Tuesday, January 3, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want you to remember that when you get discouraged and think everything is going wrong that as long as you can envision a way out, then a way out is possible.
You may not want to travel that hard road. You may not want to have to admit how badly you messed up your life, to yourself or your loved ones. You may not want to start that long, hard climb it takes to turn your life around, but the option is always there.
If you can envision it, then it is possible.
And the world is full of possibilities.
That doesn't just work for your personal life either. If you are discouraged and feel like giving up because the country or the world is heading down the wrong track, don't just throw in the towel.
There is always hope, because hope begins when you can see a better way, a better future. If you can see it, others see it, and we can all work towards that common goal.
Things just don't work out magically. The stars wish that they had that capability, but all they can do is support you and impart their wisdom, and maybe send a comet hurtling across the horizon now and then as a harbinger of change. You have to do all the work.
You always have, and again, that work starts when you envision a better future. That's hope, and that's what makes us human and makes so much of the amazing things we do possible.
The stars are full of hope, and they believe in you, because we are made of star stuff and we are carrying on their legacy.
The stars want you to get to work now, and make them proud. Take that next step. Don't dream it, be it.

And because we often forget or lose track of the score in the hurly burly that is life, they want to remind you that if you really think about it, just how many of your dreams actually do come true, and it's a lot more than you think…

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