Today's Horoscope
People can be exasperating. They can be jerks, they can annoy you, they can be argumentative and disagreeable. It can be strangers on the internet, or the people closest to you. No relationship runs smooth.
Sometimes people will argue with you simply because it relieves tension or gets it out of their system. Often, the argument is about some other thing entirely that they are afraid or ashamed to bring up, so they disguise the reason they are mad at you. They will even take things out on you that have nothing to do with you. Unfortunately, that doesn't do anything to resolve the underlying issue, and it will keep repeating itself.
Sometimes, people will goad you into a fight, only to accuse you of starting the fight in the first place. Some do it because they feel bad or guilty about something, and want some kind of twisted moral high ground. The problem is, they have irretrievably lost the high ground before they start.
Some people will be argumentative simply because they are manipulative and abusive, and want to control you. They will start a fight as an excuse to escalate to physical violence, and therefore feel justified in blaming you for their unjustifiable actions.
The stars can go on citing examples of why people fight and argue and act horribly towards each other. That's their point. There are so many situations that result in needless and miserable confrontations, but this is how we have all conditioned ourselves to respond to many of the scenarios that pop up in our lives.
Arguing is a very helpful and necessary tool, in relationships, in political discourse, in science and education, in just about any aspect of our lives, really. The problem is, we have lost the ability to argue respectfully and fairly. We quickly lose sight of the very thing we started arguing about in the first place. Logic and reason, the two things most important in any debate, are the first things we jettison in any confrontation.
We make everything personal, and let our emotions and insecurities rule us, and we never achieve anything besides driving us all further apart. There is no middle ground, no room for compromise and understanding, only scorched earth.
The stars don't see the human race moving forward until we all learn how to argue rationally again.
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