Thursday, August 31, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to tell you to be wary of resentment. Resentment is insidious, and can invade your life and ruin your happiness.
There are things that it makes perfect sense to resent. Sometimes we are treated badly and we become bitter about it. We can come to resent the unfairness in society or our political system. We can resent the way others take advantage of us, or use us as a doormat. As in many areas, there are plenty of bad situations to go around.
The thing is, you can soon find resentment creeping in where it doesn't belong. We fall in love and are deliriously happy, but soon we start to realize that commitment is a trade off. You give up a little bit of freedom for security. We are happy to do it at first, because when we were lonely all we wanted was someone to love us. Now we start resenting someone because we feel dependent or stifled. If we're not careful we will find that we've pushed them away, simply because we resented the fact that we needed them.
We can resent our siblings or parents for the way others treat them or you. Perceived favoritism or jealousy over achievements can breed resentment towards people that haven't done anything except exist and try to live their lives. A sister that gets a good job or a brother that gets a degree, and your petty mind turns your own disappointment in yourself into resentment when you should be happy for them. Or your parents get divorced, and one of them finds new love, and you take it as a personal affront and resentment grows because they want to be happy.
We even resent loved ones when they pass on. We are indignant, and feel betrayed by their death and let it sully the memory of all the good they brought to our lives.
There are a multitude of reasons why resentment infects your life, usually because other people aren't living their lives on your terms. We don't even see how unfair it is while we place blame and scorn where it doesn't belong.
Often when we find ourselves being argumentative it's because we are feeling resentment. The thing about resentment is that we know it's not valid most of the time, so we mask our real feelings and pick an unfair fight we often can't win, which only breeds more resentment.

So the stars want you examine your feelings, and where you find resentment, make sure it's justified. You just might find that you are tricking yourself into going down the path to self sabotage yet again, and that you should truly resent.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want you to understand that it is very rare to truly see yourself as you really are.
You can never see yourself from anything but your own perspective, and that perspective is always skewed. You are always looking out from within, even when you're looking in a mirror. Even a three way mirror doesn't afford you the same viewpoint as any other person sees you. Our voice doesn't even sound like our own when we hear it played back to us.
We all have an image in our head of who we are, and that image is shaped by all our insecurities, our ego, our individual sense of beauty and fashion, of right and wrong. It can change on a dime, too. We will bop along thinking we are the same person we were five or ten years ago, and then one day we are shocked when there is someone in their 30’s or 40’s or older staring back from the mirror.
Who we think we are informs other's opinions also. People pick up on confidence or feelings of inferiority. Their attitude towards us is affected by our mood, by our joy or misery. Strangers can make snap judgments on who we are in the instant they meet us. That's not really fair, but how much in life is fair?
So a big part of how we see ourselves is knowing who we are, and being someone that makes us happy. Inner strength and beauty, confidence and security, comes from learning to know and trust who and what you are. The tricky thing is, unless you're a delusional narcissist, part of how you see yourself must come from others.
There are many people we are saddled with in life, whether by circumstance or conscious decision, who take their fears and insecurities and rage out on us. They judge us, mock us, abuse us and tell us we're ugly and wrong, just to make themselves feel better or in control. They project who they are onto us, and their self hatred manifests into insults and knife twists aimed at us because they can't stand to admit those things in themselves.
That's why to be truly healthy and to see ourselves as close to the reality of what we are, we need to have people in our lives that see us see really are, and accept us that way. The people closest to us help inform who we are, so choose those people wisely.
The stars also want to tell us that we often judge ourselves much more harshly than others do. We should give ourselves a break. The stars can see you from a perspective like none other. They see you across the millennia, throughout all time, from a trillion different angles and distances. You are made up of atoms born within them billions of years ago, so they know you on an atomic scale. They see you from inside and out simultaneously, and they know who you are and what you're capable of, and they are in awe.
See yourself the way the stars see you, and smile and swell with pride at everything you are and everything you can be.
Then go be you.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017


