Thursday, September 28, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to warn you against letting the “what have you done for me lately?” mindset take over. While it's true we should expect the people we are closest to be there for us when we need them, we shouldn't look to eject them if we don't get around the clock attention from them.
We tend to have short memories when it comes to a lot of things. It's not that detrimental if you stop caring about a musician because they put out a bad album, or a filmmaker who puts out a bomb, but if you jettison people from your life because they haven't been doting over you, you might lose something important.
Perhaps you haven't been making time for them. Maybe they are going through something, and in actuality you're the one that isn't paying attention.
What if you're not expressing your needs? It's not fair to expect others to read our minds or pick up on our subtle signals.
Or it could be that life just got in the way, and you've both been busy with family or work or whatever. The stars always marvel at how we often think the worst of our loved ones.
The point is, if someone was there for you in the past, if they meant something to you at all, why be so quick to throw that away? Reconnect and give them a chance before too much time has gone by and unwarranted resentment claims another friend.

The stars want you to hold onto the people you love, because if you are in a position where you are thinking about them and considering dismissing them, there is a probably a reason why they are on your mind in the first place. Somewhere inside of you, you must feel you need them, so don't spite yourself. Tell them you need them and give them a chance to remind you why you loved them in the first place.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars realize how complex the world is, and how that can overwhelm you on a daily basis.  They know that there are always so many voices shouting at you at all times.  They know that you can be frozen by indecision when there are too many choices for you, or even when there are too few.  
We are complicated beasts in a complex world, and often we are afraid to commit to any course of action or set of beliefs, or even another person. There is pressure from all angles and devious and passionate people vying for your attention and support. Sometimes it seems impossible to know the right thing to do.  
The stars want you to pay attention though, because with all this cacophony and interference and confusion there is usually a tiny and brief moment of clarity.  At some point your core sends up a flare, and your brain hits on the right combination of puzzle pieces and the answer emerges, if only for a second.  Like most things rare and precious, it is elusive, and very easy to ignore.
You need to train yourself to recognize it and grasp it before it’s gone.  Once you get it, hold on tight to it and have the courage and conviction to see it through.  The stars know that all too often when we see it so clearly, and we know what we have to do, we let it slip away anyway.  It can be hard to hold onto, and the other voices drown it out as quickly as it appeared.   Often the worse choice looks more appealing, but that’s a trick.
But you should hold onto it, and you should follow through, because in that moment of clarity you most likely will find the thing that brings you peace.  The thing that makes you happy and brings fulfilment and helps you grow and become who you really want to be.
Or you can let it simply flit away, and find another reason to be disappointed and like yourself a little less, the choice is yours.

The stars recommend that you choose clarity.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars are very busy today, keeping the universe together and dealing with angular momentum and going supernova and all that, but they just wanted to check in and let you know that even if they can’t offer you a helping hand today, you don’t necessarily need it.
The stars want you to realize that it’s you that’s been doing the heavy lifting all your life.  Sure, people sometimes give you a hand, but your accomplishments are mostly your own. So the only advice they will give you today is this:
Trust in yourself to get you through the day.  Take some of that energy you put into worrying and use it to go kick the hell out of whatever is in your way.  Take all that help you are always giving others and give some of it to yourself.  Take all that strength that has carried you this far and own it.  Be true to who you are and make up your mind to get it done, and there’s no one that can stand in your way.
For nearly every situation and dilemma, there’s a key and an answer.  Figure it out, you’re smart.  Of course if you’re having trouble, ask someone you trust to take a look at it and offer some insight.  Just because you can do things yourself, that doesn’t mean you have to.  It doesn’t make you weak, or take away from your accomplishments. You have friends and family that love you for a reason.  You’ve earned the right to ask for  a little help now and then.
You’ll find that the stars in the sky aren’t the only ones in your life willing to be there for you. That's a testament to you as well.

