Tuesday, July 16, 2019


Today’s Horoscope

The stars understand we want to be comforted. We want things that are familiar. We want things that feel safe and easy. When we suffer some tragedy or setback, we will often look for signs or omens that something has control over our lives when we feel that we don’t. We want it to be someone else’s fault or responsibility. We create a cocoon or bubble around us where we feel secure.
Ironically, the problem with that strategy is precisely that we end up in a cocoon or bubble. We stop growing, we stop trying, and in extreme cases, we shut down and stop living. We give up, and leave our fates to the wind, and open ourselves up to predators or worse.
When you need comfort, find it, but find it in healthy places. Find it in friends and family. Find it in community. Find it in positive places that are good for you, and help you heal and move on. There are so many seductive places to find comfort that are a trap, and you have to be on guard for them.
Learn to find comfort in growth and new experiences. Train yourself to counter adversity with strength and willpower, to attack it and overcome it, not to hide from it and hope it goes away. Challenge yourself, rather than get run over by life.
The stars know you deserve comfort, and it is there for you, but like with everything else, there are good choices and bad choices.
Choose wisely.

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