Today's Horoscope
The stars want to warn you that helping people is tricky on many fronts. There is a fine line between helping and enabling. There are people who are sick, but are still very good at manipulation, and they will fool you and use you if you let them.
You might be kind and caring, and want more than anything to save someone you care about, but many times they are fighting against that, and you aren't going to win that battle. If they can't admit to their own problems, and want to do the work themselves, you can't do it for them.
Ultimately, this can really damage you. Most damaged people hate themselves, and they will do whatever it takes to make you hate them as well. You will resist, because you know better, and because you want to help them, but that's where the danger comes in. It is easier to hate yourself sometimes, and you might arrive there without even realizing it.
In the end, you might feel foolish or taken advantage of, and wind up hating the fact that you care so much. You might grow cold or unfeeling as a way to protect yourself from being hurt in the future. That's understandable, but it's heartbreaking. It destroys all the good you might have done in the future, and that's a big loss for the world.
If you want to help people, you should direct those energies towards the people who really want help. There are enough of them out there struggling, and they could use the support. You are not only doing yourself a disservice by wasting time and energy on someone who won't accept your help, you are doing them a disservice because it usually just enables them and prolongs their agony. You are also doing a disservice to all the people who could use all the wonderful gifts you bring the world.
When you help people who actually want to be helped, you make the world better for everyone. You bring hope and love and fulfillment to everyone involved.
When you try over and over again to help people who resent it, and resent you for doing it, you simply bring more misery into the world. That's a hard thing to hear, but it's true.
So be smart and economical with your kindness and your giving, and put it where it will do the most good, otherwise, you're not really doing anything.
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