Today's Horoscope
Life can sneaky. As you go along, responsibilities mount, and everyone and everything seems to take a little piece of you here and there.
Your relationship, your kids, your friends, your family. Not just the people who love you, but somehow people you find yourself saddled with and you don't even really know why they're in your life to begin with. You accumulate a bunch of hobbies or TV shows, activities or subscriptions, that all eat away at your time and money.
You have hyperbole and sensationalist noise bombarding you constantly, hucksters and doomsayers sapping your will and energy, along with your rights and your bank account. There is a lot to keep track of, and a lot of it that doesn't even matter; it's just a distraction, or a way to trip you up.
You find yourself happy to make it to the end of another month. Then another week. Then another day. You start to live your life from milepost to milepost, like it's something to survive, to just get through. It happens so slowly, so you don't even notice it. It is insidious, the slow and relentless grind of staying alive.
That's not how it has to be. Life is not just something to crawl through, pelted by boredom, abuse, and misery. We are not weeds on the tundra, or reptiles in the desert, scrabbling for purchase, existing just to exist, and propagate our species while maintaining a tenuous foothold.
We are blessed with minds capable of abstract thinking and great innovation. We possess creativity, engineering prowess, complex mathematical computations, and the physical skills and ability to put into practice what we conceive. We are meant to thrive, to grow, to reach. Our lives are supposed to be lives of accomplishment, of achievement, of wonder and joy, yet we find ourselves ground down to creatures of habit; drones who check off the same few boxes every day in our quest to survive until another sunrise.
And our beautiful, amazing, one of a kind minds seamlessly adapt to that life. We work for the weekend, we engage in the same activities over and over, hoping this time they bring us fulfillment and satisfaction, even though it hasn't come close yet. We look to the same people to suddenly walk through the door one day and treat us better, or notice us more, or give us that thing they've been withholding from us.
All that time spent wasted, while we could have been chasing our dreams, or doing what we really wanted, rather than finding yet another distraction to free us from the burden or responsibility of being in charge of our own lives.
The stars tell you all this to make you aware. To shake you out of your sleep. To demand more of yourself, and the people who love you. Every moment of your life is an opportunity, a chance, not some unit to check off and move past in some relentless drive to the finish line.
Do you even know where the finish line is? It's not always bed at night. It's not always Friday at 5 o'clock. It's not graduation or marriage or retirement. The finish line moves constantly, and is usually a lot longer off than you can even conceive. You spend your whole life on the journey, yet focus on small moments at what your perceive to be an end.
The stars think you should be getting more from the journey.
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