silly, write a manifesto, topple governments, bake a cake, whatever helps.
The stars want you to keep one thing in mind though: no one is ever going to think just like you do about every little thing. So stop looking for that and stop expecting to find it, because it doesn't exist. It will just make you miserable.
Instead, enjoy the things about each other you do agree with, and be civil about the things you don't. And maybe keep your mind open a little bit to different opinions, you just might learn something.
Okay, that's asking a lot, just try not to roll your eyes so much when other people are talking…


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want to remind you that you mean something to somebody.  Even if you don’t feel it, even if no one is telling you that, even if it seems like you have no one to call home, you mean something.  
Somewhere, someone is thinking about you. They might be smiling or they might be down or in trouble and the thought of you brings them peace or hope. They might long to see you or hold you or kiss you again, to have one more chance to get it right. Your memory might be saddled with regrets over how they mistreated you or didn't recognize what they had in you.
Or they could be cursing your name. They might hate you for what you've done, perceived wrongs or actual misdeeds. That's why you have be careful about how you treat people in your life.
It is a sad, lonely feeling when you think no one cares and you mean nothing.  And though it may feel they way, that is almost never the case.  We can talk ourselves into things that we know aren't true.
We think the worst of people sometimes, and it's almost never that way. That's just insecurity. When you truly start to believe you have no one, that's when you end up throwing away those you do have.
The stars want you to realize that you should never do that. There will always be people that care, people that see redeeming attributes in you, even when you don't. People that just miss having you around and seeing your face. At any given moment, someone is turning your memory over in their minds, and know that it's probably not nearly as bad as you think.

Every life reverberates through so many other lives, like ripples in a pond. The ripples you send out can gently rock the people in your life into a gentle, reassuring calm, helping them smoothly on their way, or it could upend their boats and leave them floundering. You leave a little of yourself with everyone you meet, it's up to you what form that memory takes.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
It's all there. The stars think you should know that everything you need to know about another person is all there.
They will tell you who they really are with every word, every action, every tiny movement. They will scream it to you in the way that treat you.
They will telegraph their lies, they will even flat out warn you that they are no good.
And we won't listen again, but we should. In the end, we will realize we knew it all the time and we did all their heavy lifting for them. We gave them the keys and let them in to take whatever they wanted.
The stars want to be loud and clear when they tell you that all people aren't bad, there are plenty of good ones. But for some reason we sometimes hold the bad ones closer, and give them huge pieces of us that they did not earn.
Who knows why? Well, our true friends do, but we seldom listen to them. We certainly know better, but we have become adept at ignoring our instincts and what we know to be true. The stars know, but in these modern times we can hardly see the stars and even if we did the powerful paths of the constellations are lost to us.

The stars want to tell us to stop doing that, give your love and energy to those that deserve it, but they know we probably won't. But like your true friends, they will be here when you finally have it blow up in your face again, and they will take you into their arms, and whisper the important things once again, and hope that this time it takes.

Friday, September 16, 2016


Today's Horoscope
All signs:
The stars want to remind you that you can do better. For yourself and the world around you. We notice it all the time. How many times a day do you find yourself thinking that you could have put a little more effort into something? Sometimes we do the bare minimum and stop at that.
We do it at work, we do it at home, we do it to others, we do it to ourselves. When we don't live up to our potential, we not only rob the world around us, we rob ourselves of our self esteem.
The times we really can do better are the times we hold ourselves back out of fear and insecurities. When we don't speak up or do something that could fulfill us because we are afraid of sounding or looking foolish.
We sit there and think about what might have been, how we could be doing it better than those that actually took the chance. At that moment we are forgetting that we should be doing it better than what we're doing right now, which is nothing.
We watch opportunities pass us by, we watch others look at us in a different light because they see only what we do, not what we're capable of.
So we cheat ourselves and the people around us out of our best, and we keep doing it, and it becomes easier and easier to be less than who we are.
The stars know you are amazing. The stars know what's inside of you. The stars know that it seems so hard sometimes to simply do the things you're doing right now, and they love you for it.
But the stars know you can do better.