Monday, September 25, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars know that we're never satisfied. We tend to feel bad about that, but the stars don't understand why that is.
It is because we are never satisfied that we keep striving for something better. We keep trying to remake the world into a Utopia, we keep trying to be more successful and productive, we keep trying to make things better for our children and the people we love. If we were ever satisfied, we would stop working towards all the good things that we envision.
True, we find some satisfaction here and there, but it seldom lasts. We are so good at spotting deficiency and faults, and we are driven to fix them.
The stars know that it's a trade off. They know that the feeling of dissatisfaction is uncomfortable and sometimes demoralizing, but they know that it keeps us trying for greatness, and they know that we will achieve it.

And then we will strive to do even better.

Sunday, September 24, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars know that for many people, their lives are pervaded by the question “is that all there is?” A shadow seems to hang over everything because nothing seems like it's enough.
Some of them have had miserable lives, and it's not their fault. They truly have a reason to wonder. Their lives have been filled with abuse, or disappointment, or poverty or limited choices. They wind up bound and wounded and broken and who can blame them?
They don't even get the simple necessities of being loved or even treated with human dignity. They wonder if that's all there is to life, hardship and feeling used and left out in the cold. It's devastating to think that they might never understand that there's so much more and that they may never experience it.
Then there's another group of people. Dreamers. Artists. Misfits. Visionaries. People that have advantages, have love, have a million things we all take for granted, but it's never going to be enough.
Whether they've seen a bigger vision of what the world could be, or they can see ten moves ahead, or have just grown tired of the mundane machinations of everyday existence, they can't help but wonder “is that all there is?”
The stars have a piece of advice for both of these groups of people. If something isn't bringing you fulfillment, do something else. If people aren't giving you what you need, find new people.
There is a whole universe full of better things, so to answer your question, no, that's not all there is. The stars understand why you might feel that way, but they are here to tell to that the question is not an end, but the beginning of your quest to find what makes you happy, because obviously you haven't found it yet.
If you think that's all there is, and you truly can't find something to lift you from your crushing malaise, then maybe you should do what countless visionaries have done before you, and go create the thing you're looking for.
“Is that all there is?” is a launching point. Are you up for it?
The stars hope so, because a lot of other people might be counting on you to figure it out as well. 

Saturday, September 23, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars know that some days it seems as if the whole world is out to get you. And some days that might be true.
But what are you afraid of? The world hasn't ever beat you yet, has it?
You're still here, so go out and remind the world who's boss. 

Friday, September 22, 2017

9/22/17 Friday bonus

Today's Horoscope Friday Bonus

All signs:
The stars want to congratulate you on making through another week. It's no small feat, most of the time.
The stars also want to tell you that it's really okay that sometimes you feel like you don't fit in anywhere. You should celebrate that fact, not try to hide it.
Who you are is who you are, and if the world doesn't always get it, then flaunt it in their face and go make your own fun. You might feel alone at times, but how are you ever going to meet anyone that gets you if you aren't being you when you meet them?

The stars want you to go have a great time, and to do it on your own terms, otherwise how great can it really be?


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars know how hard it is to keep going sometimes.
There are times you'll be reminded in cruel ways that nothing is forever. But it will only make you appreciate the things you have more.
You will learn that some things are irreplaceable. But you will learn that you can live without them if you have to and there are other irreplaceable things in your future.
You will learn that nobody or nothing is indispensable. But you will learn that there is always another way to get things done.
The point is, life will deal you some very harsh blows, and you will feel like you can't go on, but there is always something good you can take away. The human race is a record of people doing just that every single day. It's not easy. It seems like there's no way you can do it at times, and this is the one that will surely end you.
But it doesn't.
The stars know they some days it's hard. Some days you have to find a way to just get up and face the world, even though your heart is breaking, and the pain is infecting all your thoughts and making everything you do an excruciating task.
But the stars know you'll do it, and they know you'll be better for it in the end, just like always.  The stars believe in you, because they've seen you persevere and accomplish way too much and emerge triumphant to ever bet against you.

