Monday, January 30, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars know that you sometimes give people great gifts and they squander them, and it is demoralizing and it hurts.
But the stars want you to remember that people gave you great gifts, too.

What did you do with them?


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars aren't going to lie to you. There's a lot of really bad stuff going on in the world right now. It is very scary, and it is demoralizing when you see what your fellow humans are capable of. It is a punch in the gut when people you thought you knew start climbing on the bandwagon of the enemy.
Evil and ignorance go hand in hand, because those that don't truly understand the nature of the problem or see the wolf in sheep's clothing enable their own destruction.
In some ways we are done in by our weakest link. We have no control over who hands their power over to charlatans, and sometimes it leaves us all vulnerable.
The thing that frustrates the stars most is how much time and energy we waste hobbling ourselves and learning the same lessons over and over. They see now that we are sabotaging ourselves again, and they are enraged that the ones that have done the work and have progressed now have to suffer and toil to drag the lazy and hateful members of society along with you.
It's never easy, but it is how we work. Throughout history, and very recent history, the world teeters on anarchy and seems poised to collapse.
But it doesn't.
Because people that know better come off the sidelines and fight for what is right. They refuse to let the world become what despicable people would make it. They don't accept it, and they push back. They refuse to bend to the popular whims, or succumb to hate or exclusion.
So they revolt, and overthrow governments and become countries that are beacons of freedom. They fight, and they sacrifice and win world wars and topple demagogues that commit genocide and attempt world domination.
They resist and they become leaders themselves.
Sometimes though, they teach the world lessons through dignity and by rising above and leading by example. Sometimes the pen is mightier than the sword. Sometimes kindness screams louder than cannons.
Sometimes victories come from quiet corners of humanity no one thought much of. A face in a photo that bears the horror we can't feel first hand, the words of a child in a diary, the essay or speech that turns tides and gives us strength. The quiet desperation that drives a million tiny cogs in the machinery that topples tyrants.
So the stars keep shining as well as sighing as they watch us go through our growing pains once again. They how hard it will be, they know how much we will suffer, how much we will lose. But they know that we will overcome, like always. They know we will gain back what was taken, with interest.
They know that because they know who we are, and they know what we can do. They also know that most of us have a tendency to put off what we should do until we absolutely have to do it. Then we do it. We always have, and the stars have faith that we will do it again.
The stars want you to know that folly is part of your nature, so get used to it. They have resigned themselves to it millennia ago, but that doesn't make it easier.
So here is your horoscope:
The immediate future is very dark, and there will be much suffering. Don't blame the stars, they are not the reason you are in this mess. It is all you. The stars can also see a day in the not too distant future when everything will be good again. Don't credit the stars with that either. It will come because of great sacrifice and toil from people that care.
And when everything is better and you have become enlightened on a global scale … you will do it all over again.

That is your horoscope.

Thursday, January 26, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Today the stars want to talk to you about love.  Again.
You might be one of those people that feel you have wasted a lot of your love on the wrong person. You have been there for someone, you have gone above and beyond what anyone could expect.  You have loved unconditionally and unselfishly,  and you have given them one of the greatest gifts anyone could give another human being.
And then they threw it all away regardless.
Few things in this world sting more than that.  It feels like the ultimate betrayal, a feeling that you have done everything you could, been the best that you can be, and then it was confirmed that it wasn’t enough. You weren’t enough.  All that effort, all that time, all you gave until you were completely drained, all wasted.
The stars want you to know that love is never wasted. Maybe you feel you didn't get anything out of it, but someone does, whether they tell you or not.  Whether they see it eventually or whether they never will.  They know in their hearts that somebody loved them, and that little bit of light in their dark soul keeps them hanging on.  Perhaps it keeps them afloat until they figure it all out and start their way back to happiness.
Most people that walk away from love have deeper issues going on inside them.  They are damaged, they are broken, and they hate themselves more than you ever could.
So don’t hate the person you loved more than anything.  Don’t play their game and tell them how disappointed you are and how horrible they are after all.  Why destroy what the love you gave them brought to their lives?  And if you loved them as much as you say, they must have given you something very special.  If you truly loved them, walk away, but walk away being the better person and learn from your mistakes.  The only other option is to spend untold time questioning yourself and tilting at windmills and what might have been.  You will only suffer, that is a fact.
The stars want to remind us that we have all been on the other side of that equation. We all have wasted the love someone else gave you, and you know it. But it made you think, it made you feel, it may even have filled you with regret. You had your reasons, but sometimes in bed late at night, those reasons seem foolish and you wonder just what you might have done.  
But someone loved you, and whether you reciprocated or not, the fact remains: you are lovable. Maybe that’s enough to make all of this ridiculous game we all keep playing worthwhile.  It’s not likely to change any time soon, so we should take whatever we can from it and move on, growing with each lesson love hands us, no matter on which side we end up.

