Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
Today, like everyday, you should be careful.  Not about black cats or broken mirrors, careful about what you are doing.  
It is easy to do the wrong thing.  The wrong thing usually seems like the fun thing, or the right thing at the time.  We all do it, for a million different reasons.  Many times we use bad behavior as an escape, and like everything else, in moderation that won’t do you any long term harm most of the time.  
The problem comes when you keep engaging in that behavior rather than face your problems.  You go from a casual drinker or drug user to an alcoholic or an addict.  You go from someone telling a few white lies to a pathological liar.  From someone that has a couple of wild one night stands into someone that engages in risky sex with abusive people.
The point is, occasional dalliances become a pattern, and soon that’s who you are.  You have to be on guard all the time, because as amazing as our brains are, they will trip us up time and time again.  Your brain will lie, and twist reality, and tell you whatever it wants you to hear to take the easy way every time.  Whatever gets it that endorphin rush, and it doesn’t care how you feel about it afterwards.  You end up a little more damaged each time.
There is always a reason you need those endorphins, why you need to punish yourself, and you need to find out that reason before you lose the ability to reason altogether.  Everyone throws the word “crazy” around way too much.  We all think everyone else is acting crazy from time to time, and that’s because we are all so unique and all see things from different perspectives.  We all have our own reality, and they rarely jibe with other people’s realities.  We also all have our own delicate brain chemistry and neurons firing away incessantly, and it’s so easy for that signal to bleed over and cause a glitch in the system.  
Before you condemn someone else as crazy, always remember that you might only be a bad day or two away from crazy yourself.  We are all a lot more fragile than we think, and once you start down a road full of self destructive and irrational behavior you can find yourself broken and damaged in no time.  At that point it might be too late.  
Finding joy in healthy areas of life, knowing that people love you and care about you, doing constructive and meaningful things, all help you build self esteem and bring contentment, and it keeps your brain occupied so it doesn’t lead you astray.  It’s not always easy to keep that focus, but you owe it to yourself to try.  
The stars watch us fall off the beam everyday, and they see us get back up on it and they beam with pride for us.  They also see some of us fall off, and slip into oblivion, and they weep for those people.  Still they shine on in the night, for they know even those people do not always stay lost forever.  They send their light out as a beacon, always there, always calling them home.  Somewhere, for everyone, there is always home, you just have to find your way there.  Here’s hoping you see the starlight to navigate you on your journey to that place.  

*Note*  Whenever I post a horoscope like this, I add a disclaimer about how this doesn’t apply to people with certain mental health issues.  Some people struggle with depression, bipolar issues,  schizophrenia, and worse.  They deal with things that I can’t even imagine.  I do have to say though, that many people I know with these problems have also had some horrible trauma in their lives.  A lot of them don’t even recognize the trauma they have been through and the affect it’s had on their lives.  I am not a doctor or a psychiatrist, but to me it seems like some people have been through so much that they just snapped.  I watch them punish themselves and go in circles because they can never come to grips with what happened to them, and for want of a better term, it seems to drive them crazy.  My point is, I think the possibilities exist for most of us that we could all snap under the right circumstances.  We all possess the ability to have our world collapse in turmoil if things got bad enough.  Some of these people could have gone either way, and with love and support they may never have had an issue, but it wasn’t to be.  Our brains are delicate and bizarre organs, and if you think you are under too much pressure, or if there is something in your life that you can’t let go of and haunts you… well, get unhaunted.  Talk to someone; a professional, a friend, a support group on the internet, ask for help,  just do anything so you don’t find yourself in a downward spiral you can’t pull out of.  So many times we feel ashamed and embarrassed for things that aren’t even our fault.  Even the things that are our fault, so what?   Admit to them, and move on.  You will find that everyone has their own shit they’re dealing with and are a lot more understanding than you think they are.  When you carry that shame and guilt and anger inside it does something to you, and never anything good.  The people that truly love you are rooting for you, I am rooting for you, and the stars are too.  

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