Thursday, September 21, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars predict that today will either be a good day or a not so good day.
You might have a good day, where nothing hurts and you discover new things you love or reconnect with things you already loved. You will enjoy being with your loved ones, and they won't do anything to annoy you for a change.
Perhaps you will have a really great meal or hear two of your favorite songs in a row. The weather might be glorious and you'll get out of work an hour early, that new movie or book or video game will be released, or you'll find a sale and get some shoes you really like at half price. Maybe you'll get home and find flowers or an Amazon order waiting for you.
Maybe you'll find out that you're going to be a new aunt or uncle, or you'll take delivery on your new car. Maybe you'll meet someone that intrigues you, or maybe you'll have a great first date.
Or there's a chance you will get some bad news. Maybe you'll wake up with some weird muscle ache or stomach pain, and spend the first two hours of your day wondering if this is the thing that kills you before the other mundane occurrences of the day makes you forget about it.
Maybe you'll have to cancel some plans, maybe some politicians will make you angry, perhaps you'll get into a fight on social media. You might screw up at work, or get into a fender bender on the way home.
The restaurant could lose your reservations, you might burn your dinner, you may have to work through lunch. It might be one of those days where nothing seems to go right and you just can't seem to get started and everyone drives you up a wall.
The stars want you to realize that 95% of life are days that are just slightly better or slightly worse than the previous one. So enjoy the days that are a net win, and hang on through the days that seem to set you back a step or two. Take solace on the fact that the really bad days are few and far between, and the really good days are always on the horizon.
The stars know that the bad times are temporary and usually not they bad at all, and that the needle will swing backwards to the good quickly enough.

Now you know it too.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want to remind you that you aren’t done living until you’re dead.  Sometimes, after life deals us a huge setback(or a bunch of little ones), we tend to retreat into ourselves and shut down.  We become fearful of getting hurt again, or we just feel like there is no point because the odds are stacked against us.
We start to only see the roadblocks and the evils in the world.  We start to see the traits of the people or circumstances that hurt us and held us back in everything we look at.  That is just your brain deluding itself into believing it is providing protection using faulty pattern recognition.  In other words, you’re chasing ghosts.
You need to perceive when this is happening and fight against it, or all too soon it can sap all your resolve and scuttle your plans for the foreseeable future.
If you have been hurt, and now you fear being hurt again, take a moment to realize that you’ve probably been hurt many times before, and you lived through it those times.  Instead of seeing demons everywhere, take stock of yourself and wonder why you keep putting yourself in a position to get hurt again and again.  Oftentimes insecurities in ourselves lead us to choose damaged people that we think will need us too much to ever leave us.  We hamstring ourselves from the start by selling ourselves short and then wondering why some incomplete and broken person doesn’t act in a predictable manner.  And if it’s the first time you’ve been hurt?  Get used to it, because living life means you are going to get hurt now and then.  You can’t be afraid of getting hurt, or you won’t get anywhere.
Or perhaps you end up getting hurt because you think you deserve to be treated badly. You should stop that horrendous train of thought immediately.  Many of us look to be punished for many distorted and perceived wrongdoings concocted by our twisted psyches.  None of us deserve to be punished mercilessly for mistakes or letting ourselves be mistreated.  Even criminals serve their punishment and are released.  Don’t commit yourself to a life sentence for a misdemeanor.  
Sometimes we hit a roadblock in our professional life.  We can lose our job, or a business venture doesn’t go as planned, or maybe college is over and it’s hard finding work in your chosen field.  Instead of giving up, retool, reinvent, explore other options that play to your talents.  Many times, people that can’t find an existing role in their field that plays to their talents will create one. Art and business have a lot in common.  Be creative.  There are plenty of people that have turned something they love doing into a career.
If things aren’t working out right now, take that time to examine your strengths and weaknesses.  Play to your strengths and maybe get more training or find a partner or associate to shore up your weaknesses.  Another area where art and business is the same is that there are huge communities for both, full of people willing to share their expertise and help.  Reach out and explore your options, because in almost every instance there are options you never knew you had.
The important thing is, don’t stop living, even in one area of your life.  There are infinite possibilities, and there’s no way you’ve exhausted them all. When you hit a dead end, don’t just sit there and stare at the wall, back up and find a way around it if you can’t break through it.
One of the things the stars admire most about us is our resilience.  It is one of our defining traits, and we all possess it if we look. When we give up, the stars can’t help but be puzzled and sad, because we were made to keep trying.  It is in our DNA, it is our spirit, our essence, and it is a crime to waste it.

