Monday, July 15, 2019


Today's Horoscope

The stars see a lot of people who are feeling persecuted, when no one is persecuting them at all. There truly are a lot of people being persecuted, for their beliefs, for their race, for their nationality, their gender, their sexual preferences. The list goes on.
Then there are people who just feel persecuted simply because someone disagrees with them, or feels differently about some things, be they political or theological or just about current events. They lash out at some perceived enemy, and find anything to attack, rather than deal with their own feelings.
They will spend a lot of time making proclamations, and justifying their choices or behavior, and often that seems more like they are trying to sort out their own emotions and beliefs. Many times, they are conflicted. They are uneasy about the way the feel. They aren't sure if they are on the right side of the issue, or if they need to believe that they are on the right side.
Part of that is normal, it's how humans work their way through complex and difficult situations. They can make excuses, they can blame the world or minorities or women or immigrants or gay people. Whoever needs to be the scapegoat at the moment.
The stars want to caution you though, because many people will stagnate in the middle of that journey, and they will find comfort there, and they will adopt those half-formed feelings as their outlook and worldview. If they repeat it enough, they start to believe it. They will use prejudice and hate, condemnation and scorn as tools to conform everything to a twisted vision of the world, rather than just admit some harsh truths they would rather not deal with.
And they are not alone. They will find that there is always a crowd of people who feel the same way, and they will form a tribe of enablers to keep the illusion alive.
But the stars know better, and so do they. People who are confident in what they believe don't make grand proclamations. They don't spend their time justifying their positions. They don't lash out, they don't manufacture blame, and they don't attack the people who are truly being hurt by prejudice and bigotry and hatred.
That's why bullies and racists and close minded people are often miserable and conflicted, and can never truly find peace and comfort. Somewhere inside, they are not at all comfortable with their choices.

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