Friday, January 19, 2018


Today's Horoscope All signs: The stars want to remind you that there's a lot of love in the world if you just take a moment to look. There's joy and happiness everywhere; an ocean of it, in fact. An ocean of love that somehow many of us manage to not see. Even in the face of injustice and misery, in spite of every evil and sadistic plan some might have in place, goodness blooms. You simply need to want to see it, and you will. Every single moment, billions of oppressed and downtrodden people find a reason to smile and share a laugh. Each second, somewhere there are people in agony and distress, and still they are kind, and they get that kindness back. The world is full of people, bereft and heartbroken, crushed beneath the wheel and struggling against the odds. Yet they still find some reason to believe, and they go on, and they do it without losing their love and empathy and their humanity. They care for their children and families and friends, and they help when they can, and they somehow manage to put others first despite what they are living with. They refuse to accept that there's nothing good left. They refuse to give in and stop living just because part of their world has crumbled. They will not make the world worse for others because someone or something made it worse for them. And they find laughter and happiness, and they pass it on, and that's why there's an ocean of love in the world. Because why would we ever choose to live without one?

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