Monday, September 18, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars know that sometimes you just don't feel well, and there's probably no physical malady or medical reason. You just feel like hell, and everything important seems so far out of reach that it's pointless to try. You're not even sure what hurts, or why, but it does.
Sometimes it lasts for minutes sometimes it lasts for days, occasionally it will last a lifetime. Usually it is a combination of things causing it. Dissatisfaction, stalled life goals, the people surrounding you. Maybe there is too much negatively in your life, maybe there is self doubt, maybe you are just lonely.  
Maybe you are looking for something that isn't there. If that's the case, you need to create it, or move on. When you reach a dead end, it can leave you depressed and wondering why you should keep trying. It demoralizes you, and it's hard to reset your goals and start over.
Maybe it's none of these things. Maybe you just don't feel well because it's your body's way of telling you that you need to slow down. Physically and mentally. Perhaps you can't right now, so you're just going to have to keep going until you can.
It might just be that life is a puzzle, and even if you have all the right parts, you still have to make an effort to put all those pieces together in the right combination for it to work. It's hard to do without a road map, and very few of us have a reliable and easy to read road atlas and a calibrated compass.
So all the stars can tell you is that you should try to give yourself a break if you can, and if not, you just need to keep going and never stop trying to put it all together. Sometimes you are just going to feel like hell, so don't let it get you down.

The stars want you to remember that you are very powerful. You control your own reality, your own universe, and usually it's up to you whether you want to create a fulfilling one, or one where you feel like crap all the time.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars marvel at our tenacity. We strive to find order in a chaotic world where there is none. We are incredulous at the notion that anything can be other than what we've labeled it, and we struggle to maintain our ideals, even after they've all been proven wrong and laid to rest.
We rail against change, even after change has happened, and we try to hold onto things that are already gone. We preach, and we cling to phantoms, while the world has already passed us by.
We look for patterns and conspiracies to explain, when we already have an answer, but it's not to our liking, so we deny it and tilt at windmills. We will see what we want and remain blind to the parts that don't fit the narrative we like.
We expend so much effort, and wear ourselves down with such trivial and frivolous matters, so we can ignore the big things that frighten us. We throw away precious and beautiful things every moment on a whim, so we can hold tight to the rotted and putrid monstrosities our fear and ignorance give birth to, and we think we're saving ourselves.
The stars just sit and wonder just how wonderful it all could be if we were just a little more accepting, a little braver, and somehow worthy of the souls that are our birthright.

They keep shining for us, hoping we will someday simply look up and truly see the light.

Friday, September 15, 2017

9/15/17 friday bonus

Today’s Horoscope Friday Bonus!

All Signs:
You made it through another week, so congratulations!  The stars are proud of you for all you accomplished, and even the things you came up short on.
The stars love you no matter what, and you should too.
The stars are looking down, and smiling at your triumphs and loving you even more fiercely when you let yourself down and want to throw it all away, when all you have to do is try again tomorrow. It’s that simple.  That’s what love is.

Love yourself like the stars love you, because if you don’t, you’re really just throwing away the world for no reason whatsoever.