Today's Horoscope
All signs:
The stars want you to remember that you are loved.
Your life is populated by the people that care about you and love you uniquely for all that you are. They love you for the same qualities on display for all to see, and for the special things only they see from their perspective. They love you for the things that you do and the way you make them feel. They love you for the kindness you've shown them, and the awe you inspire, and the courage you give them. They love you for your understanding and strength and the secrets you keep.
They also love you in spite of your shortcomings. We all have them. They love you, even when you didn't hear them when they needed you to hear. They love you, despite the argument you had, or the things said in anger. They love you, even though your romance didn't last, or you let them down or disappointed them. They love you, regardless of the times you couldn't love yourself.
And yes, sometimes it's not the same people that love you through your entire life. Sometimes they leave us, because of inevitable death that will claim us all one day. But their love lives on inside you, and in turn makes you capable of loving others because they taught you how. Love is energy, and like energy, can neither be created or destroyed, only transferred.
Maybe they are just gone because life has a way of putting us together and pulling us apart. We move, we grow, we change, and some of the people that love you fade from your life. Even though they are not in our lives, rest assured that they remember the love you shared, just as you do. It remains.
Even when some of the people that love you are no longer in your life, take solace that they did love you, and that means others will also. You are capable of being loved, and that means you will never truly be alone.
So the stars want you to realize that as your day goes on, and all the little things seem to conspire to drag you down like they sometimes do, that you are loved, and that's bigger than anything trying to hold you back.

Monday, August 28, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want you to know that you'll never know what you'll want from life if you don't know what life has to offer. Too often we stop looking for new ideas and experiences once we become “responsible” adults. Work, relationships, kids, all kinds of things get in the way of our wild tangents and wanderlust.
That's a shame, because there's always time to explore new things and put yourself in the middle of new situations. Life is a journey, whether or not you're taking advantage of that fact. There is a part of us that craves a comfortable, easily recognizable safe place, a quiet place where everything makes sense and you know where you have a roof over your head and where your next meal is coming from. That's something we are taught to strive for.
Often though, when we arrive at that place we are left feeling incomplete, like we are missing out on something we can't even name. We feel like there must be more out there, and there is. There is always more out there.
So the stars tell you to never stop exploring. Never stop trying new things. Even things within your own life, like your career, your hobbies, your relationships, your home town. You don't need to travel to the ends of the earth to obtain enlightenment.
You might have gone to school and gotten a degree, but most every career path offers a multitude of different branches and ways to grow and change and challenge yourself.
Maybe you have very strong opinions on a multitude of subjects, but those opinions only carry so much weight if you simply stop at a place and make your mind up without exploring more of the alternatives. Your opinions should sometimes morph and change with new information or a new perspective, and if that hasn't happened lately, you might be mired in complacency.
Maybe you hate the gym, but exercise comes in all forms. You might discover that hiking brings you to a place that offers peace along with the workout. Maybe running sparks some competitive streak in you that racing against others or just yourself brings you a feeling of accomplishment that war missing. Maybe swimming puts you in touch with your aquatic origins from the dim and distant past and brings you solace with muscle toning.
Perhaps you will take up a music instrument, or pick up a paintbrush or a lump of clay, or just start typing and find a voice you didn't know existed. You won't know if you have a talent if you don't give it an outlet.
The point is, you won't know what you want and what makes you truly happy without experiencing as much as you can, and finding out what all your options are in the first place.
The stars also want you to keep in mind that there is no guarantee that the experience is not going to be bad, but even then you can glean something from it. That's the risk, but most of the time it's nothing earth shattering, and you'll recover quickly.  Just as important as finding the things that fulfill us is figuring out the things that don't.
Whatever the outcome, just do it and learn more about what the world has to offer. It will be good for you, and good for the people around you.

The stars wish you luck on your journey.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to warn you about denial. One of the main things holding many people back is self denial.
Because of it, we get caught up in bad relationships, lying to ourselves over and over again that things will get better, that things will change. We spend so much time in misery,  trapped in a situation we hate while we deny what we really want.
Self denial allows us to hold on to some of our worst traits. Many times we want to distance ourselves from horrible behavior, but at the same time ignore our own similar behavior. We say “that's not me”, in an attempt to justify our own actions that mimic the very ones from which we claim to abhor.
Self denial feeds our addictions. We tell ourselves that we have no problem with certain habits, it's just harmless fun or not hurting anybody. Then one day we find our lives in ruins and chaos.
We put off bettering ourselves because we fool ourselves into thinking it's no big deal. We lie to ourselves and say no one notices, then one day look around to see that we are alone because we've driven everyone away. Even then we will tell ourselves that it's everyone else's fault.
All because we somehow denied the obvious. The stars want us to realize that we could save ourselves so much time and trouble and misery if we had just paid attention and admitted and accepted the reality in the first place.

