Monday, July 22, 2019


Today's Horoscope

People lie. To themselves, to people they don't know, to people they love, to those that they have sworn a lifetime commitment. They lie under oath, they lie to the people they govern, they lie to people they are sworn to protect. They lie to their followers, they lie to their fans, they lie to their congregations.
People will lie at the slightest provocation, because the sad fact is that everyone has a part of themselves ruled by fear and insecurity and shame. Other people throw selfishness and compulsions and greed into the mix. A select few add cruelty and hatred to the list of reasons that they lie.
The stars tell you this not to bring you down or make you fearful, they simply tell you because it is true, and you have to be aware of the tendency in people to mislead and deny. You have to be able to spot it in the people you come across everyday, the people you place your trust in, the people you count on, the people you follow, and the people who govern you.
You also have to be aware of it in yourself, because the thing that most helps people get away with their lies is when you convince yourself that they aren't lying because you want to believe them. For all the lying people do, they want to believe each other so badly that it usually only facilitates more lying.
Like everything else in life, it's complex and contradictory. All the stars know is that everyday it seems like lying is becoming the accepted norm, and you should want better for yourselves than that.

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