Wednesday, July 17, 2019


Today's Horoscope

The stars want to warn you that there might be something that's like addiction in your life. It could be like a compulsion, something you can't always control. It might make you repeat the same pointless and possibly destructive behavior over and over again, even though you know where it will lead.
No matter how bad someone or something is for you, no matter how many times you tell yourself you're not going to make that same mistake again, you turn around and do it again. You keep putting yourself in a dangerous or unwinnable situation, and lie to yourself that it will be alright.
The reason you can do it is because most of the time self destructive behavior doesn't always look like what we think of as addiction, so you think it's less dangerous. It isn't drugs or alcohol or gambling, or the things we think of when we use the word "addiction". Meanwhile, you're telling yourself the same lies addicts tell themselves every day. You're putting yourself in harm's way like addicts often do. You're sabotaging your own happiness, and the happiness of those around you, just like addicts do.
The stars want you to know that addicts can very rarely get clean on their own. They need to get help and face their demons. They need to accept that they have a problem. They need to stop lying to themselves.
It's the same way with all the other behavior we engage in, but tell ourselves it's okay, because we're not addicts, but that's another lie. Addiction might not be the technical term for it, or a term that you think applies to your specific compulsive behavior, but it can fuck your life up just as bad. So beware of your self destructive behavior, of the things and people that control you, and the same mistakes you keep making, because it might not be an addiction, but it's close enough.

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