Go ahead, try to deny it.

8/25/17 Friday bonus

Today's Horoscope - Friday Bonus!

All signs:
The stars want to once again take this opportunity to congratulate you on making it through another week. They are proud of all you accomplished, and whether you moved mountains or simply arrived at Friday without completely losing it, they commend you.
They know life can be frustrating, and people can sometimes be exasperating. They can be stubborn, they can be foolish, they can cling to their beliefs even though they know they are wrong.
So the next time you are arguing with someone about something and they refuse or are incapable of seeing the obvious, the stars want you you ask you: “what are you trying to prove?”
There comes a point where you should just let it go and realize that you've come to a place where it's now egos clashing.  You've proved your point, but that's never going to be enough. The original point is moot, and it's time to move on rather than ruin a friendship or Thanksgiving dinner.
There is an old proverb, “never try to teach a pig to sing, it wastes your time and it annoys the pig.”  
So put your energies towards something that brings you satisfaction, and do what you need to make the world better and make you happy. Have a relaxing weekend, and just leave the pigs alone.


Today's Horoscope - Friday Bonus!

All signs:
The stars want to once again take this opportunity to congratulate you on making it through another week. They are proud of all you accomplished, and whether you moved mountains or simply arrived at Friday without completely losing it, they commend you.
They know life can be frustrating, and people can sometimes be exasperating. They can be stubborn, they can be foolish, they can cling to their beliefs even though they know they are wrong.
So the next time you are arguing with someone about something and they refuse or are incapable of seeing the obvious, the stars want you you ask you: “what are you trying to prove?”
There comes a point where you should just let it go and realize that you've come to a place where it's now egos clashing.  You've proved your point, but that's never going to be enough. The original point is moot, and it's time to move on rather than ruin a friendship or Thanksgiving dinner.
There is an old proverb, “never try to teach a pig to sing, it wastes your time and it annoys the pig.”  
So put your energies towards something that brings you satisfaction, and do what you need to make the world better and make you happy. Have a relaxing weekend, and just leave the pigs alone.


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars often tell you that life is a marathon, not a sprint. By that, they mean you have plenty of time to figure things out and do a lot of tiny and huge course corrections. Don't get too focused on the little things and waste your time stalled and second and third guessing yourself.  You have time.
They want you to also keep in mind that a marathon is still a race. Slow and steady is what keeps you in the game, but weigh yourself down and wander aimlessly, and you will find yourself behind, staring ahead at an empty road, wondering where everyone has gone.
You have plenty of time, but that time is precious, and in many ways fleeting. Like everything else in life, it's a dichotomy. Two completely opposite things that happen to be true at the same time.
That's why life is all about balance. We may not always realize it, but at all times we are deftly performing a high wire act just getting through our day. Luckily, there are multiple safety nets, because we will fall, but live to get right back up there again.
Life is very delicate, and you can sabotage yourself with a the simplest thing, yet you have a wide berth to mess it all up and pull it back together again. Another kind of dichotomy.
A marathon can be grueling, it can be monotonous at times, the track can be full of pitfalls and obstacles. It can also be euphoric. It is infinite small legs of an overall epic journey, populated by all the joy and love and the people closest to you and everything that makes the race worth continuing.
So pace yourself, but get everything out of yourself and life that you can. You only get one chance to run it.
The stars want to remind you that like a marathon, it's good to have people on the sidelines cheering you on, not people throwing bricks in the road to trip you up. Be careful who you invite to the race.  All marathons start out as a race to happiness, but some people turn it into a slog to hell, so try to stay on course as much as you can.

