Tuesday, December 20, 2016


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
Maybe you can’t save everybody.  
Maybe you can’t stop someone you love from self destructing and save them from years of misery or an early grave.
Maybe no matter how much you try, some of the kids with cancer will die.  Perhaps those starving people in Africa are going to starve no matter how much spare change you send them.
Odds are that no matter what you do, there will be homeless people sleeping on the street in the cold tonight.  Drunks, drug addicts, mentally unstable people, good people down on their luck, woman hiding from an abusive partner, veterans left with nothing after service to their country, all out in the cold with nowhere to go.
Perhaps you can’t save every cat, dog or any other pet from a life of cruelty or a feral existence.  You probably can’t help every endangered species or stop abuse at circuses and zoos and a million other “entertainments” involving animals. You won’t be able to close down every puppy mill or pet store or dog fighting ring.
You won’t be able to buy a new house for a family displaced by a fire or stop drugs from claiming our young and old alike or raise enough money for someone’s medical treatment.
Chances are you can’t stop governments and corporations or religious fanatics laying waste to whole areas and families because of oil or land interests, and so many innocent people unfortunate enough to be caught in the middle will die or lose everything they have.
People will still die and suffer and leave you and all your good intentions and hard work will seemingly be for naught.
The stars want you to know that it is not for naught.  Just because the odds are against you doesn’t mean you don’t try.  Never stop trying.  Give it your all until you have nothing left to give, then give some more.
Because sometimes the people in need, the sick and the dying, the animals, the crazy people, the burnt and broken husks of humanity left just don’t have the means to tell you, but it matters so, so much.
So even though your heart is breaking, keep helping.
The stars want you to remind you that if you think it’s bad now, think how much worse it would be without the help you’re giving.

What you do matters.

Monday, December 19, 2016


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to talk about love. Love can be the best thing in the universe. It can heal you, it can save you, it can make everything alright.
When you are in love with someone you have another person that can give you something no one else can. There is a closeness and a trust that you can get nowhere else.
It can support you when you need it most, it can make you feel like there is nothing you can't do.
It is the most pure and wonderful thing that there is.
But it can also hurt you deeper than anything else. It can tear you apart and leave you devastated and damaged.
But they aren't talking about that.
Even when love is great, there is always going to be moments when you lie to the person you're closest to, to protect them or your relationship.
There are going to be moments of doubt when you are lying next to them in bed and wonder just what they haven’t told you.
Love can magnify your insecurities and your fears a hundred fold and if you’re not careful you can find yourself wasting your life wondering about something that you are sure of and before you know it you will have driven away the person that loved you most.  Or did they …?
There are times you have to give so much of yourself and suffer in silence and live with the fact that the other person is never going to know or understand the things you went through and did for them and the love you share. You have to be careful that selfless act doesn’t turn into resentment.
It can be exquisite torture sometimes, and the stars want to make sure that you understand that even though it might be torture, it is still the best thing you will ever get.
That’s why it’s so complicated but simple, magical and heartbreaking, all at the same time, and even though it might sound like the scariest thing in the world, the stars envy you that you can experience it.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want to remind you that if you feel like crying sometimes, just cry.  
Don’t feel foolish, don’t feel weak, don’t question it.
Just cry until your face is a mess and there is snot running from your nose.
There is nothing wrong with you, there is no shame or embarrassment, there is just your mind and body doing what it has to do to help maintain its sanity and itself.
It is a cleansing.
It is your soul shining through, so don’t try to dampen that light even though it seems like the darkness.
Crying lets the light in.
The stars  want to remind that it is okay to cry, so for their sake and for yours, just cry if you feel you have to.  
Then go out to the other room and fix dinner or go out and change your world, if that’s what needs to be done.  
Start by crying.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
Today the stars want to talk to you about hope.  Never give up hope.  That sounds like a simple statement, but it’s not easy maintaining hope.  Hope almost seems like a liability at times.
Hope seems to build up your expectations only to dash them to bits.  To hope sometimes means to be let down.  That’s why it’s called hope, so don’t let that disappoint you.
The stars want to remind you though, that like most things, hope is your responsibility.  When you hope for unreasonable or unattainable things, that is not hope, that is self delusion.  There is such a fine line between a desirable outcome when the odds are against it and simply fooling yourself.
Most of us fool ourselves by clinging to something that is already long gone and blaming hope or fate when it’s our own fault as usual.  There are certainly many things in this world that are out of our control, but many more times we sit and do nothing and blame the world.
And other times still we put all we have into something and plead with the universe that it works out.  Many times it doesn’t, and it is crushing. In many of those instances we knew it was a lost cause, but we still tried so hard against all the voices screaming in our head because we felt we had no choice.  Maybe we didn’t.  
Sometimes you have to just see some things through, even though you know that there is no good outcome.  You drive yourself to the edge and then have to crawl your way back, beaten and fooled by hope once again.
But you knew there was no hope all along.  You went down that hard, desolate road again, even though you knew that.  It is both our downfall and the thing that makes us great, that we have to see for ourselves and get crushed by the burden.
Then there is nothing else to do but hope we can recover and come back from it.
The stars want you to know that this is the point where hope sustains you, feeds you, keeps you going.  Because you are going to make it.  
You know that too.

