Tuesday, July 16, 2019


Today's Horoscope

Speaking of balance in your life, the stars want to know how many things in your life bring you joy and fulfillment, and how many things are simply stuff you tolerate?
Seriously, make a list.
Make no mistake, your life is never going to be completely devoid of things you just have to tolerate and live with, but there should be much less of that than there is the joyous parts.
So look at your list, and determine which of the annoying and bad parts are due to your own choices, then figure out a way to stop choosing them. Then look at the rest, and decide which ones can be changed by putting some effort and work into your life, to get where you want to be, because those things are probably a choice as well.
The stars want to remind you that you can choose what you want to tolerate, but that means you can also choose what you don't want to tolerate in your life. Tolerance is good when it's applied to aspects of other cultures or beliefs. Unfortunately, a lot of what we end up tolerating is just horrible people and situations in our lives that we can do something about. It isn't fun, it isn't growth, it isn't fulfilling, it is a sacrifice and a burden.
Don't tolerate too much of that, or you might find your life is out of balance in the worst possible way.

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