Today's Horoscope
The stars want you to think about all the times you looked back on your life and thought “what the hell was I thinking?” Some of those times were when you dressed in some ridiculous fashion or had some weird hairdo. Sometimes is was because you were young, and took a crazy risk just to see what you could get away with. A bunch of little things that are part of life, and you don't really too much regret them or feel that foolish.
Then there are the things you look back on and cringe. You see the major mistakes you made, the bad relationships, the time wasted on people and things that only hurt you and hindered you, and you thought you might not ever recover from them.
The reason they hurt so much is that most of the time, you knew it was wrong while it was happening. You lied to yourself as much as someone lied to you. You gave away your morals and your beliefs and your honor, and sold yourself out, bit by bit, rather than face the truth and a hard decision.
That's also a part of life. So instead of beating yourself up over it, and letting it define you, work to get yourself to a place where you recognize it the next time it's happening, so you can avoid it in the first place. Learn to make the right decision in the beginning, rather than have it forced on you in the end.
The world is full of people who never learn that simple lesson. The stars want to remind you that you don't have to be one of them.
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