Sunday, December 3, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
It's Sunday. If you have the day off, and if your responsibilities are relatively taken care of, relax. Take a little time to do something for you. If you want to be lazy, be lazy. If you want to have an adventure, go out and have one. You don't have to do it alone; in fact it's usually better if you have someone you care about to share it with.
Most likely nothing is stopping you besides your own feelings of guilt or shame of doing something frivolous. Maybe you think you'll look foolish if someone sees you. Maybe you feel you don't have the right to do something selfish because you live your life worried about everyone else's feelings and needs.
The stars want you to understand that while we all should be considerate of others and supportive of our loved ones, we can't be that all the time, especially at a detriment to ourselves. People perceive you as what you present yourself to be. If you present yourself as someone that sacrifices your own happiness for someone else's, then that's what the world will see you as and expect of you. Then that is what you'll expect of yourself.
That is what you'll be.
The stars live for billions of years, and they feel as if that is not even close to long enough. Even after countless millennia, they still feel cheated. They see us, with our tiny lifespans, and cannot understand for a second why we would sacrifice any of it depriving ourselves of happiness or true love.
So why do we do it? It's Sunday, after all. Go find something that makes you happy.

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