Thursday, September 15, 2016


Today's Horoscope
All signs:
The stars want you to know that you can't win them all.
In spite of everything you do, know matter how hard you try, there are many problems that contain variables outside of your control.
More often than not, you will be facing an unwinnable situation, or at least ones with odds so miniscule that they might as well be.
These defeats can be crushing. At times they can take everything away from you, and leave you damaged and lost. There is nothing to be done but to pick up the pieces and move on, because the next obstacle is never far behind.
The stars want you to understand that you have to keep on trying. You can't just fold up and die, you have to go on. That's what life is on a basic level, surviving and being able to keep moving forward. You have to find the fortitude to pick yourself up, and move mountains if you have to. Because sometimes you'll have to.
They also want you to know that you're not going to lose them all either. You will have your wins, and you might find that many times they more than make up for the failures and the defeats.
The stars can't stress this enough. The Universe allots you more than your share of victories, even if we don't appreciate and savor, or even recognize them some of the time.
But they are there, trust what the stars are telling you. That is a fact.
You can't always go by totals alone. Successes are so much more valuable than failures, it's a sliding scale. And it's how we face the losses that make us spectacular.
But in the end, you're always going to have more losses than wins, so you better make the wins count.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
Today the stars want to remind you that a promise made is most likely going to be a promise broken.  Most of the time when someone is making it a point to promise you something, it is because they are trying in earnest to make you believe whatever they are telling you.  That right there should let you know that they will probably not live up to it.
In fact, it’s usually the same people that continually break their promises to you.  For some reason, we keep them around to let us down over and over.  A promise means nothing to them.  It might in the moment, but it is soon forgotten and eventually they just say it on impulse, just like they might say “I love you” in their distracted manner.  It means nothing, and it is up to you to figure that out.  Often times when someone breaks a promise to you, they know that they are also breaking a promise to themselves, and that is much more damaging.
And we all break promises to ourselves.  Time and again we resolve not to do something, and we find ourselves doing it very soon after we vowed not to.  It’s not that we are all bad people, we just all seem to have lost track of what promising really means.  We use the word when it doesn’t apply, we are quick to promise because we actually believe it when we are saying it. It has become a word we use for emphasis, not a pact or sacred vow the word represents.  We just don’t think about what we are saying, and if it’s even feasible. Many times it is not.
We all break promises, it can’t be helped sometimes.  We all fall short now and then, and like anything else, each broken promise must be judged on its own merit.  
So before you go beating yourself up, or berating the people around you, think about when the promise was made and if it even made sense to make it.  If someone continually breaks promises to you, don’t let those people affect your life anymore, at least not until they have proven that they can be trusted again.
If someone you love breaks a promise, figure out if it was a promise that could have been kept in the first place.  Decide if the promise was given with the intent of a solemn vow or a figure of speech.  If it is a rare occurance and it wasn’t a huge thing, don’t make it into a huge thing.  Only you can decide that.
Most importantly, don’t beat yourself up for the promises you break to yourself. We often fall short of our goals the first time, or the first hundred times.  We are usually making promises when we shouldn’t be.  
Maybe don’t make so many promises at all, just decide to try. Tell yourself or the people around you that you will try your best, but don’t just automatically promise, because chances are you can’t live up to it.
Promises should not be entered into lightly, and most of us do not really know ourselves well enough to ensure that we can keep a promise made on the spot.
The stars think we should pay more attention to when the promise is made, rather than when it is broken.  If not, our lives will be littered with broken vows and disappointment, and that is a promise you can believe.  