The most important thing in any marathon is to just keep moving forward. That's the momentum the universe starts you off with, don't slow it down any more than you have to.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that there are some very simple formulas for life that we constantly forget about.
When you are doing well, help others, when you are down, ask for help. Some of us are naturally givers, and some takers, but ideally we should all be equal parts both. Giving makes us feel better about ourselves, so it's a win for all involved.
Life is hard enough, don't make it harder by adding unnecessary problems and drama. If there's ever a place to simplify your life, it's here. Don't make the trouble life hands you worse, that's just defeating yourself.
Don't punish yourself for your mistakes, learn from them. Guilt and insecurities hold us back like an anchor, and we tend to be much harder on ourselves than we should. Then we erode our self confidence and we stop trying. Instead, accept the fact that you messed up, figure out why, and just try to do better.
Doing good things makes you feel better about yourself and builds your confidence. The stars wonder why people have such a fascination with things that are bad for them. Even doing the simplest things to make your or someone else's life a tiny bit better gives you a sense of accomplishment and self worth. You should want that.
Give your love and energy to the people that deserve it. Some people are very damaged, or maybe they are just assholes. Either way, unless you are their parents, you're not obligated to fix them. If someone is abusive, or manipulative, or is incapable of giving back anything but the bare minimum, let them go. If they are truly trying to change, support and encourage them, but many times they are not trying, they are fooling themselves, and you in the process. Don't let sociopaths drag you down, there are a lot more of them out there than you think. Fill your life with people that care about your well-being and happiness, not those trying to drain it.
Life is a marathon, not a sprint. Life is long, and full of ups and downs and blind curves. There will be joy and wonder, pain and sorrow. Thankfully, for the most part, life spreads it out over many decades. We tend to look for patterns, so we will hit a bad spell and then start looking for signs of more bad things to come. We bog down. There are just as many good things, more in fact, so don't linger too long in the valleys when you get there, start climbing back up the peaks. There is a long road behind you, and a long one in front of you, why stay any longer on the bad patch you're on now than you have to?
The stars want to remind you that you usually know better, so why put obstacles in front of yourself blocking you from happiness? Why make things worse when you could make them better? That's often a conscious choice, so why choose failure?
The stars want you to be happy, but they can't make you happy, only you can do that.

So do that.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to let you know that you're going to get some things wrong. It's inevitable, the law of averages. No one will be right every time.
Mostly you'll be wrong about small things. Some trivial argument, where to go for dinner, or your faulty memory tripping you up.
But sometimes you'll be wrong about the big things. You'll suddenly notice that everything changes with the realization that something is not what you thought. The path you chose in life is a dead end. The person you believed you were going to love forever is not that person anymore. Your financial moves have left you broke. Sometimes we place all our eggs in one basket and we lose.
When that happens, we tend to wallow in self pity, rethink all our life decisions, and look to find blame. All perfectly reasonable responses for a time, but not something you want to dwell on for the rest of your life.
Being wrong simply means you have more info to go on to help you get it right the next time. It means you're human, and you're growing, and you've gathered more wisdom to get you where you really want to be. You'll find that the world and a lot of people are setup to give you second, third or sometimes even more chances. It's extremely rare when you have only one shot to get it right.
The stars expect you get things wrong now and then, and they applaud you for it, because to get things wrong means that you're still out there trying.

The stars know that you should never stop trying, right or wrong as you may turn out to be.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want you to demand better for yourself. Let others know that they need to treat you with the respect you deserve.
Whether it's something as simple as being inconsiderate, or if someone is using you or taking advantage, or if someone is abusive and using you as their punching bag, refuse to accept it. Don't let others make you live your life feeling uncomfortable and unsure, walking on eggshells or enduring misery or tedium.
Demand respect. Demand consideration. Demand equal footing. Demand to be heard, not just spoken to and ignored. Demand better.
To accomplish this, first you must demand better OF yourself. You cannot demand respect from others until you first get it from yourself.
Once you clean up your own life and learn to respect yourself, you will expect the same from the people around you. The reason you let others treat you badly is because somewhere inside you, you feel that you don't deserve any better.

