Monday, July 15, 2019


Today's Horoscope

The stars recommend that you broaden your horizons.
Some people wear it as a badge of honor that they still only like the same things they did as a child, or in their teenage years. They feel like nothing new is as good as it was back then. They stop trying new music or television or food. They won't adapt their views and opinions in an ever changing world. It makes them feel safe or superior in a world that frightens and confuses them.
Not only are they holding society back, they are doing themselves a great disservice. They are missing out on all kinds of new pleasures and technologies, new ideas and knowledge, new wonders and challenges that could be giving them a better understanding, more options, and making their life so much better.
So the stars suggest you open your mind and swallow your fear and join the rest of the world as it moves forward. You can still love the things you have always loved, no one is taking them away from you, but you can find so many more things to love along the way.
Try a new food every now and then. Put on some new music once in a while, and see if there isn't something you like. Stop watching repeats of the same show you've seen a hundred times, and give some new things a chance.
Most importantly, start opening your mind to new ideas and other ways of thinking. Question the beliefs you formed as a young person, apply the wisdom you've gained in the years since, and toss out your views that don't fit in today's world.
Keep moving, because the world isn't going to stop. You're either going to get plowed under or left behind, alone with your ideas of what should be, but is now long gone.

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