Today’s Horoscope
It’s Friday, and you’ve just about made it to the weekend. Most likely you’ve had a week full of minor annoyances, some inconveniences, a couple of major problems or disappointments, and maybe even a full-blown dumpster fire thrown in. There is never any shortage of trouble and strife and mayhem to go around.
At least when you get to the end of the week, a bunch of that stuff is in your rearview mirror, and it looks a lot smaller and more insignificant than it was at the time. Even if you’re silly dealing with it today, at least the week is almost over and you can have a little extra time for yourself for a couple of days.
Maybe you don’t. Maybe you have to work this weekend, or take care of responsibilities in other parts or your life. Maybe you’re sick or injured, and you’re going to just spend the weekend trying to recuperate and heal. Maybe your weekend is going to be even more hectic than the rest of your week. That’s okay, too.
Life is about moving forward and getting stuff done, even though a lot of it is stuff you don’t want to do at all. While the stars tell you to be proud you made it through another week, that does not mean you should be living your life marking off time, and just trying to survive and get seven more days out of the way. Sometimes survival is enough, but it shouldn’t be that way most of the time.
Life needs to be balanced. Your week should be full of accomplishments and victories, not just a bunch of stuff you eked through. Take pride in what you achieve, and make sure your life has as many things you want to do in it as things you have to do whether you want to or not. If not, you might want to use some of that energy and drive you normally use to power through the bad stuff in your life to instead change your life into something that isn’t so miserable and unfulfilling.
You can’t avoid all the problems and hard work in your life, but you can eliminate the things that cause the problems, and work smarter at the things you have to work at. So the stars wish you a happy weekend, a happy week, and a happy life. It is possible.
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