And so we go on, shuffling this love back and forth between us, surprisingly careless with such a precious commodity

Wednesday, January 25, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Life is very hard sometimes. That doesn't mean that life is bad.
Life is painful sometimes. That doesn't mean that it's not worth living.
Life is never going to be what you think it should be. That doesn't mean you give up.
Life is going to put you through the wringer, it might take everything you hold dear at the time, it might make you feel hopeless and it might make you despair and it might enrage you.
That doesn't mean that you don't keep fighting.
The stars want you to know that you have strength you don't even realize you have.
The stars want you to know that we never give ourselves enough credit.
The stars want you to know that when life pushes you to the edge, you need to push back even harder.
So start pushing now, before you get anywhere near the edge, because no one has more control over what your life is than you.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars have decided you don't get a horoscope today. Not after seeing what this person you elected is already doing.
The stars believe in progress and compassion, and they don't want to reward you for bad behavior.
Now go reflect on what you've done and try to do better. It's never too late. The stars still think you have it in you and they still love you.

All of you.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that everything changes.
Time marches on. On a global scale, earthquakes and plate tectonics reshape the planet. Societies definitions of beauty or morals shift, sometimes overnight. Borders change, countries come in and out of existence, governments topple and are replaced by new ones, civilizations rise and fall. Whole galaxies collide and tear each other apart, only to reform as new, bigger galaxies.
People change too. They have epiphanies, they fall in and out of love, they are constantly in flux about what they like and don't like, what they adore and what they hate. They can wake up one day and see the world in a different light, and decide you aren't a part of it any longer.
Seemingly with no reason your whole world can be torn apart. Something you thought was yours forever is suddenly something different, and it will never be what it was.
But the thing about change is that it can't be all bad. If all change was bad, we wouldn't still be here, we would have perished from all the bad long ago.
Change is predominantly good. Evolution is one the driving forces of change on the planet, and change is what keeps life going.  Medical science, vehicle safety, quality of life, lifespans, technology - so many things that are so much better than they were, even a few years ago.
So when something changes in your world and it seems like the bottom has fallen out of your life, try to remember all the changes that were upgrades. You'll probably find that your life is full of them.
The stars want you to know that the rest of your life will bring changes that are wonderful, so just hold on.
Because if it's not good right now, it will be.
Because everything changes.

Thursday, January 19, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars know that there were times you should have been stronger. They know that there were times you could have done the right thing, but you chose not to. They know that sometimes you thought you were doing the right thing, but you really had no clue what the right thing was.
The stars know that just loving someone, or wanting something, or needing it to work out is no guarantee that any of those things will happen.
The stars know that more often than not you are going to mess your life up royally. They know that we will choose people that will mess it up for us.
You will disappoint your friends and family. You will disappoint the person that needs you most.
You will disappoint yourself.
You will despair, and you will think you have led yourself to ruin. You will think you've exhausted every bit of strength you have, burned every bridge, run off everyone that could ever love you.
The stars want to tell you that you're wrong.
The world will keep turning, and there will be a new day to start again, and you might be beaten, and you might be bloody, but you will be stronger and wiser.
And that is how your life will go, until figure it all out and get what you need or you burn yourself up because you just can't accept it. But that's how it will go.
So the stars implore you, find yourself, figure out what you want, and then run towards it like your life depends on it.

Because it does.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want you to know that being free takes bravery and conviction.
To be truly free, and in this sense they mean to be yourself, it takes fortitude and sacrifice. Being free does not mean being selfish and inconsiderate, or catering to your every whim, damn the other people in your life.
That is just being a jerk.
Being free means overcoming your fears and insecurities and showing yourself to the world. It means not caring about how you look or are perceived, that whole “dance like nobody's watching” thing.
That takes courage. That takes discipline. That takes a thousand tiny traits that usually go against what our fear-addled brains are telling us.
Freedom is not easily won, and there are always those wanting to take it from you any chance they get. So many people are vying to control us, to put us in chains, simply to make themselves feel more secure. Don't let them.
Being free means making difficult decisions. It means taking the road that might bring you pain and heartache. It means risking ridicule and persecution, character assassination and leaving behind some comforts.
It also might mean walking away from people that you think you love, and have convinced yourself that they love you, but in your heart you know that's not true. It takes discipline to quit while you're ahead, but it takes real courage to quit while you're behind.  
But it is worth it, because being free means being true to yourself, and that kind of peace of mind is priceless.
The stars want us all to be free. In being free, we become the best that we can be, and we inspire and reassure others to follow suit. We become a beacon.
We were meant to be free, not to live chained down for the sake of another's profit or political gain, nor to be kept like a prize. That's not what life is supposed to be like.