Respect yourself by being someone that you feel deserves respect, and watch the people in your life fall in line.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Today the stars want to thank you. They see the good things you do, they know how you sacrifice for loved ones or fight for what's right.
They are aware of the struggles and the opposition you face from misguided and unaware people. They see that many times you never get any acknowledgement for some of the herculean tasks you undertake. They know that sometimes you end up helping those that can't thank you, be it because they are in the throes of mental illness, or suffering from dementia, or just in a place of stress and anxiety and disarray.
That's often not anyone's fault. There are many other people who never learned to empathize or even be aware of what's going on in the lives of others. There are a lot of other people who are dealing with their own stuff and it just doesn't occur to them to lift their head up once in awhile and take stock of their friend's lives.
Fault or not, it sometimes makes you feel like no one cares, that you are alone and unappreciated as you grind your way through daily life.
You're not. There are people who care, a lot of them, and whether they don't notice or can't express it all the time, they care about you and want the best for you.
We live in tumultuous times, though. People have a lot on their plate, so if there is blame, some of it might fall on you for not telling anyone what you're dealing with. If you don't let anyone in, how can they know exactly what you're going through as you do what's right? The same goes for your victories. Share them with people. Noting or celebrating your accomplishments is not bragging, it is simply sharing your life with people that should be proud of you. No one can thank or congratulate you if they aren't aware that you did anything.
Regardless of all that, whether someone shakes your hand or sings your praises, be sure that you appreciate what you do yourself. Take pride in helping, in achieving, in doing whatever thing big or small that makes the world better. You deserve that.

The stars know you do, and they see it all, and they want to thank you and tell you that you're wonderful.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017


Today's Horoscope
All signs:
The stars want to warn you that all throughout history there have been nefarious people and forces trying to divide you. The powers that be do not want you organized and united, because then you are strong. They do not want you focused and cognizant of the things they are doing, because then they will not be able to do them.
It has been like that your whole life, and you might not have noticed. When you were a child, petty jealousy of who you were or what you had made some children try to break you, exclude you, make you feel like you were the one that was wrong or inferior.
Later in life, in some doomed relationship, where a damaged partner tried to control or manipulate you by tearing you down. They would shift the blame to you when in fact they were the ones that did wrong. They would undermine your confidence in a desperate bid to make you question your own actions while all along they were the ones who lied.
And now, if you pay attention, you can see our leaders doing what they have always done throughout history, get us at each other's throats so we stay weak and ineffectual. The same thing your enemies have done to you since you were a child.
And we play our part with abandon. We sink to the challenge every time.
The stars want you to be aware that the world has been set up to make it easier to hate than it is to love. It has been set up that way by people incapable of love, even for themselves, so they chase power and money and glory, all at your expense.
These are not the people you want leading you. These are not the people you want corrupting you, turning you into a perversion of who you really are. Don't let someone that hates you and holds you in contempt dictate your actions, actions that in turn make you someone that you hate.
There is only one way out, to fix what's wrong with the world, to reclaim the person we all want to be, and to break that cycle: Together
Or we can all die alone, bereft of our souls and lamenting our lost opportunities, paving stones for swine to tread on to their way to oblivion.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars say “good morning!” They know some days that it's hard just getting out of bed and starting your day. Often we hit the snooze button and go back to sleep, because staying asleep is preferable to facing the world once again.
There's no need to fear the day, though. You have faced them all, give or take a couple, and you have made it back to your bed again; tired, wiser, and stronger.
Instead of dreading the day, remember that you have been given a chance to accomplish great or small things today, and with each will come fulfillment and pride. Think about how you will have chances to be kind, to help and give aid or soothe, rather than turn a blind eye to those in need. With that comes self worth, a sense of community, and sometimes a kind of penance for your own guilt, often misplaced as it is. Redemption is always at hand.
You have another day to tell someone you love them, to lead by example, to grow and evolve your thinking, to stand for something. To encourage, to learn, to teach, to discover some new song or movie or book, or something about yourself. To just take a moment to sit back to view some of the beauty and intricate wonder the world can offer, and let it all soak in.
To look past the bad things and the evil that men do, and see the good people that are on the march, pushing back the ills of society, sacrificing so others have a chance, and cutting through that darkness with the light. Revel in the positive forces around you, rather than obsess on and cower from the negative.
The stars say “good morning” and remind you that the sun is once again in the sky, our own star that's there every day, nourishing our world with light and energy and guiding us through our day.

