Friday, July 26, 2019


Today’s Horoscope

The stars understand that knowing something and feeling something aren’t the same thing. Fear and insecurity are irrational, so even if you know that you aren’t ugly or stupid or worthless, it doesn’t mean you neccesarily feel that way.
That’s why you have to be careful what you tell people, especially children. That’s why you have to be careful how you treat people, because you don’t know if you’re reinforcing the demons that live within them.
Now there are a lot of people who have the attitude that it’s not their problem if someone has some issues with things. They don’t think it’s their responsibility to tiptoe around other peoples triggers or trauma. Technically, they are right, but as a human being, you should want to be kind and considerate to other human beings. More often than not, the people who are proud to care the least about others have their own fears and insecurities at work, that’s why they have the need to feel superior or treat others cruelly.
Truly confident people don’t need to gain strength from other’s weaknesses. It’s bullies and abusers who damaged these people in the first place, and there is no shortage of them to carry on the work as life goes on. The people who still need to bully were damaged as well, by the same type of people.
That’s why the stars want you to realize that everyone is damaged. You can choose to emulate the people who damage you, or you can choose a better way, and break that cycle, and once you do that, then everyone can start to heal.

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