Monday, July 9, 2018


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars often tell you to decide who you want to be and go be it. It takes a lot of effort and self examination to figure out who you want to be, and how to get there. The journey is its own reward, because you’re never quite done with it. People who know who they are and live it are the ones that people tend to respect and admire. They are usually the ones who get things done and achieve greatness. They are usually the happiest and most well rounded.
People who have spent the time finding themselves will develop empathy, and are generally kinder and more caring. That is because in the process of finding yourself, you examine what it means to be someone else. You understand that to become you doesn’t come at the expense of others. You explore the world around you, and what motivates and drives people, and what holds them back. You discover as many pitfalls as you do victories. It is often a pleasure to be around those people, because they don’t have a lot of issues and demons holding them back anymore. People gravitate towards others who have something to offer, who make life a pleasure, and don’t add to your misery.
Then there are those people who don’t care about figuring anything out. They don’t care about growth or personal responsibility, they don’t care about other people or how they feel. They are filled with contempt and resentment, and they don’t even realize it. They expect you to do the work, and you to put up with their incessant complaining and blaming other people for their lives.
It can be exhausting at times, and no one is looking for extra work because you're too lazy to do it, so don’t be surprised if one by one they stop working and go off and find someone they actually enjoy being around. That’s part of figuring it out too.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that epiphanies don't just happen. We don't grow from just experiencing our experiences, we grow from revisiting them. We grow by reflecting back on what happened to us, and applying the moral lessons and wisdom we've accumulated to them, over and over. We get better and smarter from the cumulative knowledge we accrue, the way civilization advances on the backs of those who came before us.
You will see the world differently as you grow older, and as you do, you need to reevaluate your decisions and reexamine the data you've collected. Ironically, examining them is the only way to let go of some of the traumatic ones that have a hold over you and still mess up your life. If you don't reexamine them, you are wasting everything you've been through and every experience you had. You might as well not have a memory, because if you don't use those memories to learn and grow, what's the point?
The stars think you should always look on old experiences like you're a different person now, because you are.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
People often blame their mistakes on some battle between their head and their heart, the head being logical and smart, and the heart being impulsive and irresponsible. The stars love the poetic notion, but they want to remind you that it's all just your head.
We say things like “I can't help who I love”, or “the heart wants what the heart wants”, but that is just our reckless brains searching for dopamine or punishing us for what we feel we deserve.
If you want to call that part of your brain your heart, that's fine, but the stars think you should train it to actually love yourself, and do what is truly best for you. A good lover cares about your happiness and wellbeing. A loving partner strives to make your life better, not make you feel bad or guilty or controlled because of their insecurity or shame. Someone who love you wouldn't treat you badly and put you in harms way.
If your head isn't doing that for you, train it to be a better lover. After all, it's your heart.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
You're probably a worse person than you think you are. Chances are, you have some tendencies or outlooks on the world put there by your parents or your church or your friends or some politicians that aren't the best. Many people don't recognize racism or hatred, or just the fact that what they believe is wrong, because they don't want to do the work to figure it out. We can be stubborn and indignant and unaware of things because we were just told that the wrong way was the right way when we were young, and we never questioned it. So we all do things that might not be the best thing.
The good news is that you are also a much better person than you think you are. We rip ourselves apart and judge ourselves too harshly for things that aren't even our fault, or even problems. It's the amazing thing about the human brain that we can get be both worse and better than we see ourselves at the same time, and not have a clue.
The stars advise you to just figure it out as you go. If you even wonder a little bit if you could be better, then it means you are most likely not a sociopath, and capable of knowing right from wrong. But you're not born simply knowing that, you have to work at it. You need to figure that out, and not let fear or ego get in the way.
And the stars know that you'll do it. The stars see the good and bad in everybody, and they know that there is more good in all of us, if we just get out of our own way.


Today's Horoscope Thursday Bonus

All signs:
The stars want you to know that you don't have to respond to everyone who engages you, especially on social media. You don't have to discuss things with people who comment with abusive or horrible comments on your posts, or reply to unsolicited private messages.
Just like in real life, some people will annoy you or accost you with their opinions, or get in your face with unwanted advice, but you can just walk away. You are under no obligation to listen or react, so why waste your time and energy on someone who annoys or impacts you negatively? There are better people who deserve that time and energy, including yourself. Is your time really that worthless to you?