Today’s Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to tell you to keep your sense of humor.  Life is so serious so much of the time.  There are enough terrible things in this world to keep you miserable and feeling like everything is dire.
And maybe it is.
That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t laugh.  You should laugh and smile and dance and still find joy wherever you can.  Of course, there is a time to be solemn and respectful, but people have different ideas of when that time is and just what constitutes respect.
Humor has a deeper purpose than just giving us a giggle now and then.  In the worst of times, when some things are too terrible to even comprehend, humor helps us take away some of the power it has over us.   There are times in the middle of a tragedy or stressful situation that we find the uncontrollable urge to laugh out loud.  It is inappropriate, and we feel guilty or ashamed, but it is a natural reaction at times.
It is because humor helps us handle the times when if we didn’t laugh, we would cry.  Sometimes both go hand in hand.  Laughter may not really be the best medicine, but it helps more than it hurts.
Laughter is also a powerful weapon.  Satire points out the absurdity in life with humor rather than hatred.  It makes social commentary palatable.  When despots are in power, or hate filled people try to intimidate you, mocking them and laughing at them is one of the most powerful weapons in our arsenal.  It strips them of their power and control, and deflates them.  
As with most things, everyone’s sense of humor is different, so what might be funny to some is offensive to others.  Try to keep in mind that most people who seem like they are just being offensive for the sake of it might just be trying to cope with whatever is going on right now.  Perhaps their method of coping with horror is to make it manageable by taking its power away.

The stars want you to enjoy the laughs when you can get them, because they know that sometimes they are too infrequent indeed, and that’s no laughing matter.

Thursday, September 14, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want you to be prepared to deal with a lot of bitterness in the world. It seems like it's everywhere some days.
There are a lot of people in the world that have given in to bitterness. They find blame in everything but themselves, and they rail against everything because they are unhappy. Sometimes it is justified, but rarely. Even when the world lets you down, even when circumstance or cruelty knocks you back, you always have a choice. You can let it form your worldview, and sulk and bemoan your lot, or you could stop wallowing and get back up and keep going.
Sadly, too many people simply give up. They lose faith in themselves, they let others grind them down. They look for misery everywhere to justify their bleak outlook. They are jealous of anyone that seems to have something they do not, and they mock what they don't understand.
Some have truly suffered, at the hands of abusive family or lovers. Some have lost so much, and they have been damaged, but then they continue the work started by others or the world. Now most of the bad breaks they complain about are their own fault. To them, it seems safer and makes them feel better about themselves to believe that everything else is responsible for the way their lives turned out.
So they go on, day by day, listing the reasons they can't catch a break, and trying to tear down everything good, because it makes them feel bad about who they are. Hearing them everyday can drag you down with them. As harsh and petty as they are, it can prove seductive. The constant barrage can change you. It wears on you, and it infects your life with negativity. If you're not careful, it can make you bitter too. Bitterness is at once an easy way out while also being the hard way to go through life.
The stars implore you to avoid the bitterness. Shield yourself from the acidity and venom these people spew. There is nothing good there for you, and it is not your job to listen to their diatribes.
About the only thing you can do is lead by example. Match their bitter mood with positivity and enthusiasm. They won't like that either, but not because you are wrong to feel that way, because they are envious of you. Maybe after seeing your happiness, it might make them strive for a little of their own. What's the point of being a star if you can't at least shine a little light on those stuck in the darkness?