Sunday, September 11, 2016


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars know how we work. They know we mark off moments of accomplishment and tragedy alike. They notice that sometimes we seem so eager to celebrate tragedy more.
The human brain holds onto trauma very tightly. It is an evolutionary advantage to remember things that hurt us vividly, so we can avoid them in the future and better our chances of survival. As a result, we love to replay the bad things over and over, and reopen old wounds. We get a perverse thrill out of it, because like many self destructive things, we get a little reward when we do it, a shot of endorphins.
It even comes into play with a national tragedy. While there is nothing wrong with mourning the loss of life, it is worth noting that in our zeal and panic, we also lost some of our freedoms. We also lost a whole day, now we must sit and saddle ourselves with the chore of “always remembering” and “never forgetting”, again, which is all fine and well, but hardly constructive.
There are some who also use this tragedy as a call to hatred. To demonize a whole race or religion. They know that when tensions are high, and grief palpable, we will look for someone to blame. It is easy for us to be manipulated into hating the wrong people. As always, we must know our enemy, and not be confused by the many shades of gray.
And of course there is money to be made off of it. TV programming is dominated by 9/11, images of the twin towers are plastered on everything and marketed to the public. We all buy into it and all get our little charge of endorphins, then we go on about our lives for another year.
Perhaps, just like personal tragedy, we need to turn this into a positive thing. Instead of dwelling on the tragedy of it, use this day as a day of national charity, to help others in the victim's honor. Imagine if every year millions of dollars was given to charities in the names of the people that died that day. Connecting something amazing to their names, to their deaths, rather than just thinking of them as the random victims of a horrible event.
Going out and volunteering, making 9/11 symbolize the day we help our community and the people in it, all because instead of wringing our hands and dragging out our patriotism for all to see, we did something to better the world.
What grander way would we have to show the world that what happened that day didn't weaken us, it made us stronger?
That's what New Yorkers do, that's what Americans do. For all our faults, we can be stubbornly single minded and we can really get things done, it is our legacy. There were many heroes made that day, there can be many more made even now, 15 years after the fact.

The stars know what tragedy does to us, but they also know there are different ways to deal with it, but like in all things love and compassion beats fear and hatred every time.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want you to know that they are impressed with how our brains work. They marvel at how we can take on multiple tasks and do a million things at once. They appreciate that our brains are wonders of evolution and so complex and seemingly limitless.
They also want to tell you to knock it off. Sometimes you do have to do a bunch of stuff all at once, there's no getting around it, but most of the time you don't. It's a function of our brains that is meant to be used when we need it, not a mode we should be set in 24/7.
Most of the time you are making up for when you procrastinated instead of handling your responsibilities. Or you're procrastinating now, looking for diversions to avoid doing something you don't feel like doing.
More often than not, you're just a victim of the constant bombardment we are all subject to these days, a non stop barrage of news and entertainment and social media.
So everything we do suffers. We are distracted and divided and the end result is that a lot of the time we do everything half assed.
That includes our relationships. We ignore or pay lip service to the people at love because we are caught up in our instant connection to the world through our phones and devices. We don't even realize what we are turning into. We all deserve better than that.
We deserve to do our best, not the bare minimum. Our self esteem suffers every time we settle.
Our loved ones deserve our undivided attention. Their self esteem suffers when we choose Facebook over them.
The world deserves people that pay attention to what they read and see, so they can make better decisions and not get caught up in all the buzzing and flash of what passes for news these days.
Perhaps we should work towards doing one thing at a time more often. That seems to go against what appears to be the norm nowadays. It seems like multitasking is celebrated and encouraged, but why? Who is putting that idea out there? What entity wants us to think that we deserve praise when we are working and consuming at peak volume, whether it is good for us or not? Who profits from that?