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Sometimes it is prudent to have patience and wait. There are times when proceeding with caution is advisable, and we are better waiting until we have assessed the situation or given time enough of a chance to take care of whatever problem we are having.
But those times are rare.
The stars advise you to get things done as quickly as possible. We lull ourselves into inaction out of fear or anxiety or simply because we don't want to face a truth that we already know, and tell ourselves we are being careful.
The sooner you take care of the things in your life that need attention, the better off you are. Otherwise, you will find yourself looking back at a lot of wasted time, wondering why you waited so long to just do what you had to in the first place.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that it's not okay to lie. Lying to people is wrong, we all know that. Sure, a little white lie to spare someone's feelings can be justified, the problem is that the definition of what constitutes a “white lie” can become very broad when the need arises. You aren't doing your friends any favors when you skirt the hard or awkward issues anyway.
It's really bad when you lie in a relationship, about important things. You run the risk of destroying trust when you get caught, and you will get caught. You end up damaging yourself just as much, because you will find that living with a lie eats away at your own self worth.
But that's not the lies the stars are concerned with today. So much more damaging are the lies we tell ourselves. The warning signs we ignore, the things are our conscious tells us are right, but we shut out. The awful truths we don't want to face. We even lie to ourselves about the lies other people tell us. We lie to ourselves about what we want, we lie to ourselves about the things we hate, we lie to ourselves about what we really need to fulfill us because we think that we're not worthy enough to deserve it. We lie about who we are.
All those things continue to exist, whether you acknowledge them or not, and they all continue to do damage. The best thing to do is to confront your fears, stare directly at the things you are uncomfortable with, and tackle those issues sooner, rather than later.
The stars need you to understand that lying to yourself might seem comforting, but it is killing you from the inside out.

Monday, July 2, 2018


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
It is easy to become cynical. It is easy to let anxiety and fear of the unknown future get the better of you. It is easy to let hysteria creep in, and for paranoia to get a foothold. It is easy to see boogeymen around every corner, and let the events in our life and in the world make us something we are not. When that happens, we end up swinging blindly, and hitting those who are on our side.
The stars suggest you find your core, and hone it into something that brings you strength and peace. When you know who you are, and you know what you are capable of, you are well ahead of the game. It’s not about being unfeeling, it’s the opposite in fact. You can face things head on, and look even the most terrible things in the eye, and stare them down. You are not afraid to experience everything, good and bad, and feel it all. You learn to give each obstacle or atrocity in your life just what it needs, and can make smart, rational decisions, rather than just react blindly. Things can affect you without affecting who you are.
Because things are not always going to go your way, not by a long shot. Know who you are, and hold to that, and you won’t be thrown when it happens. You will still be you, consistent and true to yourself, and secure and at peace, even though the world seems to be falling apart around you.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
From the moment you wake up, you will be bombarded by input. From your surroundings, the people you encounter, from social media and emails, from the news. Our waking selves are adept at gathering information, whether we want to or not.
Our brains are going to process that information, and do it as quickly and as efficiently as possible, because that's what they designed to do by evolution. They are going to take every bit of sensory perception, any words and images, and label them and shove them into whatever box they think it belongs in, and make you react in whatever way they have assigned to that box.
The people who manipulate you, the power brokers and the corporations and the advertisers and the special interests groups, they know about the labels and the boxes and the reactions. They know which stimuli elicits the proper response, and they use that to get you to vote a certain way or spend your money on certain things, or to just frighten and confuse you into shutting up and letting them do what they want.
That's why when you wake up in the morning, you really need to wake up. Take your brain off automatic pilot, and really think about why you react to things the way you do, and what you can do to take control of your life back. Actively listen, question what you're being told, use your common sense and employ your morality and empathy to your decisions. If something affects you emotionally and makes you angry or disgusted or upset, chances are that someone is intentionally appealing to those emotions to get you in that state. When you are agitated, you're easier to control and influence. If you find that you're easily upset and agitated, chances are that you've been conditioned to react that way.
Don't beat yourself up over it, it's not that hard to do to someone. It's not just people in power that do it to you. Your friends and lovers, your family, it's everywhere and it's insidious. You don't even realize it's happening. Many times, the people doing it won't even notice that they are using the same tactics to try to control you. It's what their brains have learned from the world doing it to them.
Only you can take back control. Only you can consciously alter the way you react to what your brain is being told. Then you can begin to understand why you do the things you do. You can start to figure out who you really are, and who other people are as well. You can start making smart decisions, and stop living your life in a constant state of anxiety and paranoia and depression. You have to do the work though. Simply following someone else, and letting them tell you how to view the world is the same trap you're in now. Conspiracy theorists and talking heads and cult leaders and theists all have an agenda as well. That's not your inner self talking, that's more manipulation. That's still not freedom.
It's not just going to benefit you. It will benefit the people you love. It will benefit everyone you meet, and everyone you interact with.
You don't like the way the world is going? A better world starts with a better you. A better you starts when you wake up.
The stars suggest that you wake yourself up.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that you're nowhere near done.
Somewhere there are people you haven't met yet. Somewhere there is a world that you haven't discovered. Somewhere, there are all those moments of pure, unexpected and exhilarating joy, just waiting for you to come along.
You aren't done yet. Not by a longshot.