We were meant to be free.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want you to know that the truly special and unique things about you are indeed special. Sometimes we lose track of that, and we might start to feel like perhaps no one understands us or there is something wrong with us.
There's not.
We all possess certain traits or qualities that are specific to who we are. Mostly these are abstract ideas or emotions, and while it may be frustrating at times, it is a gift. Not just a gift to you, but quite possibly a gift to the world.
Everything we know, every bit of science or art, started off as a vague concept in someone's mind. Someone came up with a different way of looking at things and showed that to the world and everything changed again.
Some were vilified, some were laughed at, but in the end what usually happens is that they were proven right and the world moved ahead.
The things that are the same about us give us strength, the things that make us different change the world. Sometimes in tiny ways, sometimes in paradigm shifts.
So the stars want to tell you, let your freak flag fly. The people that love you understand and the ones that don't never will, so the hell with them.
Show the world how different you are, and you just might find you're not that different after all. You might inspire, you might make them think, you might bring some joy to someone's life

And you might change the world.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that you don't do the right thing for a reward, you do the right thing because it's the right thing to do.
So often we get caught up in whether or not we are getting what we deserve, but the stars have been around forever, and they know that no one ever gets what they deserve. There is no keeping score, because the important things in life are not  tangible things that you can hold in your hand, and stack up on one side of a scale.
They are the things you feel and know in your heart. Because it's your heart they reside in, chances are no one else is going to ever understand them. It feels like no one will commend you, no one will share your anguish and grief as you try to persevere through whatever hell you are going through. Even the people you are trying to help will most likely never fully appreciate what it is you have sacrificed and strived towards.
That's why believing in yourself is so hard, yet so rewarding. You are the only one that can decide to do what you need to do, and you are most likely the only one that can give you what you deserve.
What you deserve is to be at peace with your choice and the strength to go through with it. Only you can grant that.
So the stars want you to know that they see it, and they know when doing what's right tears you to pieces and leaves you bleeding on the ground. They send you their energy and light, to fill you up and keep you going. All of us, carrying starshine within us, lighting the way when it's our turn to show the rest of us what's important and what to do.
But it doesn't always have to be the stars, either. It can be a loved one, or a complete stranger. Because someone will see it, because someone is always going through it too, and maybe that's enough.
When you feel like you can't go on, when you feel like everything is lost and nothing you did mattered, something, some little thing will appear to let you know that you're on the right track, and you're doing God's work.

And that's your reward.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
Today the stars are pressed for time, but they wanted to remind you of a few things.
Usually the people and things you’re mad at aren’t what you’re really mad at.  Figure out what’s really going on and don’t let your emotions dictate all your actions.
There are some things in life you should have regrets about, and some things you could have done differently, but in the long run most of the mistakes you make are the same ones that we all make.  No one expects you to be perfect, and if they do you should question whether you need those people in your life.  Most of us are just doing the best we can, and the rest of us understand that.
We are all afraid, and we are all going to get hurt, and we are all going to get over it.  So don’t let the fear of getting hurt stop you from living, and don’t think that there’s no way out, because there is always a way out as long as you hold onto yourself and you have people that love you in your life.
You always have people that love you in your life.  Sometimes you can’t see it, and sometimes you push them away because of your own insecurities and shame, but they are there.  It is hard loving someone unconditionally, and you can only afford to give something like that to a few people in your lifetime, so keep in mind that if someone loves you that way you should feel honored and respect that gift.  
If you do have regrets, or shame, or have hurt anyone, remember that you can make it right.  All of it.  Maybe not immediately, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not for awhile, but don’t let that stop you and just give yourself more regrets and shame.  
We all carry around too much of that as it is.  Even if you don’t feel like you love yourself that much right now, someone does love you.  Remember that and let that be enough.