So it's time to wake up.


Today’s Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to talk to you about the world.  More specifically, about humanity.  They know everything seems crazy right now, but it has always been crazy, and always will be.  Most people have a tendency to ignore the craziness as long as it isn’t affecting them directly, or in their face night and day.  We are happy to overlook uncomfortable truths and distract ourselves with anything that brings us a moment of fleeting happiness.
Like most of the ways we handle problems, this only makes things worse.  We do just enough to allay our fears, then hurriedly go back to our safe lives and tell ourselves everything’s okay.  So we are surprised time and time again that situations and ideologies we thought were dead come back stronger and more malicious.  
What the stars want to tell you is that the probability is very high that there will always be evil and stupidity in the world, and it will always seem crazy and on the brink of madness.  So we will have to learn to live in a harsh and violent world, even though most of us can see that it needn’t be that way at all.  
That does not mean we should stop fighting, on the contrary, it means we should fight even harder.  Once you accept that the world contains darkness as well as light, you can actually see your enemy.  Once you name it, look it in the face and grab it by the throat, you can do something about it.  Then you can recognize it in all it’s guises, because evil is insidious and deceit is one of its most effective weapons. Evil counts on the fact that we do not want to see it.
Evil is relentless, and we must be too.  Unfortunately, relentlessness is not something that most people possess.  The universe realizes this, so while it made evil relentless, it made sure that there was a lot more good to balance the scales.  If the good people work together, and each does a small part, the sheer volume will more than make up for the relentless advantage the darkness has.  
Until then, the world is going to seem like madness.  The reason is simple: Fear is our first response, and morality is ambiguous.  There will forever be a struggle between right and wrong, and until we stop the cycle of denial and shock, we will be swimming in place.  
The stars just want you to be aware of it, and to go into the fight with your eyes wide open and without fear, and win the battle yet again.  In the end, good has always won out.  If it hadn’t we would all be slaves, or refugees, or extinct.  Sure some people are refugees or slaves, or were, but not forever.  Good always triumphs in the end.  Evil is fast and loud; good sometimes feels like it’s glacial slow, and that can be frustrating.
The stars want you to keep in mind that the landscape is carved by glaciers.  It is carved by wind, and water, and tectonic forces, and that is what makes up the world.  Sure, on occasion an explosion or an asteroid might leave a crater, but then the wind and the water and erosion slowly removes the scar from the surface of the earth and dictates what the landscape is once again.

That’s what we are. Sure, it takes a little longer, but isn’t it worth the extra time if it means we decide the landscape?


Today's Horoscope

All signs:



Today's Horoscope

All signs:
It's Friday, and as usual, the stars want to tell you to kick back and enjoy your weekend.
They also want to tell you that they know how it is. They know that there's a part of you that sees the world just a little bit different. They know that there are things you know that no one else could. You couldn't even put them into words if you had to.
They also know that it's maddening sometimes when the rest of the world doesn't see it, no matter how you try to open yourself up, no matter how you try to tell them about something wonderful that they just can't grasp. There's a little thing that seems so important, so cool, so inspiring, but it's all yours and it will remain locked away, waiting until you find someone else with a key so you can share it and finally feel at one with another person.
The stars want you to understand that we all have that certain something inside of us. We all wonder why it's out of everyone else's reach when it all seems so simple.
Some people love their little secret, some resent it; some people find ways to express it, and some people let it drive them mad.

Just remember that, when you're out in the crowd, we are all vessels for something magnificent, all searching for a way to explain the unexplainable.


