Wednesday, August 14, 2019


Today's Horoscope

The stars know how wonderful it would be if everyone was perfect. They're not, and you're not, so cut them and yourself some slack.
In fact, a lot of the time, the things that make people imperfect are usually the things that make them special, that make you fall in love with them, that make them achieve things that most never can.
Now, the stars hope you know the difference between people who just have a different view or a different way of doing things and people who are toxic and predators. Beware of the ones who will hurt you, but don't be so quick to dismiss the ones who bring diversity and another way of thinking into your life. Don't be so quick to label someone else's viewpoint as stupid or wrong just because you can't be bothered trying to see it from where they're sitting.
What seem like imperfections are really the greatest strength our species possess, and the key to growth and happiness.

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