Today's Horoscope
Happiness is elusive. Part of the problem is that we are offered so many different visions of it constantly. Pop culture, theology, art, love, science, political promises and propaganda, and a million ads and scams and lies, meant to separate us from our money.
There are so many conflicting versions of happiness bombarding us, spinning around in our heads, that we can't be sure what it even looks like anymore. We are constantly fooled, tricked into thinking moments of satisfaction or joy, material things or excitement, are true and lasting happiness, only to quickly discover that the euphoria soon fades, and we are back to our quiet desperation and unsatisfied lives.
And that's basically it. The stars have no concrete and definitive answers for you. True happiness is defined differently for each of us, one person's idea of heaven might be another's idea of hell. The only thing the stars can tell you is that real happiness doesn't depend on where you live, or how much money you have, or whether you're popular or an introvert. It comes from being happy with who you are, and sharing that with the world. It starts with the peace and comfort you find in knowing who you are, and accepting that. Then it grows as you learn to share yourself and your happiness with those around you. Happiness breeds happiness, at least in those prepared to see it.
So learn who you are, and be true to that. Learn what makes you happy, and go find it, and let it wash over you. When you do, let people see it. Spread your happiness around, because once you find it, you'll always have enough to spare. Let them look at you, and ache for what you have, and find hope that they can have it as well.
Happiness is not selfish. Happiness is not judgmental. Happiness is not stingy or unkind or finite.
Happiness is right where you think it is, if only you're brave enough to go to it.
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