Monday, December 5, 2016


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind men of a few things:
You are physically bigger, and therefore very intimidating to women. You need to be aware of that. Most men are not, and they barrel their way through life and cause a lot of anxiety and tension that they are oblivious of.
Being a male, you have a lot of advantages and power in today's society. You might feel like you don't, but trust me, you do. Don't just be content to drift along and be part of the boys club. Part of the effect living in a patriarchal society causes is that women are raised to believe a lot of garbage. They will make all sorts of excuses for men, because that's what they've been taught. As disgusting as it is, a lot of them “know their place”, and if they don't there are more than enough abusive jerks to remind them with put downs and threats. So men need to stop taking the easy way out, and advantage of the fact that most women have been conditioned to take care of these big babies that never learn to take care of themselves, and they should give more than their usual 10%.
You are full of doubt and insecurity. Part of that is society, and leftover evolutionary remnants that make growing up male one long competition, full of beat downs and insults meant to control and dominate you. You should be smart enough to realize what that is and not turn around and use those tactics on women. Many men don't. They have a women that loves them but they never see it because they are still that adolescent, worried about their looks or sports prowess or penis size, so they assume the woman that loves them sees them the same way. So they try to dominate and control her the way the other boys tried to do to them. This is wrong and unacceptable and must be stopped immediately. Not only are you causing irreparable harm to the woman you claim to love, you are destroying your own chance at happiness. The stars couldn't be more adamant in this warning.
The stars implore you to do better. If you had positive male role models in your life, follow their example, not the voice of that arrested development kid in your head.
If you had bad male role models growing up, break the cycle and do better for yourself, and don't pass those traits onto your children. You also have a responsibility to your daughters, to raise them with pride and to expect more out of men.
As in all things, be self aware and see what you are doing to your life and the lives of others. Men have a lot of power in this world, and it is up to them to use it responsibly.

The stars are watching.

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