Wednesday, September 13, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The Stars know. The Stars know that no matter what, some dreams die. It doesn't matter how much you put into it, that sometimes there's still a little piece of you that ends up getting lost in the shuffle, and you aren't sure if it'll ever come back.
You don't even know what it is, but you're not the same, and you can't be entirely sure that you ever will be again. Maybe you'll end up different, a little wiser, a little stronger. But maybe you'll end up a little colder, with a little less hope and a little less light than you had before. Maybe this time the blow will be too great, and it will stagger you, and you won't get up this time.
So you sit in the dark, waiting for that little thing inside you to spark again. You wait to feel the ember that always warmed you from the inside, and ponder how long it will take, afraid to really think about it too much, lest you scare it off.
The stars know how the world seems to play cruel tricks sometimes, how people can play with your heart, and scatter your gifts and love to the wind. They know the pettiness that lurks in human’s hearts, the anger and fear that makes them lash out.
They know how fate can take everything from you at a whim, and how harshly you can learn that there is no such thing as forever. They know your loved ones will pass on and leave you, they know that there are a million things that can kill any magic you might find.
The stars also know that there is no quick remedy when you are gutted, no easy solution to numb the pain, not for long. It seems like no one understands, and there is no solace to be found anywhere when your core is broken. Only slow realization and acceptance, the long trudge back to the light, can heal you and return some semblance of normalcy and peace. The long days and weeks and years as you bide your time and do your work and pray that it will all be bearable once more.
It has to be, just one more time for the heavens and earth to put you back together.
The stars know how you sit and wait, nervous and wondering if time will bring whatever it is that's missing back to you, and if your precious heart will ever be whole again. 

Tuesday, September 12, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want you to make sure the people you let into your life and give yourself to deserve it.
Too often we are lonely, or insecure, or just need to feel loved, so we accept people into our lives that haven't earned it. We overlook their faults, and even their wholly different philosophies on life, and just plunge in anyway.
Soon we start to lose who we are, and we let some very unscrupulous and predatory people influence and control us. We make excuses because we want to love them or be their friends, or we have just grown accustomed to them being around, and we are afraid of losing something we have gotten used to.
Your friends or lovers should support you when you're doing well and warn you when you're not. They should love you and be excited to be with you and want to share their life. All the joy, all the sorrow, and everything in between, be it your triumphs or just some little thing that reminds them of you.
They should always want the best for you, and treating you badly or putting you down, or not being there when you need them is unacceptable. Always taking and never giving is something too many people get used to and accept on a regular basis. We tell ourselves we are being strong, or low maintenance, or loving someone despite their shortcomings, but that's not the way it should be. We are making excuses to justify what we are giving up.
The stars want all of us to get the happiness we deserve, and that's our responsibility. When we let people into our lives that take that happiness from us, we are sabotaging ourselves. Always be true to yourself and what you know to be right, and find people that know it too, and love you for who you are. When you have people that really know you and love you for it, you will always be ahead of the game.

That way you know that if you ever get lost, they are there to call you back home.

Monday, September 11, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that it's okay to be selfish at times. The word selfish carries a lot of negative connotations, and that's understandable, but sometimes it is necessary.
At some point in your life, you are going to have to come to terms with the fact that you can’t save everyone.  You can’t do the hard stuff for other people all the time, it takes away from your life and it robs them of important growth and lessons.  At some point, you are enabling, not helping.
The stars aren’t saying that you shouldn’t help people that need it.  You should be encouraging and supportive, you should lend a hand, or money, or whatever you can afford when you can.  You shouldn’t solve everyone’s problems for them though, you should help them solve their own problems.  
If you constantly take everything on yourself, even the most well meaning people can come to expect you to bail them out every time, or overlook some inconsiderate or damaging behavior.  Then it is on you as much as it is on them.  If there is no reason for someone to grow or change, why would they?
You are also hurting yourself.  You can get into a situation where you are living your life for others and not getting anything you want out of it. We tend to fall into one of two roles:  Giver or taker.  Give too much, and you have nothing left for yourself, take  too much and you become dependant and stifle your own growth.
So when the stars tell you to be selfish, they don’t mean abandon anyone that needs you. They aren’t telling you ignore the plight of the poor or tragedy stricken.  They don’t want you to turn your back on your friends and loved ones.  

They just want you to remember not to give away more than you can afford to lose.  They want you to help others, but not to the extent that your own happiness suffers.  They want you to understand that if you give everything you have to someone that squanders it, then both of you will have nothing, and then you can’t help anyone at all. That includes yourself.

Friday, September 8, 2017

9/8/17 Bonus!

Today's Horoscope Friday Bonus!