Tuesday, January 3, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
So 2016 is ending. Maybe you had a great year. The stars hope so.
But the stars know that many of you had a rough year.  Some of you lost loved ones. Some of you lost your job, had a falling out with friends and families, especially during these polarizing times.  Economic troubles have affected many of you, regardless of the fact that the rich just seem to get richer. Many of your heroes have died. Many of you are worried about the direction the country, and the world, is taking. Still more are seeing the planet break down, and the environment collapsing.
The stars wish that they could tell you that things will change in 2017. They don't think that's a wise idea. The stars are not giving you the easy way out this time.
Since the dawn of civilization the stars have marked off time for us. They told us when to plant and harvest. They told us when to celebrate or sacrifice. They told us the time, the day, the seasons, and conveyed the secrets of life and the future and helped us decide.
So they know that an arbitrary trip around the sun is not going to matter much.
You made this mess, and you have to clean it up. That will take work, and resolve, and sacrifice and blood, sweat and tears. The stars know we are perfectly capable.
They love you, and they are rooting for you, and they want you to succeed, but they can only be there for you to provide help and to encourage. We have to do all the heavy lifting.
All of it.
That's how we learn and that's how we grow, and the stars want us to learn and grow, if nothing else.
We are all children of the stars, and in 2017, let's make our parents proud, and in doing so, find pride in ourselves.
Let's be better, individually and as a whole.
Let's correct our mistakes, get stronger from our pitfalls, and try not to mess up in the first place.
Let's strive to fulfill our potential, and be inclusive of everyone. We are so much stronger when we all work together.
The simple truth that the stars have been telling us since day one is that it's all within our grasp. All our dreams, all our visions of a better world, all the love and contentment we ever wanted… it's all there, just waiting for us to figure out that we're the only ones keeping us from it.

Let 2017 be the year that we all realize that our cage doors have been open all along, and we walk out into the sun and into freedom and make the stars happy that they backed us from the beginning.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want you to remember that when you get discouraged and think everything is going wrong that as long as you can envision a way out, then a way out is possible.
You may not want to travel that hard road. You may not want to have to admit how badly you messed up your life, to yourself or your loved ones. You may not want to start that long, hard climb it takes to turn your life around, but the option is always there.
If you can envision it, then it is possible.
And the world is full of possibilities.
That doesn't just work for your personal life either. If you are discouraged and feel like giving up because the country or the world is heading down the wrong track, don't just throw in the towel.
There is always hope, because hope begins when you can see a better way, a better future. If you can see it, others see it, and we can all work towards that common goal.
Things just don't work out magically. The stars wish that they had that capability, but all they can do is support you and impart their wisdom, and maybe send a comet hurtling across the horizon now and then as a harbinger of change. You have to do all the work.
You always have, and again, that work starts when you envision a better future. That's hope, and that's what makes us human and makes so much of the amazing things we do possible.
The stars are full of hope, and they believe in you, because we are made of star stuff and we are carrying on their legacy.
The stars want you to get to work now, and make them proud. Take that next step. Don't dream it, be it.

And because we often forget or lose track of the score in the hurly burly that is life, they want to remind you that if you really think about it, just how many of your dreams actually do come true, and it's a lot more than you think…


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to wish you happy holidays and they want you to remember that they aren't the same for everyone.
For many people, the holiday season is about family and friends, great times and making memories that will last you the rest of your life.
For others, all they have left are those memories. The holidays are just a bittersweet reminder of what they had and have lost. They are reminded of loved ones that are no longer with them. Of special moments that every year feel a little more distant, and the knowledge that they will never have another chance to make any more with those people.
It's hard when every year they are forced to go through the motions while in their minds they find a moment of comfort in the past followed by an excruciating spike through the heart of the crushing desire to see the ones they lost just one more time. To relive those cherished memories one last time, but they know that's not to be, and that's what Christmas means to them.
Still others lost someone at the holidays, and every year is a time when the wound feels fresh and new again. All the end of December brings them is a chance to relive one of the most horrible moments of their lives.
But the stars want to tell you that it doesn't have to be that way forever. Every holiday season is a time for you to have new experiences and to fill it up with good and happy times. It's not easy, and you may not be ready to try it just yet, but eventually you will have to pick yourself up and do some of the work required. The beautiful holiday moments are always there, waiting for you to join in, but you have to want it. You have to ready and receptive and a full participant, and that is not always an easy thing to do.
So take a moment this holiday season to notice what others are going through, and do a little something to help them make new memories. You will make some new ones of your own in the process, and maybe they will buoy you in the future when you need something precious to help you hold on.
The stars love you all, each and every one of you, and they want you to bring the happiness back into your life because you deserve it. They want you to have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, and that is always a possibility, if not right now, then someday soon.
So toast the past, but look towards that glorious future, always.

The stars will light your way.