Tuesday, July 16, 2019


Today's Horoscope

Despite being the most intelligent creatures on the planet, humans seem intent on repeating the same behaviors time after time, regardless of whether they work or not. That is because our brains crave routine. It's the same for all living organisms, from blue whales to chimpanzees, to rats and dung beetles.
That's why you have to consciously will yourself to try new things and different ways. You might look at other options or things to do, and decide that there is no point, or that it won't work out or be enjoyable, and you stay where you are and continue to stagnate.
That's because your brain views change as danger. It's hard wired to resist change; in routine, in diet, in viewpoints, in any habits, good or bad. You have to overcome that. Controlling your impulses is a struggle that is the price for being sentient and cognizant. We have the capability of higher thought process, but to achieve it, we have to resist the basic instincts that evolution has used to guide all life since it first arose on the planet.
So even if your brain tells you not to think about things differently, even if it screams at you not to try some new experience, do it anyway. Force yourself. Often, the things we love most now are things we initially resisted. We don't know how they are going to turn out until we actually do them.
Your always going to be a slave to routine to some extent, that's just how we are. The thing to remember is that your brain can only create that routine from the options you present it with. If you never give it any new choices, you're not going to grow, you're not going to be happier or more fulfilled, you're just going to stand pat with the mediocre existence you have now. That might feel safe and secure, and all you need, but that's just your brain lying to you to keep the status quo, all because it doesn't know any better.
Teach it, so things will get better, for you and your stupid brain.

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