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want to remind you that you are you.  That might seem like a nonsense sentence, but it’s not.  
You are the same you that got this far in life.  You may have made some bad decisions along the way, you might have a few regrets, but all in all you’re doing a lot better than you think.  You have done a lot more right than you have wrong in your lifetime. You have overcome so much, and not just the things other people know about.  
We all have a place inside where we keep some things that we think no one can see, that no one will understand, and that’s normal. We need time to process grief and trauma.  Plenty of things have gone into that place and we did the work and triumphed over something horrible that no one may ever know.  We have strength and courage that we aren’t even aware of sometimes.
Be careful, though. Unfortunately when you keep things down in the dark they tend to fester and multiply.  Don’t keep them down there forever, unchecked.  Deal with them before they infect all your decisions.  Don’t let that become who you are.
There is another place inside that we never notice until we need it.  This is your core, this is where all the amazing things that make you formidable reside.  Everything you are, all that you’re capable of, comes from here.  It is what all the small and huge experiences in your life have been boiled down to.  Good or bad, these experiences make up you.  It is your character, your strength, the you that takes over and gives you that herculean effort to get through things you never thought you could.
You have done all this, and you are still growing, still capable of kindness, and there are people that love you fiercely, whether you choose to see it or not.  That is an accomplishment, and like so many other things, it was you that accomplished it.  
So the you that you take for granted has done some amazing things, and is there to do so much more.  Have faith in you.  Be proud of you.  Take credit for you. Be in awe of you.  Recognize who you really are, and if there are some things you feel uneasy about, change those things.  There is always time enough, and if anyone can do it, it’s you.
You are you.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to once again remind you to lean on your friends if you're having a crisis, suffering a loss, or just having a bad day. A lot of us feel like we're the one that helps others, and we have a hard time seeing ourselves in the role of the one that needs assistance.
Sure, we can weather the storm alone most of the time, but why do that if you have friends willing to help and listen?
We sometimes think it's noble or shows strength to go it alone and not ask for help, but as usual, the opposite of what our brain tells us is true. It is ego, pride, guilt, or fear driving our actions. Strength comes in doing the hard things, and even though admitting you need help is hard, it is the right thing.
So ask for help if you need it. Let people that love you return the favor when you've been there for them time and time again. Maybe by helping you, it will give them confidence and self worth, and you will both get something out of it. That's not selfish, that's both of you growing.
The stars want you all to realize that we all have strengths and weaknesses, and when we shut ourselves off from each other, we are incomplete and gumming up the works. We are meant to help each other.

Otherwise, why have so many unique people that still all fit together and compliment each other somehow? How do we complete a puzzle and see the big picture if you keep your pieces hidden away?


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to let you know that sometimes all the support you need is a little time to think and some of your favorite songs.
So take a break from the rest of the world for a half hour, eat something bad for you and turn up your stereo or ipod or whatever you listen to music on, and let someone else's joy or heartbreak surround you.
It's strange that sad songs often make us feel better when we're sad. Maybe it's because we can relate, and we don't feel so alone. Maybe it's because we feel better to know someone else is miserable.
The stars think it's because when you are down, it's easier to let others sing the things you can't express, or even want to admit are true. Truly great songs are about music and words, and when those two things combine and you can relate to them, it's like someone is talking to a part of you that you forget even exists at times.
That's why we form such a strong bond to music. It isn't really music until it hits our ears and permeates our whole being. It whispers to us in a language we know all too well, but oftentimes can't speak to anyone else. Still, we bond with others over the same songs that often hold different meanings to each of us.
We know every word, every note, every inflection, and it guts us every time, but always in a good way. It might not always feel good, but some good things hurt a little.
So in times of trouble, let your constant companions be there for you. Sing along no matter what you sound like, cry or laugh or dance or get angry, but let it out so you can start to heal.

Sometimes music is the closest thing we have to magic in this world.  Let the music do its job.

8/4/17 Friday Bonus

Today’s Horoscope Friday Bonus!!

All Signs:
The stars want to congratulate you on making through another week.  Go and take some time for yourself and recharge.
The stars also want to remind you not to fall for temporary fixes.
Most people have holes in their lives, and they try to fill those holes with drugs or alcohol, sex or material things.  A million things to dump in a hole.  They problem is, it fills the hole for a moment, but then the hole just gets bigger and demands more. Soon you are a slave to hole maintenance, constantly trying to fill a bottomless pit.
So the stars want you to consider a simple alternative:  rather than maintain a bunch of unmaintainable things, just get rid of the holes.

Now although the premise is simple, the work is not.  You will need to put some effort into it, and you will need to do some real work to figure out why there is a hole in the first place.  It will be so worth it in the long run though, once you have a life with no holes, nothing to self sabotage you, and a lot more free time to be who you really want to be now that you are off of hole maintenance detail.