All signs:
The stars want you to know that they see everything, and even though things look bad sometimes, there is still so much more good that they see.
It's all around you too, if you want to see it, so this weekend when you're out and about, try to retrain yourself to notice all the good around you. Because it's there, it's always there.

And if you can't get your mind to stop focusing on all the bad things happening right now, take solace that even those horrible things serve to bring out the best in us, so make sure you notice that as well.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to talk about the words “I'm sorry”. They are powerful words, important words, and sometimes overused words.
You should not let your ego or insecurities get on the way of admitting when you are wrong. It can be hard to apologize, especially facing someone that you've wronged, but it is essential. It can bring you peace as well as the person you are apologizing to, giving both of you much needed closure.
There are many people that are damaged by the actions of others, and end up in a state of arrested development, unable to cope because they never got an apology or admission of guilt by the one person they need it from most.
When you apologize, you should be sincere. Too many people simply say the words without giving any thought to what they are apologizing for, as they turn around and simply do it again. These people don't care that they hurt you, and whether it's because they are damaged or just jerks, you shouldn't let them into a position where they can hurt you at all.
The stars want you to understand that just as important as the apology is forgiveness. If someone is sincerely remorseful about what they did, and you can find it within yourself to forgive them, you should. For both your sakes. There are some things that people might find unforgivable, but keep in mind that there are people that have even forgiven the person that murdered their children, so anything is possible.
Most people are not capable of forgiving something like that, and that's understandable. You should learn to forgive whatever you can though, because forgiving means letting go, and moving forward, and releasing yourself from a lot of pain and obsessive misery. Most importantly, forgive yourself, because once the person that hurt you is done and gone, we often continue to punish ourselves.
The stars also want to point out that there are some people that apologize automatically for things that need no apology. They just say it constantly because they are afraid of offending or upsetting anyone, and you should feel bad for them and try to put them at ease. Many times they do this because they have been abused or terrorized by someone in the past. There was no rhyme or reason to the abuse because the abusers were sadistic and would use any excuse to lash out, so they apologize for everything. Many times they are unconscious that they are doing it.

