Tuesday, December 13, 2016


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
Today the stars want to talk to you about hope.  Never give up hope.  That sounds like a simple statement, but it’s not easy maintaining hope.  Hope almost seems like a liability at times.
Hope seems to build up your expectations only to dash them to bits.  To hope sometimes means to be let down.  That’s why it’s called hope, so don’t let that disappoint you.
The stars want to remind you though, that like most things, hope is your responsibility.  When you hope for unreasonable or unattainable things, that is not hope, that is self delusion.  There is such a fine line between a desirable outcome when the odds are against it and simply fooling yourself.
Most of us fool ourselves by clinging to something that is already long gone and blaming hope or fate when it’s our own fault as usual.  There are certainly many things in this world that are out of our control, but many more times we sit and do nothing and blame the world.
And other times still we put all we have into something and plead with the universe that it works out.  Many times it doesn’t, and it is crushing. In many of those instances we knew it was a lost cause, but we still tried so hard against all the voices screaming in our head because we felt we had no choice.  Maybe we didn’t.  
Sometimes you have to just see some things through, even though you know that there is no good outcome.  You drive yourself to the edge and then have to crawl your way back, beaten and fooled by hope once again.
But you knew there was no hope all along.  You went down that hard, desolate road again, even though you knew that.  It is both our downfall and the thing that makes us great, that we have to see for ourselves and get crushed by the burden.
Then there is nothing else to do but hope we can recover and come back from it.
The stars want you to know that this is the point where hope sustains you, feeds you, keeps you going.  Because you are going to make it.  
You know that too.

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