Today's Horoscope
The stars want to remind you that you should not settle, at least in the things that really matter. So many times people do things because they feel like they should, or because society dictates it. They wind up unhappy and unfulfilled.
Take relationships. There are so many times that people get together or get married because they think that's what they should be doing, or they don't want to be alone. They sometimes have children for the same reasons, and end up resenting them or ignoring them.
They do the same thing with their jobs, and truth be told, with so many other aspects of living, that one day, they find themselves trapped in an empty or frustrating life. Then they reach an age where they either just give in completely, or blow up their lives entirely, leaving a lot of bitterness and heartbreak in their wake. Your decisions are going to affect other people, so you shouldn't take that responsibility lightly either.
Like the song says, “you can't always get what you want…” The thing is, getting what you need isn't just automatic, you have to work at that as well. Unfortunately, a lot of the most important decisions you make in those areas are made when you are still figuring out just who you are and what you really need.
So try not to settle. Not at first, not at the end. Figure out what you want and what you need before you start, or you just might find yourself stuck or lost or miserable, with many of your options taken away from you. Then you might find that settling isn't even your choice anymore.
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