They are living in a type of prison, stunted and afraid, and they are the people that need an apology most of all, but are probably never going to get it. They will live out their days wondering why someone they loved would do that to them, never getting closure, never getting an answer. Never hearing the words “I'm sorry” from the person they need to hear it from most.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that there is still plenty of magic left in the world. Sometimes it seems like life is a grind, and that there's nothing new or exciting or even good anymore. That's never the case.
Most of the time when we feel this way, we are in a bad state of mind overall. We are overworked, or brokenhearted and lonely, or we're unhappy with the state of the world. Maybe we just hit a bad stretch of luck, or we lose someone close, or we're just in a rut. We tend to retreat into ourselves, or build walls when we have to deal with things like that.
That's human nature, that's how we feel safe and like we have some control, but it's not good to stay there for long. Soon, we won't be able to see any magic in the world because while closing ourselves off from the bad, we also keep out the good.
Magic doesn't just show up when you need it, like in some fairytale or movie, most of the time you have to search for it. It's usually not a long search either, you just need to pick yourself up and get out there. The thing about magic is that it's hard to define, so most often we don't even know what we're looking for. Our idea of magic is hardly ever realistic, so we should not go looking for a specific sign or occurrence. One of the biggest aspects of magic is surprise and wonder, and how are you going to get that if you spend your life looking for something you've already envisioned in your head?
The secret to finding magic is to experience as many things as you can, and there are endless things out there to experience. Travel, try new things, even if it's just shopping at a different store or eating at a new restaurant. There are books, movies, music, art, a million things you haven't exposed yourself to. Science, history, museums; classes you can take that might open your eyes on a whole new way to see the world. There are people out there that can inspire and astound you, and they live right in your hometown. No matter who you are, you have only met a tiny, minuscule fraction of a percentage point of the people in this world. And if you have decided that most of them are not worth your time, perhaps it is because you are traveling in the same circles you have been your whole life. Maybe you are closing yourself off from others because you are insecure, and don't think you'll fit in with other people that you perceive as smarter, or more refined or successful, or more talented in a certain area than you.
That's just fear holding you back. You're never going to know who you are or where you belong until you experience as much as you can. By doing more and getting out there, you will find wonder and stumble on magic everywhere.
The stars want you to know that magic is all around you, just waiting for your to discover it. It's in nature, in people, in art, in many places you might never think to look. The more you do, the more you'll find, and in doing so you might just create your own magic along the way.
Because every single one of us is magic, whether we can see it or not. We're just waiting to discover it and be astounded along with everyone else.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want to remind you that the world is big enough that there is more than plenty to go around.  We tend to get caught up in our competitive nature at times, where we like the fact that we have more than others, or that we think we are entitled to more because of social standing, race, or birthright.  That’s just ego and insecurity.
We also sometimes get it in our head that if someone else gets something, we are somehow going to get less.  That is seldom the case, and even if it is, so what?  Like the petty child that wants a toy just because another child has it at the moment, we can become envious and belligerent, greedy and selfish.
There is no reason for that behavior at all.  You shouldn’t define yourself by your possessions.  You shouldn’t have your self worth tied to how much someone else has over you.  You certainly shouldn’t hoard your good fortune and lord it over others that aren’t as fortunate.
Share your success if you can, help others achieve their own goals, and if you’re lucky enough to have plenty, help those who are in need.  People are intrinsically good, and when our ego and fear push us to be any other way, it creates conflict inside of us. Somewhere, deep inside, we always know how we are acting when we go against our better natures. We can never be truly happy that way, so in a sense you are punishing everyone. At a time when we should all be striving towards self purification and examining our actions, we often are at odds against others and ourselves, spiteful and ungracious.  
Billions of years ago, the stars sacrificed themselves and spread the building blocks of the universe throughout the cosmos.  They scattered everything they were so that we could be here, along with all the wonders our world possesses.  They did not do that so we could hoard treasure and hobble our fellow man.  
The stars can’t understand why, when they gave us so much more than we could ever want for, it still isn’t enough.  Maybe it’s because the problem isn’t that there’s not enough in the world, maybe we are missing something inside.

The stars implore us to find it, before it’s too late, because there is always another star set to scatter us to the cosmic wind again.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars know that we all have to deal with tragedy sometimes.  No one can avoid it, whether in your immediate lives or a community or nationwide scale. It is part of being alive, and it is something you will have to cope with, or it can consume you.
The thing about tragedy is, you never really get over it, you get past it.  You heal, you learn to live with it, but it has changed you and it will stay with you in some form or another for the rest of your life.  
The stars want you to understand that you have a say in how it affects your life moving forward.  Not at first, first you are awash in pain and grief and loss.  That can last minutes or years, depending on the situation.  Then, you will move to a point where it is up to you to decide how much it is going to take from you, how much it will dictate your actions and feelings from that moment on.  How much control it has.
You can wallow for the rest of your life, you can use it as an excuse for your self-destructive behavior, or your bad attitude, or the way you treat others.  You can let it consume you and drag you down, to fester and rot you away from the inside.  You can find guilt and blame where there is none, and amplify any that might be justifiable.  Redemption is always at hand if you strive for it.
Or you could take what lessons are available from it, learn from them, and refuse to let it have dominion over you.  You can concentrate on the good, least of which is that you are lucky to be alive, and lucky to live in a world of infinite chances and opportunities rather than fixate on the one that might not be available to you anymore.   You could help others going through the same thing, and make it easier on them.  Perhaps you could help change regulations or society’s views regarding what you went through so it won’t happen to anyone else.  You could celebrate the life of someone you lost, and take the positives from their existence rather than punish the world because of their demise, and live the way anyone that loved you would want you to live.  
The stars need you to know that you can shape your life, and in turn your tragedies, into what you want it to be.   You can’t always control what happened to you, but you can control how it affects you, and what it turns you into.

You can still be happy, after all this.