Thursday, June 6, 2019


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Today is Sunday, and in some religions, a day of worship. The stars will never try to tell anyone what they should believe when it comes to religion. Faith in a higher power, or any spirituality, is a personal matter, and yours to choose alone.
Most religions put an emphasis on things like compassion, growth, community, charity, commitment, and empathy. All kinds of things that the stars themselves recommend. Too often though, unscrupulous leaders and organizations can cherry pick passages and twist the words of prophets and deities. Too many times worshippers can use their religion to attack or condemn others, or perform other actions that are often directly opposite of what their religion teaches them to do.
All the stars ask is that whatever faith you follow, don't use it as an excuse to harm or exclude others. Religion is there to bring you closer to God, closer to peace, closer to love, to make the world a better place, not to promote hate and violence. You really shouldn't need a religion, or the stars, for that matter, to tell you that much.

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