Monday, July 15, 2019


Today's Horoscope

Sometimes, you're afraid to let yourself be too happy, because you fear that you're just daring the universe to take it away from you. You don't even want to admit it, because it's going to jinx you, and it will all come crashing down.
That's normal, but it's not right. Your brain is just searching for patterns because it is terrified of the random nature of life. That's why so many things seem worse than they are, that's why we see some deity's hand at work in the machinations of life, that's why we ache for control when so much of it is just a coin flip.
The stars are here to tell you that the universe is just letting it all play out on its own. Nothing is rewarding or punishing you indiscriminately. There is no great tally being kept that dictates what you get out of life.
There is only you, and you can choose to enjoy the good things without dread, and deal with the bad things without unnecessary shame and guilt. The only thing stifling your joy and amplifying your misery is you.

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