The stars know that we need to focus on what's important, and they know that sometimes that takes work, and conscious effort. But if we don't, everything we have and everything we do will pay the price for our distracted lifestyle.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want you to know that they see how patient you are. They love your gentle nature and your empathy. They marvel at your depth of understanding, and they commend you for it.
They also know, in spite of all that, that sometimes people can really piss you off.
They know it all too well, after all they have to look at us constantly, one hemisphere at a time.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
Yesterday was Labor Day, and the stars took a well deserved day off.  You deserved the day off too if you work for a living.  Chances are you work very hard, and your parents and grandparents  toiled everyday to make a better life for their children.  There is a certain pride that comes with a hard day's work.  
We tend to worship the rich and powerful in this country, but the stars realize that no rich and powerful people got that way on their own.  They got there on the backs of the little man, working in their factories and mines, and buying their products with their wages.  
Labor is vital, whether it is the aforementioned factory workers or miners, or salespeople, programmers, in the service industry or office workers, construction workers, craftsmen, anyone that works for pay really.  
The men in control look down on the worker in many ways.  They rely on them to make and buy their products, or provide services to the rest of us, and still hold the poor and middle class in contempt.  They strip our rights away any chance they get, and take more and more wages and security from us everyday.  Chances are they resent having to give you the day off.
They use their power to corrupt the system, to squeeze the working man to pay for their tax breaks and increase their wealth and stranglehold on the economy, on a global scale.  They use their influence and power to make us blame each other for the country’s ills, and laugh and count their money as we squabble amongst ourselves.  
The stars don’t begrudge anyone their prosperity, and they realize not every person that makes a good living is a crook, but they want you to know that to become truly wealthy and powerful you have to care about wealth and power more than anything else.  The powerful can only have that power if we give it to them, and many of us are more than happy to hand it over.  
As with everything, know your enemy.  And if you work for a living, demand what you are worth.  Their would be no tycoons, no moguls and captains of industry, no plutocrats without you and your contribution.
People will try to make you feel small and insignificant for being a lowly worker, but remember that they wouldn’t be doing that if they weren’t afraid of you and trying to control you and keep you down.  Never feel shame for putting in an honest day's work.  
And if you ever do, keep in mind that there is no holiday in honor of billionaires.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind that you often telegraph everything about yourself through your words and actions without even realizing it.
Usually the things you hate in others says something about how you feel about yourself. Happy, well adjusted people don't carry much hatred with them. You often just come off as spiteful and bitter, and hypocritical too.
Many things hide themselves as hatred: jealousy, unfulfilled desires, fear, feelings of inferiority, unrequited love, inner pain, to name just a few.
Ask yourself why you hate someone or something and you will learn something about yourself.
The same goes over the things you get defensive about. If you are truly comfortable with yourself, you don't feel the need to defend your actions so vehemently when others level criticism at them. Most of the time you are inferring things that no one is implying in the first place, and that truly shows how you feel about your life and how you're living it.
Everyone has fears and insecurities, and they manifest themselves in all manner, letting the world see who you really are. We are full of doubts and dissatisfaction in ourselves, and we think no one notices, but they notice everything. We delude ourselves into believing our secrets are safe, but we all have tells that give us away.
One of the most important bits of information the stars can give you is this: embrace the things you like about yourself and change the things you don't. It's that simple. No one is holding you back, and if they are, that might be the first thing you want to change.
Do some self analysis and become aware what you're really showing the world, because no matter how much you think you're hiding, we all see it plain as day.

The stars know this. They beam their light across the universe for all to see, and they have nothing to hide and they don't care who sees it.

Thursday, September 1, 2016


Today's Horoscope
All signs:
The stars want to tell you that you're most likely a horrible judge of character. They want to explain that you are not equipped to dole out justice, especially to the only person anyone can actually administer justice to.
The stars have mentioned many times that we are harder on ourselves than on anyone. They will not stop mentioning it until we see it, and they fear we never will. 
As they just told you, we do not have the right, or the skill, or the experience to judge others and to inflict our ideas of punishment upon them. But oh, how we try.
We wound and berate those we love, be them our children, our lovers, our parents, basically anyone we know is not immune from people's righteous fury at times.
So many of us punish, and belittle, and damage those we love, irreparably at times, and even long after we're done, those people go on punishing themselves. When you take out your own insecurities and fears on others, when you try to control them, you sometimes take a piece of them that they never get back.
You move on, but they will more often than not carry it with them for the rest of their lives, tearing themselves up, locked in a cage someone else crafted. It's no matter whether you left the door open or not, they can't see it, and maybe they never will.
That's what your ill-advised judgement and punishment has created, and that's the legacy you will leave someone, maybe even someone you claimed to love.
Hence you get an awful lot of people that think they deserve to be punished, when most times there has been no crime committed. And they will punish themselves, and if you come along after the fact and love them, they will probably punish you in the process.
The stars weep for us, and they will tell us how amazing and innocent we all are until the end of time, but they know in their hearts that will never be enough.
Because they know in our hearts we have already judged ourselves guilty, and it is a shame, because they realize that we are not equipped to dole out justice, especially to the only person anyone can actually administer justice to.