Monday, December 12, 2016


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars feel it too.
Every time you see the snow coming down and it reminds you of Christmas when you were a child, trudging through the snow to come home to a warm house and your mother's embrace, or looking out the window as the snow fell, safe in your house as the world turned white.
Every time you come across a picture of someone that's been lost to you, and your mind gets lost in joyous memory until you feel that loss a thousand-fold, and your mind spends the rest of the night wondering what might have been.
When you come across a movie or TV show that you haven't seen in a long time and it brings you back to a time and place that at least seemed happier and simpler and your heart aches to be able to go back and relive it all again, but you know relentless time is forever marching you in the other direction.
When you find yourself alone in bed at night and question every decision you ever made and it seems like there's a chance that you might have done everything as wrong as you possibly could. Every lost love and moment of inaction and times you just came up short floods into your mind and makes you question what life's all about. You wonder if you're just feeling sorry for yourself or if you settled for less than you deserved.
Whenever your heart and soul cry out to you and you can't quite make sense of what it is that they are trying to tell you, but it doesn't feel like something you particularly want to hear…
The stars feel it too.
The pull of regret and memories that make you shudder, or feel such a longing that you think you can't ever get something back that's lost forever, even if you don't know exactly what it is.
That pull is stronger than all the gravity that holds the universe together and keeps it moving in an appearance of clockwork regularity.
So don't be afraid when it hits you and brings all the crushing weight of your existence bearing down on you.
You're not alone.
The stars feel it too.

Friday, December 9, 2016


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want you to understand that when you say that everything happens for a reason or that it's fate or destiny and things will magically work out… well, that's you, you idiots.
You make things happen. True, an opportunity might present itself and you can jump on it and things work out for the better, but again, that's you taking advantage of a lucky break.
Or it's other people that make it happen. What you might be crediting to fate or destiny or some deity is actually your loved ones breaking their ass to keep you afloat.
The stars understand about leaving things to the whims of fate and the universe. They are hurled scattershot through the cosmos, sometimes being obliterated without a second thought when galaxies collide or simply being pulled apart by gravity because they drifted too close to a black hole.
That's what destiny will get you.

The stars implore you, do it yourself and stop waiting for fate or your mom to fix it, or you might wake up one day to find that most “destinies” are not the cheery outcomes you think they are.

Monday, December 5, 2016


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind men of a few things:
You are physically bigger, and therefore very intimidating to women. You need to be aware of that. Most men are not, and they barrel their way through life and cause a lot of anxiety and tension that they are oblivious of.
Being a male, you have a lot of advantages and power in today's society. You might feel like you don't, but trust me, you do. Don't just be content to drift along and be part of the boys club. Part of the effect living in a patriarchal society causes is that women are raised to believe a lot of garbage. They will make all sorts of excuses for men, because that's what they've been taught. As disgusting as it is, a lot of them “know their place”, and if they don't there are more than enough abusive jerks to remind them with put downs and threats. So men need to stop taking the easy way out, and advantage of the fact that most women have been conditioned to take care of these big babies that never learn to take care of themselves, and they should give more than their usual 10%.
You are full of doubt and insecurity. Part of that is society, and leftover evolutionary remnants that make growing up male one long competition, full of beat downs and insults meant to control and dominate you. You should be smart enough to realize what that is and not turn around and use those tactics on women. Many men don't. They have a women that loves them but they never see it because they are still that adolescent, worried about their looks or sports prowess or penis size, so they assume the woman that loves them sees them the same way. So they try to dominate and control her the way the other boys tried to do to them. This is wrong and unacceptable and must be stopped immediately. Not only are you causing irreparable harm to the woman you claim to love, you are destroying your own chance at happiness. The stars couldn't be more adamant in this warning.
The stars implore you to do better. If you had positive male role models in your life, follow their example, not the voice of that arrested development kid in your head.
If you had bad male role models growing up, break the cycle and do better for yourself, and don't pass those traits onto your children. You also have a responsibility to your daughters, to raise them with pride and to expect more out of men.
As in all things, be self aware and see what you are doing to your life and the lives of others. Men have a lot of power in this world, and it is up to them to use it responsibly.

The stars are watching.

Friday, December 2, 2016


Friday Bonus Horoscope
And yeah, that usually implies that there was a normal Friday Horoscope preceding this one, but the stars want you to mind your own business.
Today’s Horoscope
All Signs:
Today is Friday, and the stars usually give you a little pep talk and tell you to have a good time, but this Friday they really mean it. Christmas is coming, and it can seem like the whole month is now taken up with planning and buying gifts and finding ways to get to visit everyone you have to.
In short, it is most likely that the next few weeks will be about pleasing everyone else, and that’s okay, but tonight take a little time and give yourself a holiday gift. You deserve it, so have a little fun, forget about all the things on your list for an hour or two and just make yourself happy.
It’s your Christmas gift to you, and you already know your size and what color you like, so it should be a good one.
The stars don’t care if you’ve been naughty or nice either. They aren’t putting conditions on it. Sometimes the naughty ones need a gift much more than the nice ones anyway.

Thursday, December 1, 2016


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want to tell you to just be nice.  Even for a little while.  
If all the instruction and tips they give you seem like a lot, and overwhelming at times, if you sometimes are trying to do too many things at once and be too many things to too many different people, just remember to be nice.  
If you can’t get yourself to do anything else, just take a second every once in awhile before you utter some hurtful words or raise your voice or fists in anger, just be nice, and walk away if you have to.  Better to say nothing than to say something harmful.
The stars want you to know that even though it seems like the world is tearing itself apart and going to hell these days, even though you think it’s hopeless at times, that you can help make a difference. You don’t have to contribute to its downfall.

Just be nice.